Examples of TaskAttemptState

Examples of org.apache.tajo.TajoProtos.TaskAttemptState

      LOG.debug("Processing " + event.getTaskAttemptId() + " of type "
          + event.getType());
    try {
      TaskAttemptState oldState = getState();
      try {
        stateMachine.doTransition(event.getType(), event);
      } catch (InvalidStateTransitonException e) {
        LOG.error("Can't handle this event at current state of "
            + event.getTaskAttemptId() + ")", e);
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Examples of org.apache.tajo.TajoProtos.TaskAttemptState

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("Processing " + event.getTaskAttemptId() + " of type " + event.getType());
    try {
      TaskAttemptState oldState = getState();
      try {
        stateMachine.doTransition(event.getType(), event);
      } catch (InvalidStateTransitonException e) {
        LOG.error("Can't handle this event at current state of " + event.getTaskAttemptId() + ")", e);
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Examples of org.apache.tez.dag.api.oldrecords.TaskAttemptState

              + ", more completions than starts encountered"
              + ", taskId=" + taskId
              + ", finishedAttempts=" + finishedAttempts
              + ", incompleteAttempts=" + numberUncompletedAttempts);
        TaskAttemptState taskAttemptState = taskAttempt.restoreFromEvent(
        if (taskAttemptState.equals(TaskAttemptState.SUCCEEDED)) {
          recoveredState = TaskState.SUCCEEDED;
          successfulAttempt = taskAttempt.getID();
        } else if (taskAttemptState.equals(TaskAttemptState.FAILED)){
        return recoveredState;
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Examples of org.apache.tez.dag.api.oldrecords.TaskAttemptState

        if (ta == null) {
          throw new TezUncheckedException("Unknown task for commit: " + taskAttemptID);
        // Its ok to get a non-locked state snapshot since we handle changes of
        // state in the task attempt. Dont want to deadlock here.
        TaskAttemptState taState = ta.getStateNoLock();
        if (taState == TaskAttemptState.RUNNING) {
          commitAttempt = taskAttemptID;
          LOG.info(taskAttemptID + " given a go for committing the task output.");
          return true;
        } else {
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Examples of org.apache.tez.dag.api.oldrecords.TaskAttemptState

        if (ta == null) {
          throw new TezUncheckedException("Unknown task for commit: " + taskAttemptID);
        // Its ok to get a non-locked state snapshot since we handle changes of
        // state in the task attempt. Dont want to deadlock here.
        TaskAttemptState taState = ta.getStateNoLock();
        if (taState == TaskAttemptState.RUNNING) {
          commitAttempt = taskAttemptID;
          LOG.info(taskAttemptID + " given a go for committing the task output.");
          return true;
        } else {
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Examples of org.apache.tez.dag.api.oldrecords.TaskAttemptState

        if (ta == null) {
          throw new TezUncheckedException("Unknown task for commit: " + taskAttemptID);
        // Its ok to get a non-locked state snapshot since we handle changes of
        // state in the task attempt. Dont want to deadlock here.
        TaskAttemptState taState = ta.getStateNoLock();
        if (taState == TaskAttemptState.RUNNING) {
          commitAttempt = taskAttemptID;
          LOG.info(taskAttemptID + " given a go for committing the task output.");
          return true;
        } else {
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Examples of org.apache.tez.dag.api.oldrecords.TaskAttemptState

        if (taskAttempt == null) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Could not find task attempt"
              + " when trying to recover"
              + ", taskAttemptId=" + taskAttemptFinishedEvent.getTaskAttemptID());
        TaskAttemptState taskAttemptState = taskAttempt.restoreFromEvent(
        if (taskAttemptState.equals(TaskAttemptState.SUCCEEDED)) {
          recoveredState = TaskState.SUCCEEDED;
          successfulAttempt = taskAttempt.getID();
        return recoveredState;
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Examples of org.apache.tez.dag.api.oldrecords.TaskAttemptState

        if (ta == null) {
          throw new TezUncheckedException("Unknown task for commit: " + taskAttemptID);
        // Its ok to get a non-locked state snapshot since we handle changes of
        // state in the task attempt. Dont want to deadlock here.
        TaskAttemptState taState = ta.getStateNoLock();
        if (taState == TaskAttemptState.RUNNING) {
          commitAttempt = taskAttemptID;
          LOG.info(taskAttemptID + " given a go for committing the task output.");
          return true;
        } else {
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Examples of org.apache.tez.dag.api.oldrecords.TaskAttemptState

              + ", more completions than starts encountered"
              + ", taskId=" + taskId
              + ", finishedAttempts=" + finishedAttempts
              + ", incompleteAttempts=" + numberUncompletedAttempts);
        TaskAttemptState taskAttemptState = taskAttempt.restoreFromEvent(
        if (taskAttemptState.equals(TaskAttemptState.SUCCEEDED)) {
          recoveredState = TaskState.SUCCEEDED;
          successfulAttempt = taskAttempt.getID();
        return recoveredState;
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Examples of org.apache.tez.dag.api.oldrecords.TaskAttemptState

        if (ta == null) {
          throw new TezUncheckedException("Unknown task for commit: " + taskAttemptID);
        // Its ok to get a non-locked state snapshot since we handle changes of
        // state in the task attempt. Dont want to deadlock here.
        TaskAttemptState taState = ta.getStateNoLock();
        if (taState == TaskAttemptState.RUNNING) {
          commitAttempt = taskAttemptID;
          LOG.info(taskAttemptID + " given a go for committing the task output.");
          return true;
        } else {
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