Examples of TIntLongMap

Examples of gnu.trove.map.TIntLongMap

    public void testPutAll() {
        int[] keys = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101};
        long[] vals = {1138, 42, 86, 99, 101};

        TIntLongMap raw_map = new TIntLongHashMap();
        for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
            raw_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] * 2 );
        Map<Integer,Long> map = TDecorators.wrap( raw_map );
        assertEquals( keys.length, map.size() );

        TIntLongMap target = new TIntLongHashMap();
        target.put( 1, 2 );
        assertEquals( 1, target.size() );

        target.putAll( map );
        assertEquals( keys.length + 1, target.size() );
        for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
            assertEquals( vals[i] * 2, target.get( keys[i] ) );
        assertEquals( 2, target.get( 1 ) );

        // java.util.Map source
        Map<Integer, Long> java_map = new HashMap<Integer, Long>();
        for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
            java_map.put( keys[i], vals[i] * 2 );

        // fresh TIntLongMap
        target = new TIntLongHashMap();
        target.put( 1, 2 );
        assertEquals( 1, target.size() );

        target.putAll( java_map );
        assertEquals( "map size is incorrect: " + keys.length + ", source: " +
                      java_map + ", target: " + target,
                keys.length + 1, target.size() );
        for ( int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) {
            assertEquals( vals[i] * 2, target.get( keys[i] ) );
        assertEquals( 2, target.get( 1 ) );
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