Thread pools address two different problems: they usually provide improved performance when executing large numbers of asynchronous tasks, due to reduced per-task invocation overhead, and they provide a means of bounding and managing the resources, including threads, consumed when executing a collection of tasks. Each ThreadPoolExecutor also maintains some basic statistics, such as the number of completed tasks.
To be useful across a wide range of contexts, this class provides many adjustable parameters and extensibility hooks. However, programmers are urged to use the more convenient {@link Executors} factory methods {@link Executors#newCachedThreadPool} (unbounded thread pool, withautomatic thread reclamation), {@link Executors#newFixedThreadPool}(fixed size thread pool) and {@link Executors#newSingleThreadExecutor} (single background thread), thatpreconfigure settings for the most common usage scenarios. Otherwise, use the following guide when manually configuring and tuning this class:
If hook or callback methods throw exceptions, internal worker threads may in turn fail and abruptly terminate.
Extension example. Most extensions of this class override one or more of the protected hook methods. For example, here is a subclass that adds a simple pause/resume feature:
class PausableThreadPoolExecutor extends ThreadPoolExecutor { private boolean isPaused; private ReentrantLock pauseLock = new ReentrantLock(); private Condition unpaused = pauseLock.newCondition(); public PausableThreadPoolExecutor(...) { super(...); } protected void beforeExecute(Thread t, Runnable r) { super.beforeExecute(t, r); pauseLock.lock(); try { while (isPaused) unpaused.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { t.interrupt(); } finally { pauseLock.unlock(); } } public void pause() { pauseLock.lock(); try { isPaused = true; } finally { pauseLock.unlock(); } } public void resume() { pauseLock.lock(); try { isPaused = false; unpaused.signalAll(); } finally { pauseLock.unlock(); } } }@since 1.5 @author Doug Lea
Thread pools address two different problems: they usually provide improved performance when executing large numbers of asynchronous tasks, due to reduced per-task invocation overhead, and they provide a means of bounding and managing the resources, including threads, consumed when executing a collection of tasks. Each ThreadPoolExecutor also maintains some basic statistics, such as the number of completed tasks.
To be useful across a wide range of contexts, this class provides many adjustable parameters and extensibility hooks. However, programmers are urged to use the more convenient {@link Executors} factory methods {@link Executors#newCachedThreadPool} (unbounded thread pool, withautomatic thread reclamation), {@link Executors#newFixedThreadPool}(fixed size thread pool) and {@link Executors#newSingleThreadExecutor} (single background thread), thatpreconfigure settings for the most common usage scenarios. Otherwise, use the following guide when manually configuring and tuning this class:
If hook or callback methods throw exceptions, internal worker threads may in turn fail and abruptly terminate.
Extension example. Most extensions of this class override one or more of the protected hook methods. For example, here is a subclass that adds a simple pause/resume feature:
class PausableThreadPoolExecutor extends ThreadPoolExecutor { private boolean isPaused; private ReentrantLock pauseLock = new ReentrantLock(); private Condition unpaused = pauseLock.newCondition(); public PausableThreadPoolExecutor(...) { super(...); } protected void beforeExecute(Thread t, Runnable r) { super.beforeExecute(t, r); pauseLock.lock(); try { while (isPaused) unpaused.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { t.interrupt(); } finally { pauseLock.unlock(); } } public void pause() { pauseLock.lock(); try { isPaused = true; } finally { pauseLock.unlock(); } } public void resume() { pauseLock.lock(); try { isPaused = false; unpaused.signalAll(); } finally { pauseLock.unlock(); } } }@since 1.5 @author Doug Lea