Entry remoteEntry = syncResult.getEntry();
Control ctrl = syncResult.getControl( SyncStateValueControl.CONTROL_OID );
SyncStateValueControl syncStateCtrl = new SyncStateValueControl();
syncStateCtrl = ( SyncStateValueControl ) syncStateControlDecoder.decode( ctrl.getValue(), syncStateCtrl );
catch ( Exception e )
LOG.error( "Failed to decode syncStateControl", e );
if ( syncStateCtrl.getCookie() != null )
syncCookie = syncStateCtrl.getCookie();
LOG.debug( "assigning the cookie from sync state value control: "
+ StringTools.utf8ToString( syncCookie ) );
SyncStateTypeEnum state = syncStateCtrl.getSyncStateType();
LOG.debug( "state name {}", );
// check to avoid conversion of UUID from byte[] to String
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "entryUUID = {}", StringTools.uuidToString( syncStateCtrl.getEntryUUID() ) );
switch ( state )
case ADD: