Map pages = new TreeMap();
// first get the pages from the db
try {
ThemeTemplate template = null;
UserManager userMgr = WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getUserManager();
Iterator dbPages = userMgr.getPages(this.weblog).iterator();
while(dbPages.hasNext()) {
template = (ThemeTemplate);
pages.put(template.getName(), template);
} catch(Exception e) {
// db error
// now get theme pages if needed and put them in place of db pages
try {
ThemeTemplate template = null;
Iterator themePages = this.theme.getTemplates().iterator();
while(themePages.hasNext()) {
template = (ThemeTemplate);
// note that this will put theme pages over custom
// pages in the pages list, which is what we want
pages.put(template.getName(), template);
} catch(Exception e) {
// how??