private List<Revision> getSVNLogs(final SVNClientManager clientManager,
final String[] paths,
final SVNRevision startRevision,
final int start, final int limit) throws StoreException.ReadException {
try {
final SVNLogClient logClient = clientManager.getLogClient();
final FilterableSVNLogEntryHandler handler = new FilterableSVNLogEntryHandler();
// In order to get history is "descending" order, the startRevision should be the one closer to HEAD
logClient.doLog(svnUrl, paths, /* pegRevision */ SVNRevision.HEAD, startRevision, SVNRevision.create(1),
/* stopOnCopy */ false, /* discoverChangedPaths */ false, /* includeMergedRevisions */ false,
/* limit */ start + limit,
new String[]{SVNRevisionProperty.LOG, SVNRevisionProperty.AUTHOR, SVNRevisionProperty.DATE}, handler);
final List<SVNLogEntry> entries = handler.getLogEntries();