Examples of TableRef

Examples of com.salesforce.phoenix.schema.TableRef

      private PTableWrapper table;
      private List<TableRef> tableRefs;
      private JoinedTableColumnResolver(PTableWrapper table) {
        this.table = table;
        TableRef tableRef = new TableRef(null, table.getTable(), 0, false);
        this.tableRefs = ImmutableList.of(tableRef);
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef


    public Expression visit(ColumnParseNode node) throws SQLException {
        ColumnRef ref = resolveColumn(node);
        TableRef tableRef = ref.getTableRef();
        ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = context.getTempPtr();
        PColumn column = ref.getColumn();
        // If we have an UPDATABLE view, then we compile those view constants (i.e. columns in equality constraints
        // in the view) to constants. This allows the optimize to optimize out reference to them in various scenarios.
        // If the column is matched in a WHERE clause against a constant not equal to it's constant, then the entire
        // query would become degenerate.
        if (!resolveViewConstants && IndexUtil.getViewConstantValue(column, ptr)) {
            return LiteralExpression.newConstant(column.getDataType().toObject(ptr), column.getDataType());
        if (tableRef.equals(context.getCurrentTable()) && !SchemaUtil.isPKColumn(column)) { // project only kv columns
            context.getScan().addColumn(column.getFamilyName().getBytes(), column.getName().getBytes());
        Expression expression = ref.newColumnExpression();
        Expression wrappedExpression = wrapGroupByExpression(expression);
        // If we're in an aggregate expression
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef

        Long scn = connection.getSCN();
        PName tenantId = connection.getTenantId();
        MetaDataClient client = new MetaDataClient(connection);
        long[] timeStamps = new long[this.mutations.size()];
        for (Map.Entry<TableRef, Map<ImmutableBytesPtr,Map<PColumn,byte[]>>> entry : mutations.entrySet()) {
            TableRef tableRef = entry.getKey();
            long serverTimeStamp = tableRef.getTimeStamp();
            PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
            // If we're auto committing, we've already validated the schema when we got the ColumnResolver,
            // so no need to do it again here.
            if (!connection.getAutoCommit()) {
                MetaDataMutationResult result = client.updateCache(table.getSchemaName().getString(), table.getTableName().getString());
                long timestamp = result.getMutationTime();
                if (timestamp != QueryConstants.UNSET_TIMESTAMP) {
                    serverTimeStamp = timestamp;
                    if (result.wasUpdated()) {
                        // TODO: use bitset?
                        table = connection.getMetaDataCache().getTable(new PTableKey(tenantId, table.getName().getString()));
                        PColumn[] columns = new PColumn[table.getColumns().size()];
                        for (Map.Entry<ImmutableBytesPtr,Map<PColumn,byte[]>> rowEntry : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
                            Map<PColumn,byte[]> valueEntry = rowEntry.getValue();
                            if (valueEntry != PRow.DELETE_MARKER) {
                                for (PColumn column : valueEntry.keySet()) {
                                    columns[column.getPosition()] = column;
                        for (PColumn column : columns) {
                            if (column != null) {
            timeStamps[i++] = scn == null ? serverTimeStamp == QueryConstants.UNSET_TIMESTAMP ? HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP : serverTimeStamp : scn;
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef

        Iterator<Map.Entry<TableRef, Map<ImmutableBytesPtr,Map<PColumn,byte[]>>>> iterator = this.mutations.entrySet().iterator();
        List<Map.Entry<TableRef, Map<ImmutableBytesPtr,Map<PColumn,byte[]>>>> committedList = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(this.mutations.size());
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<TableRef, Map<ImmutableBytesPtr,Map<PColumn,byte[]>>> entry = iterator.next();
            Map<ImmutableBytesPtr,Map<PColumn,byte[]>> valuesMap = entry.getValue();
            TableRef tableRef = entry.getKey();
            PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
            boolean hasIndexMaintainers = tempPtr.getLength() > 0;
            boolean isDataTable = true;
            long serverTimestamp = serverTimeStamps[i++];
            Iterator<Pair<byte[],List<Mutation>>> mutationsIterator = addRowMutations(tableRef, valuesMap, serverTimestamp, false);
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef

        List<AliasedNode> aliasedNodes = statement.getSelect();
        // Setup projected columns in Scan
        SelectClauseVisitor selectVisitor = new SelectClauseVisitor(context, groupBy, arrayKVRefs, arrayKVFuncs, statement);
        List<ExpressionProjector> projectedColumns = new ArrayList<ExpressionProjector>();
        ColumnResolver resolver = context.getResolver();
        TableRef tableRef = context.getCurrentTable();
        PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
        boolean isWildcard = false;
        Scan scan = context.getScan();
        int index = 0;
        List<Expression> projectedExpressions = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(aliasedNodes.size());
        List<byte[]> projectedFamilies = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(aliasedNodes.size());
        for (AliasedNode aliasedNode : aliasedNodes) {
            ParseNode node = aliasedNode.getNode();
            // TODO: visitor?
            if (node instanceof WildcardParseNode) {
                if (statement.isAggregate()) {
                isWildcard = true;
                if (tableRef.getTable().getType() == PTableType.INDEX && ((WildcardParseNode)node).isRewrite()) {
                  projectAllIndexColumns(context, tableRef, false, projectedExpressions, projectedColumns, targetColumns);
                } else {
                    projectAllTableColumns(context, tableRef, false, projectedExpressions, projectedColumns, targetColumns);
            } else if (node instanceof TableWildcardParseNode) {
                TableName tName = ((TableWildcardParseNode) node).getTableName();
                TableRef tRef = resolver.resolveTable(tName.getSchemaName(), tName.getTableName());
                if (tRef.equals(tableRef)) {
                    isWildcard = true;
                if (tRef.getTable().getType() == PTableType.INDEX && ((TableWildcardParseNode)node).isRewrite()) {
                    projectAllIndexColumns(context, tRef, true, projectedExpressions, projectedColumns, targetColumns);
                } else {
                    projectAllTableColumns(context, tRef, true, projectedExpressions, projectedColumns, targetColumns);
            } else if (node instanceof  FamilyWildcardParseNode){
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef

        props.setProperty(PhoenixRuntime.CURRENT_SCN_ATTRIB, Long.toString(HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP));
        PhoenixConnection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(PHOENIX_CONNECTIONLESS_JDBC_URL, props).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
        try {
            PTable table = conn.getMetaDataCache().getTable(new PTableKey(null, ATABLE_NAME));
            ATABLE = table;
            ORGANIZATION_ID = new ColumnRef(new TableRef(table), table.getColumn("ORGANIZATION_ID").getPosition()).newColumnExpression();
            ENTITY_ID = new ColumnRef(new TableRef(table), table.getColumn("ENTITY_ID").getPosition()).newColumnExpression();
            A_INTEGER = new ColumnRef(new TableRef(table), table.getColumn("A_INTEGER").getPosition()).newColumnExpression();
            A_STRING = new ColumnRef(new TableRef(table), table.getColumn("A_STRING").getPosition()).newColumnExpression();
            B_STRING = new ColumnRef(new TableRef(table), table.getColumn("B_STRING").getPosition()).newColumnExpression();
            A_DATE = new ColumnRef(new TableRef(table), table.getColumn("A_DATE").getPosition()).newColumnExpression();
            A_TIME = new ColumnRef(new TableRef(table), table.getColumn("A_TIME").getPosition()).newColumnExpression();
            A_TIMESTAMP = new ColumnRef(new TableRef(table), table.getColumn("A_TIMESTAMP").getPosition()).newColumnExpression();
            X_DECIMAL = new ColumnRef(new TableRef(table), table.getColumn("X_DECIMAL").getPosition()).newColumnExpression();
        } finally {
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef

        context.getScan().setAttribute(BaseScannerRegionObserver.NON_AGGREGATE_QUERY, QueryConstants.TRUE);
        if (OrderBy.REV_ROW_KEY_ORDER_BY.equals(orderBy)) {
        ResultIterator scanner;
        TableRef tableRef = this.getTableRef();
        PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
        boolean isSalted = table.getBucketNum() != null;
        /* If no limit or topN, use parallel iterator so that we get results faster. Otherwise, if
         * limit is provided, run query serially.
        boolean isOrdered = !orderBy.getOrderByExpressions().isEmpty();
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef

        ParseNode whereNode = create.getWhereClause();
        String viewStatementToBe = null;
        byte[][] viewColumnConstantsToBe = null;
        BitSet isViewColumnReferencedToBe = null;
        if (type == PTableType.VIEW) {
            TableRef tableRef = resolver.getTables().get(0);
            int nColumns = tableRef.getTable().getColumns().size();
            isViewColumnReferencedToBe = new BitSet(nColumns);
            // Used to track column references in a view
            ExpressionCompiler expressionCompiler = new ColumnTrackingExpressionCompiler(context, isViewColumnReferencedToBe);
            parentToBe = tableRef.getTable();
            viewTypeToBe = parentToBe.getViewType() == ViewType.MAPPED ? ViewType.MAPPED : ViewType.UPDATABLE;
            if (whereNode == null) {
                viewStatementToBe = parentToBe.getViewStatement();
            } else {
                whereNode = StatementNormalizer.normalize(whereNode, resolver);
                if (whereNode.isStateless()) {
                    throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.VIEW_WHERE_IS_CONSTANT)
                // If our parent has a VIEW statement, combine it with this one
                if (parentToBe.getViewStatement() != null) {
                    SelectStatement select = new SQLParser(parentToBe.getViewStatement()).parseQuery().combine(whereNode);
                    whereNode = select.getWhere();
                Expression where = whereNode.accept(expressionCompiler);
                if (where != null && !LiteralExpression.isTrue(where)) {
                    TableName baseTableName = create.getBaseTableName();
                    String schemaName = baseTableName.getSchemaName();
                    // Only form we currently support for VIEWs: SELECT * FROM t WHERE ...
                    viewStatementToBe = SELECT + " " + WildcardParseNode.NAME + " " + FROM + " " +
                            (schemaName == null ? "" : "\"" + schemaName + "\".") +
                            ("\"" + baseTableName.getTableName() + "\" ") +
                            (WHERE + " " + where.toString());
                if (viewTypeToBe != ViewType.MAPPED) {
                    Long scn = connection.getSCN();
                    connectionToBe = scn != null ? connection :
                        // If we haved no SCN on our connection, freeze the SCN at when
                        // the base table was resolved to prevent any race condition on
                        // the error checking we do for the base table. The only potential
                        // issue is if the base table lives on a different region server
                        // than the new table will, then we're relying here on the system
                        // clocks being in sync.
                        new PhoenixConnection(
                            // When the new table is created, we still want to cache it
                            // on our connection.
                            new DelegateConnectionQueryServices(connection.getQueryServices()) {
                                public PMetaData addTable(PTable table) throws SQLException {
                                    return connection.addTable(table);
                            connection, tableRef.getTimeStamp());
                    viewColumnConstantsToBe = new byte[nColumns][];
                    ViewWhereExpressionVisitor visitor = new ViewWhereExpressionVisitor(parentToBe, viewColumnConstantsToBe);
                    // If view is not updatable, viewColumnConstants should be empty. We will still
                    // inherit our parent viewConstants, but we have no additional ones.
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef

     * @throws IllegalStateException if hashed table cannot be removed on any region server on which it was added
    private void removeServerCache(byte[] cacheId, Set<HRegionLocation> servers) throws SQLException {
      ConnectionQueryServices services = connection.getQueryServices();
      Throwable lastThrowable = null;
      TableRef cacheUsingTableRef = cacheUsingTableRefMap.get(Bytes.mapKey(cacheId));
      byte[] tableName = cacheUsingTableRef.getTable().getPhysicalName().getBytes();
      HTableInterface iterateOverTable = services.getTable(tableName);
      try {
        List<HRegionLocation> locations = services.getAllTableRegions(tableName);
        Set<HRegionLocation> remainingOnServers = new HashSet<HRegionLocation>(servers);
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Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef

        QueryPlan planToBe = null;
        NamedTableNode tableNode = delete.getTable();
        String tableName = tableNode.getName().getTableName();
        String schemaName = tableNode.getName().getSchemaName();
        boolean retryOnce = !isAutoCommit;
        TableRef tableRefToBe;
        boolean noQueryReqd = false;
        boolean runOnServer = false;
        SelectStatement select = null;
        DeletingParallelIteratorFactory parallelIteratorFactory = null;
        while (true) {
            try {
                ColumnResolver resolver = FromCompiler.getResolverForMutation(delete, connection);
                tableRefToBe = resolver.getTables().get(0);
                PTable table = tableRefToBe.getTable();
                if (table.getType() == PTableType.VIEW && table.getViewType().isReadOnly()) {
                    throw new ReadOnlyTableException(table.getSchemaName().getString(),table.getTableName().getString());
                noQueryReqd = !hasLimit && !hasImmutableIndex(tableRefToBe);
                runOnServer = isAutoCommit && noQueryReqd;
                HintNode hint = delete.getHint();
                if (runOnServer && !delete.getHint().hasHint(Hint.USE_INDEX_OVER_DATA_TABLE)) {
                    hint = HintNode.create(hint, Hint.USE_DATA_OVER_INDEX_TABLE);
                List<AliasedNode> aliasedNodes = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(table.getPKColumns().size());
                boolean isSalted = table.getBucketNum() != null;
                boolean isMultiTenant = connection.getTenantId() != null && table.isMultiTenant();
                boolean isSharedViewIndex = table.getViewIndexId() != null;
                for (int i = (isSalted ? 1 : 0) + (isMultiTenant ? 1 : 0) + (isSharedViewIndex ? 1 : 0); i < table.getPKColumns().size(); i++) {
                    PColumn column = table.getPKColumns().get(i);
                    aliasedNodes.add(FACTORY.aliasedNode(null, FACTORY.column(null, '"' + column.getName().getString() + '"', null)));
                select = FACTORY.select(
                        hint, false, aliasedNodes, delete.getWhere(),
                        Collections.<ParseNode>emptyList(), null,
                        delete.getOrderBy(), delete.getLimit(),
                        delete.getBindCount(), false, false);
                select = StatementNormalizer.normalize(select, resolver);
                parallelIteratorFactory = hasLimit ? null : new DeletingParallelIteratorFactory(connection, tableRefToBe);
                planToBe = new QueryOptimizer(services).optimize(statement, select, resolver, Collections.<PColumn>emptyList(), parallelIteratorFactory);
            } catch (MetaDataEntityNotFoundException e) {
                // Catch column/column family not found exception, as our meta data may
                // be out of sync. Update the cache once and retry if we were out of sync.
                // Otherwise throw, as we'll just get the same error next time.
                if (retryOnce) {
                    retryOnce = false;
                    MetaDataMutationResult result = new MetaDataClient(connection).updateCache(schemaName, tableName);
                    if (result.wasUpdated()) {
                throw e;
        final TableRef tableRef = tableRefToBe;
        final QueryPlan plan = planToBe;
        if (!plan.getTableRef().equals(tableRef)) {
            runOnServer = false;
            noQueryReqd = false;
        final int maxSize = services.getProps().getInt(QueryServices.MAX_MUTATION_SIZE_ATTRIB,QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_MUTATION_SIZE);
        if (hasImmutableIndexWithKeyValueColumns(tableRef)) {
            throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.NO_DELETE_IF_IMMUTABLE_INDEX).setSchemaName(tableRef.getTable().getSchemaName().getString())
        final StatementContext context = plan.getContext();
        // If we're doing a query for a set of rows with no where clause, then we don't need to contact the server at all.
        // A simple check of the none existence of a where clause in the parse node is not sufficient, as the where clause
        // may have been optimized out. Instead, we check that there's a single SkipScanFilter
        if (noQueryReqd
                && (!context.getScan().hasFilter()
                    || context.getScan().getFilter() instanceof SkipScanFilter)
                && context.getScanRanges().isPointLookup()) {
            return new MutationPlan() {

                public ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() {
                    return context.getBindManager().getParameterMetaData();

                public MutationState execute() {
                    // We have a point lookup, so we know we have a simple set of fully qualified
                    // keys for our ranges
                    ScanRanges ranges = context.getScanRanges();
                    Iterator<KeyRange> iterator = ranges.getPointLookupKeyIterator();
                    Map<ImmutableBytesPtr,Map<PColumn,byte[]>> mutation = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(ranges.getPointLookupCount());
                    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        mutation.put(new ImmutableBytesPtr(iterator.next().getLowerRange()), PRow.DELETE_MARKER);
                    return new MutationState(tableRef, mutation, 0, maxSize, connection);

                public ExplainPlan getExplainPlan() throws SQLException {
                    return new ExplainPlan(Collections.singletonList("DELETE SINGLE ROW"));

                public PhoenixConnection getConnection() {
                    return connection;

                public StatementContext getContext() {
                    return context;
        } else if (runOnServer) {
            // TODO: better abstraction
            Scan scan = context.getScan();
            scan.setAttribute(BaseScannerRegionObserver.DELETE_AGG, QueryConstants.TRUE);

            // Build an ungrouped aggregate query: select COUNT(*) from <table> where <where>
            // The coprocessor will delete each row returned from the scan
            // Ignoring ORDER BY, since with auto commit on and no limit makes no difference
            SelectStatement aggSelect = SelectStatement.create(SelectStatement.COUNT_ONE, delete.getHint());
            final RowProjector projector = ProjectionCompiler.compile(context, aggSelect, GroupBy.EMPTY_GROUP_BY);
            final QueryPlan aggPlan = new AggregatePlan(context, select, tableRef, projector, null, OrderBy.EMPTY_ORDER_BY, null, GroupBy.EMPTY_GROUP_BY, null);
            return new MutationPlan() {

                public PhoenixConnection getConnection() {
                    return connection;

                public ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() {
                    return context.getBindManager().getParameterMetaData();

                public StatementContext getContext() {
                    return context;

                public MutationState execute() throws SQLException {
                    // TODO: share this block of code with UPSERT SELECT
                    ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = context.getTempPtr();
                    ServerCache cache = null;
                    try {
                        if (ptr.getLength() > 0) {
                            IndexMetaDataCacheClient client = new IndexMetaDataCacheClient(connection, tableRef);
                            cache = client.addIndexMetadataCache(context.getScanRanges(), ptr);
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