ranges.add(new Range());
// get the metadata information for these ranges
Map<String,Map<KeyExtent,List<Range>>> binnedRanges = new HashMap<String,Map<KeyExtent,List<Range>>>();
TabletLocator tl;
try {
if (isOfflineScan(job.getConfiguration())) {
binnedRanges = binOfflineTable(job, tableName, ranges);
while (binnedRanges == null) {
// Some tablets were still online, try again
UtilWaitThread.sleep(100 + (int) (Math.random() * 100)); // sleep randomly between 100 and 200 ms
binnedRanges = binOfflineTable(job, tableName, ranges);
} else {
Instance instance = getInstance(job.getConfiguration());
String tableId = null;
tl = getTabletLocator(job.getConfiguration());
// its possible that the cache could contain complete, but old information about a tables tablets... so clear it
while (!tl.binRanges(ranges, binnedRanges).isEmpty()) {
if (!(instance instanceof MockInstance)) {
if (tableId == null)
tableId = Tables.getTableId(instance, tableName);
if (!Tables.exists(instance, tableId))
throw new TableDeletedException(tableId);
if (Tables.getTableState(instance, tableId) == TableState.OFFLINE)
throw new TableOfflineException(instance, tableId);
log.warn("Unable to locate bins for specified ranges. Retrying.");
UtilWaitThread.sleep(100 + (int) (Math.random() * 100)); // sleep randomly between 100 and 200 ms
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e);