//read status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
int count = http_read_line(input, 0);
String status = new String(_buffer, 0, count).toLowerCase();
if(!status.startsWith("http/1.1") && !status.startsWith("http/1.0"))
throw new SystemException("HTTP response error");
if(status.indexOf("200") == -1 || status.indexOf("ok") == -1)
throw new SystemException("HTTP response error");
//skip headers and read content length
boolean cLenRead = false;
int clen = 0;
while( (count = http_read_line(input, 0)) != 0)
if( (_buffer[0] == 'c' || _buffer[0] == 'C'))
String str = new String(_buffer, 0, count).toLowerCase();
str = str.substring(15).trim();
clen = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(str);
catch(Exception e)
throw new SystemException(e.toString());
cLenRead = true;
throw new SystemException("HTTP Post: Missing Content-Length");
//now read the iiop stream
GiopMessage gm = receive_message(input, url, false);