* @see railo.transformer.cfml.evaluator.Evaluator#execute(railo.runtime.config.Config, org.w3c.dom.Element, railo.transformer.library.tag.TagLibTag, railo.transformer.library.function.FunctionLib[], railo.transformer.util.CFMLString)
public TagLib execute(Config config,Tag tag, TagLibTag libTag, FunctionLib[] flibs,Data data) throws TemplateException {
TagImport ti=(TagImport) tag;
Attribute p = tag.getAttribute("prefix");
Attribute t = tag.getAttribute("taglib");
Attribute path = tag.getAttribute("path");
if(p!=null || t!=null){
throw new TemplateException(data.cfml,"Wrong Context, missing attribute [prefix] for tag "+tag.getFullname());
throw new TemplateException(data.cfml,"Wrong Context, missing attribute [taglib] for tag "+tag.getFullname());
throw new TemplateException(data.cfml,"Wrong context, you have an invalid attributes constellation for the tag "+tag.getFullname()+", " +
"you cannot mix attribute [path] with attributes [taglib] and [prefix]");
return executePT(config, tag, libTag, flibs, data.cfml);
if(path==null) throw new TemplateException(data.cfml,"Wrong context, you have an invalid attributes constellation for the tag "+tag.getFullname()+", " +
"you need to define the attributes [prefix] and [taglib], the attribute [path] or simply define a attribute value");
String strPath=ASMUtil.getAttributeString(tag,"path",null);
if(strPath==null) throw new TemplateException(data.cfml,"attribute [path] must be a constant value");
return null;