Examples of SWTBotMenu

Examples of net.sf.swtbot.widgets.SWTBotMenu

        final SWTBotTree browserTree = SWTBotUtils.getLdapBrowserTree( bot );

        SWTBotUtils.selectNode( bot, browserTree, "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system", "ou=users",
            "cn=Barbara Jensen+uid=bjensen" );

        SWTBotMenu contextMenu = browserTree.contextMenu( "Rename Entry..." );

        bot.text( "Barbara Jensen" ).setText( "Babs Jensen" );
        bot.text( "bjensen" ).setText( "babsjens" );
        bot.button( "OK" ).click();
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Examples of net.sf.swtbot.widgets.SWTBotMenu

        SWTBotTreeItem systemNode = SWTBotUtils.selectNode( bot, browserTree, "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system" );

        //        bot.sleep( 1000 );
        SWTBotMenu contextMenu = browserTree.contextMenu( "New Entry..." );

        bot.radio( "Create entry from scratch" ).click();
        bot.button( "Next >" ).click();

        bot.table( 0 ).select( "organization" );
        bot.button( "Add" ).click();
        bot.button( "Next >" ).click();

        SWTBotCombo typeCombo = bot.comboBoxWithLabel( "RDN:" );
        typeCombo.setText( "o" );
        SWTBotText valueText = bot.text( "" );
        valueText.setText( name );
        bot.button( "Next >" ).click();

        // wait for check that entry doesn't exist yet
        bot.waitUntil( new DefaultCondition()
            public boolean test() throws Exception
                return bot.button( "Finish" ).isEnabled();

            public String getFailureMessage()
                return "Finish button is not enabled";
        } );
        bot.button( "Finish" ).click();

        // wait till entry is created and selected in the tree
        bot.waitUntil( new DefaultCondition()
            public boolean test() throws Exception
                return browserTree.selection().get( 0 ).get( 0 ).startsWith( "o=" + name );

            public String getFailureMessage()
                return "Could not select 'o=" + name + "'";
        } );

        // delete the entry
        SWTBotUtils.selectNode( bot, browserTree, "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system", "o=" + name );
        contextMenu = browserTree.contextMenu( "Delete Entry" );
        bot.button( "OK" ).click();

        // wait till the parent ou=system is selected in the tree
        bot.waitUntil( new DefaultCondition()
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Examples of net.sf.swtbot.widgets.SWTBotMenu

        // Select "Connections" view, ensure no connections exists yet
        SWTBotTree connectionsTree = SWTBotUtils.getConnectionsTree( bot );
        assertEquals( 0, connectionsTree.rowCount() );

        // open "New Connection" wizard
        SWTBotMenu newConnectionMenu = connectionsTree.contextMenu( "New Connection..." );

        // get buttons
        SWTBotButton backButton = bot.button( "< Back" );
        SWTBotButton nextButton = bot.button( "Next >" );
        SWTBotButton finishButton = bot.button( "Finish" );

        // ensure "Next >" and "Finish" buttons are disabled
        assertFalse( backButton.isEnabled() );
        assertFalse( nextButton.isEnabled() );
        assertFalse( finishButton.isEnabled() );

        // enter connection parameter
        SWTBotText connText = bot.textWithLabel( "Connection name:" );
        connText.setText( "NewConnectionWizardTest" );
        SWTBotCombo hostnameCombo = bot.comboBoxWithLabel( "Hostname:" );
        hostnameCombo.setText( "localhost" );
        SWTBotCombo portCombo = bot.comboBoxWithLabel( "Port:" );
        portCombo.setText( Integer.toString( ldapServer.getIpPort() ) );

        // ensure "Next >" button is enabled, "Finish" button is disabled
        assertFalse( backButton.isEnabled() );
        assertTrue( nextButton.isEnabled() );
        assertFalse( finishButton.isEnabled() );

        // jump to auth page

        // ensure "< Back" is enabled, "Next >" button is disabled, "Finish" button is disabled
        assertTrue( backButton.isEnabled() );
        assertFalse( nextButton.isEnabled() );
        assertFalse( finishButton.isEnabled() );

        // ensure "Simple Authentication" is the default
        SWTBotCombo authMethodCombo = bot.comboBoxWithLabel( "Authentication Method" );
        assertEquals( "Simple Authentication", authMethodCombo.selection() );

        // enter authentication parameters
        SWTBotCombo dnCombo = bot.comboBoxWithLabel( "Bind DN or user:" );
        dnCombo.setText( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
        SWTBotText passwordText = bot.textWithLabel( "Bind password:" );
        passwordText.setText( "secret" );

        // ensure "< Back" is enabled, "Next >" button is enabled, "Finish" button is enabled
        assertTrue( backButton.isEnabled() );
        assertTrue( nextButton.isEnabled() );
        assertTrue( finishButton.isEnabled() );

        // finish dialog
        bot.sleep( 2000 );

        // ensure connection was created
        ConnectionManager connectionManager = ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getConnectionManager();
        assertNotNull( connectionManager.getConnections() );
        assertEquals( 1, connectionManager.getConnections().length );
        Connection connection = connectionManager.getConnections()[0];
        assertEquals( "NewConnectionWizardTest", connection.getName() );
        assertEquals( "localhost", connection.getHost() );
        assertEquals( ldapServer.getIpPort(), connection.getPort() );
        assertEquals( AuthenticationMethod.SIMPLE, connection.getAuthMethod() );
        assertEquals( "uid=admin,ou=system", connection.getBindPrincipal() );
        assertEquals( "secret", connection.getBindPassword() );

        // ensure connection is visible in Connections view
        assertEquals( 1, connectionsTree.rowCount() );

        // close connection
        connectionsTree.select( "NewConnectionWizardTest" );
        SWTBotMenu contextMenu = connectionsTree.contextMenu( "Close Connection" );
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Examples of net.sf.swtbot.widgets.SWTBotMenu

        // Select "Connections" view, ensure no connections exists yet
        SWTBotTree connectionsTree = SWTBotUtils.getConnectionsTree( bot );
        assertEquals( 0, connectionsTree.rowCount() );

        // open "New Connection" wizard
        SWTBotMenu newConnectionMenu = connectionsTree.contextMenu( "New Connection..." );

        // enter connection parameter
        SWTBotText connText = bot.textWithLabel( "Connection name:" );
        connText.setText( "NewConnectionWizardTest" );
        SWTBotCombo hostnameCombo = bot.comboBoxWithLabel( "Hostname:" );
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Examples of net.sf.swtbot.widgets.SWTBotMenu

        // Select "Connections" view, ensure no connections exists yet
        SWTBotTree connectionsTree = SWTBotUtils.getConnectionsTree( bot );
        assertEquals( 0, connectionsTree.rowCount() );

        // open "New Connection" wizard
        SWTBotMenu newConnectionMenu = connectionsTree.contextMenu( "New Connection..." );

        // enter connection parameter
        SWTBotText connText = bot.textWithLabel( "Connection name:" );
        connText.setText( "NewConnectionWizardTest" );
        SWTBotCombo hostnameCombo = bot.comboBoxWithLabel( "Hostname:" );
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Examples of net.sf.swtbot.widgets.SWTBotMenu

        SWTBotTreeItem systemNode = SWTBotUtils.selectNode( bot, browserTree, "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system" );

        // open "New Entry" wizard
        SWTBotMenu contextMenu = browserTree.contextMenu( "New Entry..." );

        // select entry creation method
        bot.radio( "Create entry from scratch" ).click();
        bot.button( "Next >" ).click();
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Examples of net.sf.swtbot.widgets.SWTBotMenu

        SWTBotTreeItem systemNode = SWTBotUtils.selectNode( bot, browserTree, "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system" );

        // open "New Entry" wizard
        SWTBotMenu contextMenu = browserTree.contextMenu( "New Entry..." );

        // select entry creation method
        bot.radio( "Create entry from scratch" ).click();
        bot.button( "Next >" ).click();
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Examples of net.sf.swtbot.widgets.SWTBotMenu

        SWTBotTreeItem systemNode = SWTBotUtils.selectNode( bot, browserTree, "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system" );

        // open "New Entry" wizard
        SWTBotMenu contextMenu = browserTree.contextMenu( "New Entry..." );

        // select entry creation method
        bot.radio( "Create entry from scratch" ).click();
        bot.button( "Next >" ).click();

        // select object classes
        bot.table( 0 ).select( "organization" );
        bot.button( "Add" ).click();
        bot.button( "Next >" ).click();

        // specify DN
        SWTBotCombo typeCombo = bot.comboBoxWithLabel( "RDN:" );
        typeCombo.setText( "O" );
        SWTBotText valueText = bot.text( "" );
        valueText.setText( "testCreateOrganizationEntry" );
        bot.button( "Next >" ).click();

        // wait for check that entry doesn't exist yet
        bot.waitUntil( new DefaultCondition()
            public boolean test() throws Exception
                return bot.tree( 0 ) != null;

            public String getFailureMessage()
                return "Could not find widget";
        } );

        // click finish to create the entry
        bot.button( "Finish" ).click();

        // wait till entry is created and selected in the tree
        bot.waitUntil( new DefaultCondition()
            public boolean test() throws Exception
                return browserTree.selection().get( 0 ).get( 0 ).startsWith( "O=testCreateOrganizationEntry" );

            public String getFailureMessage()
                return "Could not find widget";
        } );

        // Now create a second entry under the previously created entry
        // to ensure that the selected parent is also upper case.

        // open "New Entry" wizard
        contextMenu = browserTree.contextMenu( "New Entry..." );

        // select entry creation method
        bot.radio( "Create entry from scratch" ).click();
        bot.button( "Next >" ).click();
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Examples of net.sf.swtbot.widgets.SWTBotMenu

        SWTBotTreeItem systemNode = SWTBotUtils.selectNode( bot, browserTree, "DIT", "Root DSE", "ou=system" );

        // open "New Entry" wizard
        SWTBotMenu contextMenu = browserTree.contextMenu( "New Entry..." );

        // select entry creation method
        bot.radio( "Create entry from scratch" ).click();
        bot.button( "Next >" ).click();
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Examples of net.sf.swtbot.widgets.SWTBotMenu

     * @throws Exception the exception
    public static void openLdapPerspective( final SWTEclipseBot eBot ) throws Exception
        // open "Open Perspective" dialog
        SWTBotMenu windowMenu = eBot.menu( "Window" );
        SWTBotMenu perspectiveMenu = windowMenu.menu( "Open Perspective" );
        SWTBotMenu otherMenu = windowMenu.menu( "Other..." );

        // select "LDAP" perspective
        SWTBotTable table = eBot.table();
        table.select( "LDAP" );

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