log.info("initial update requested with no real initial data for '" + SpecificDefault.toString(slaveSessionNames) + "' and for replication '" + this.replPrefix + "'");
// send the message for the status change
if (initialFilesLocation != null) {
// then we save it in a file but we must tell it is finished now
TextMessage endMsg = session.createTextMessage();
endMsg.setText("INITIAL UPDATE WILL BE STORED UNDER '" + initialFilesLocation + "'");
endMsg.setBooleanProperty(INITIAL_DATA_END, true);
endMsg.setStringProperty(INITIAL_DATA_ID, dumpId);
endMsg.setStringProperty(INITIAL_FILES_LOCATION, initialFilesLocation);
endMsg = session.createTextMessage();
endMsg.setText("INITIAL UPDATE WILL BE STORED UNDER '" + initialFilesLocation + "' (going to remote)");
endMsg.setBooleanProperty(INITIAL_DATA_END_TO_REMOTE, true);
endMsg.setStringProperty(INITIAL_DATA_ID, dumpId);
endMsg.setStringProperty(INITIAL_FILES_LOCATION, initialFilesLocation);
sendInitialDataResponseOnly(slaveSessionNames, replManagerAddress, minKey, maxKey);
if (replSourceEngine != null)
replSourceEngine.sendEndOfTransitionMessage(info, session, initialFilesLocation, shortFilename, dumpId, producer);