Examples of SyncModifyDn

Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.extras.controls.SyncModifyDn

                  'o','u','=','d','c'         //     newSuperiorDn LDAPDN
            } );

        SyncModifyDnDecorator decorator = new SyncModifyDnDecorator( codec );
        SyncModifyDn syncmodDnControl = (SyncModifyDn)decorator.decode( bb.array() );

        assertEquals( "uid=jim", syncmodDnControl.getEntryDn() );
        assertEquals( "ou=dc", syncmodDnControl.getNewSuperiorDn() );
        assertFalse( syncmodDnControl.isDeleteOldRdn() );

        // Check the encoding
            ByteBuffer encoded = ((SyncModifyDnDecorator)syncmodDnControl).encode( ByteBuffer.allocate( ((SyncModifyDnDecorator)syncmodDnControl).computeLength() ) );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.extras.controls.SyncModifyDn

            } );

        SyncModifyDnDecorator decorator = new SyncModifyDnDecorator( codec );
        SyncModifyDn syncmodDnControl = (SyncModifyDn)decorator.decode( bb.array() );

        assertEquals( "uid=jim", syncmodDnControl.getEntryDn() );
        assertEquals( "uid=j", syncmodDnControl.getNewRdn() );
        assertTrue( syncmodDnControl.isDeleteOldRdn() );

        // Check the encoding
            ByteBuffer encoded = ((SyncModifyDnDecorator)syncmodDnControl).encode( ByteBuffer.allocate( ((SyncModifyDnDecorator)syncmodDnControl).computeLength() ) );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.extras.controls.SyncModifyDn

                  0x01, 0x01, ( byte ) 0xFF                       //     deleteOldRdn
            } );

        SyncModifyDnDecorator decorator = new SyncModifyDnDecorator( codec );
        SyncModifyDn syncmodDnControl = (SyncModifyDn)decorator.decode( bb.array() );

        assertEquals( "uid=jim", syncmodDnControl.getEntryDn() );
        assertEquals( "ou=dc", syncmodDnControl.getNewSuperiorDn() );
        assertEquals( "uid=j", syncmodDnControl.getNewRdn() );
        assertTrue( syncmodDnControl.isDeleteOldRdn() );

        // Check the encoding
            ByteBuffer encoded = ((SyncModifyDnDecorator)syncmodDnControl).encode( ByteBuffer.allocate( ((SyncModifyDnDecorator)syncmodDnControl).computeLength() ) );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.extras.controls.SyncModifyDn

        ReplicaEventMessage replicaEventMessage = (ReplicaEventMessage)object;
        Entry entry = replicaEventMessage.getEntry();
        ChangeType changeType = replicaEventMessage.getChangeType();
        SyncModifyDn modDnControl = replicaEventMessage.getModDnControl();
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream( baos );

        // The entry DN
        entry.getDn().writeExternal( out );
        // The entry
        byte[] data = entrySerializer.serialize( entry );

        // Entry's length
        out.writeInt( data.length );
        // Entry's data
        out.write( data );

        // The change type
        out.writeByte( changeType.getValue() );
        // The moddn control if any (only if it's a MODDN operation)
        if ( changeType == ChangeType.MODDN )
            SyncModifyDnType modDnType = modDnControl.getModDnType();
            out.writeByte( modDnType.getValue() );

            switch ( modDnType )
                case MOVE:
                    out.writeUTF( modDnControl.getNewSuperiorDn() );
                case MOVE_AND_RENAME:
                    out.writeUTF( modDnControl.getNewSuperiorDn() );
                    // Fall through

                case RENAME:
                    out.writeUTF( modDnControl.getNewRdn() );
                    out.writeBoolean( modDnControl.isDeleteOldRdn() );

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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.extras.controls.SyncModifyDn

            if ( changeType == ChangeType.MODDN )
                type = in.readByte();
                SyncModifyDnType modDnType = SyncModifyDnType.getModifyDnType( type );
                SyncModifyDn modDnControl = new SyncModifyDnDecorator( codec );
                modDnControl.setModDnType( modDnType );
                switch ( modDnType )
                    case MOVE :
                        modDnControl.setNewSuperiorDn( in.readUTF() );

                    case MOVE_AND_RENAME :
                        modDnControl.setNewSuperiorDn( in.readUTF() );
                        // Fallthrough

                    case RENAME :
                        modDnControl.setNewRdn( in.readUTF() );
                        modDnControl.setDeleteOldRdn( in.readBoolean() );
                // And create a ReplicaEventMessage
                replicaEventMessage = new ReplicaEventMessage( modDnControl, entry );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.extras.controls.SyncModifyDn

                    LOG.debug( "modifying entry with dn {}", remoteEntry.getDn().getName() );
                    modify( remoteEntry );

                case MODDN:
                    SyncModifyDn adsModDnControl = ( SyncModifyDn ) syncResult.getControls().get( SyncModifyDn.OID );
                    //Apache Directory Server's special control
                    applyModDnOperation( adsModDnControl );

                case DELETE:
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.extras.controls.SyncModifyDn

                    //System.out.println( "C: MODIFY " + remoteEntry.getDn() );
                    modify( remoteEntry );

                case MODDN:
                    SyncModifyDn adsModDnControl = ( SyncModifyDn ) syncResult.getControls().get( SyncModifyDn.OID );
                    //System.out.println( "C: MODDN " + adsModDnControl.getModDnType() + ", " + adsModDnControl.getEntryDn()
                    //    + ", " + adsModDnControl.getNewSuperiorDn() + ", " + adsModDnControl.getNewRdn() );
                    //Apache Directory Server's special control
                    applyModDnOperation( adsModDnControl );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.extras.controls.SyncModifyDn

                sendDeletedEntry( entry );

            SyncModifyDn modDnControl =
                new SyncModifyDnDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), SyncModifyDnType.MOVE );
            modDnControl.setEntryDn( moveContext.getDn().getNormName() );
            modDnControl.setNewSuperiorDn( moveContext.getNewSuperior().getNormName() );

            //System.out.println( "MOVE Listener : log " + moveContext.getDn() + " moved to " + moveContext.getNewSuperior() );
            consumerMsgLog.log( new ReplicaEventMessage( modDnControl, entry ) );
            if ( pushInRealTime )
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.extras.controls.SyncModifyDn

                  'o','u','=','d','c'         //     newSuperiorDn LDAPDN
            } );

        SyncModifyDnDecorator decorator = new SyncModifyDnDecorator( codec );
        SyncModifyDn syncmodDnControl = (SyncModifyDn)decorator.decode( bb.array() );

        assertEquals( "uid=jim", syncmodDnControl.getEntryDn() );
        assertEquals( "ou=dc", syncmodDnControl.getNewSuperiorDn() );
        assertFalse( syncmodDnControl.isDeleteOldRdn() );

        // Check the encoding
            ByteBuffer encoded = ((SyncModifyDnDecorator)syncmodDnControl).encode( ByteBuffer.allocate( ((SyncModifyDnDecorator)syncmodDnControl).computeLength() ) );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.extras.controls.SyncModifyDn

            } );

        SyncModifyDnDecorator decorator = new SyncModifyDnDecorator( codec );
        SyncModifyDn syncmodDnControl = (SyncModifyDn)decorator.decode( bb.array() );

        assertEquals( "uid=jim", syncmodDnControl.getEntryDn() );
        assertEquals( "uid=j", syncmodDnControl.getNewRdn() );
        assertTrue( syncmodDnControl.isDeleteOldRdn() );

        // Check the encoding
            ByteBuffer encoded = ((SyncModifyDnDecorator)syncmodDnControl).encode( ByteBuffer.allocate( ((SyncModifyDnDecorator)syncmodDnControl).computeLength() ) );
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