Examples of SVNConflictResult

Examples of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNConflictResult

    public static SVNConflictResult getSVNConflictResult(ConflictResult conflictResult) {
        if (conflictResult == null){
            return null;
        return new SVNConflictResult(getSVNConflictChoice(conflictResult.getChoice()),
                conflictResult.getMergedPath() != null ? new File(conflictResult.getMergedPath()).getAbsoluteFile() : null);
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Examples of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNConflictResult

            logger.fine("Automatically resolving conflict for " + mergeFiles.getWCFile() +
                    ", choosing " + (choice == SVNConflictChoice.MINE_FULL ? "local file" : "repository file"));
            wcFilesNotMerged.add( mergeFiles.getWCFile());
            return new SVNConflictResult(choice, mergeFiles.getResultFile());
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Examples of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNConflictResult

      if (mergeResult.getMergeStatus() == SVNStatusType.CONFLICTED) {
          if (myConflictCallback != null) {
                SVNConflictDescription descr = new SVNConflictDescription(files, SVNNodeKind.FILE, null, false,
                        SVNConflictAction.EDIT, SVNConflictReason.EDITED);
                SVNConflictResult result = myConflictCallback.handleConflict(descr);
                if (result == null) {
                    SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.WC_CONFLICT_RESOLVER_FAILURE,
                            "Conflict callback violated API: returned no results.");
                    SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.DEFAULT);
                SVNConflictChoice choice = result.getConflictChoice();
                if (choice == SVNConflictChoice.BASE) {
                    return DefaultSVNMergerAction.CHOOSE_BASE;                       
                } else if (choice == SVNConflictChoice.MERGED) {
                    return DefaultSVNMergerAction.CHOOSE_MERGED_FILE;                       
                } else if (choice == SVNConflictChoice.MINE_FULL) {
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Examples of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNConflictResult

            } else if (baseValue == null && workingValue != null) {
                reason = SVNConflictReason.OBSTRUCTED;
            SVNConflictDescription description = new SVNConflictDescription(fileSet,
                    isDir ? SVNNodeKind.DIR : SVNNodeKind.FILE, propName, true, action, reason);
            SVNConflictResult result = myConflictCallback.handleConflict(description);
            if (result == null) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.WC_CONFLICT_RESOLVER_FAILURE,
                        "Conflict callback violated API: returned no results.");
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.DEFAULT);
            SVNConflictChoice choice = result.getConflictChoice();
            if (choice == SVNConflictChoice.MINE_FULL) {
                conflictRemains = false;
            } else if (choice == SVNConflictChoice.THEIRS_FULL) {
                changeProperty(workingProps, propName, newValue);
                conflictRemains = false;
            } else if (choice == SVNConflictChoice.BASE) {
                changeProperty(workingProps, propName, baseValue);
                conflictRemains = false;
            } else if (choice == SVNConflictChoice.MERGED) {
                if (mergedFile == null && result.getMergedFile() == null) {
                    SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.WC_CONFLICT_RESOLVER_FAILURE,
                            "Conflict callback violated API: returned no merged file.");
                    SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.DEFAULT);

                String mergedString = SVNFileUtil.readFile(mergedFile != null ? mergedFile : result.getMergedFile());
                changeProperty(workingProps, propName, SVNPropertyValue.create(mergedString));
                conflictRemains = false;
            return conflictRemains;
        } finally {
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Examples of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNConflictResult

    public static SVNConflictResult getSVNConflictResult(ConflictResult conflictResult) {
        if (conflictResult == null){
            return null;
        return new SVNConflictResult(getSVNConflictChoice(conflictResult.getChoice()),
                conflictResult.getMergedPath() != null ? new File(conflictResult.getMergedPath()).getAbsoluteFile() : null);
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Examples of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNConflictResult

// TODO: SVNKit 1.3          
            return null;
        SVNMergeFileSet files = conflictDescription.getMergeFiles();
        if (myAccept == SVNConflictAcceptPolicy.POSTPONE) {
            return new SVNConflictResult(SVNConflictChoice.POSTPONE, null);
        } else if (myAccept == SVNConflictAcceptPolicy.BASE) {
            return new SVNConflictResult(SVNConflictChoice.BASE, null);
        } else if (myAccept == SVNConflictAcceptPolicy.MINE) {
            return new SVNConflictResult(SVNConflictChoice.MINE_CONFLICT, null);
        } else if (myAccept == SVNConflictAcceptPolicy.THEIRS) {
            return new SVNConflictResult(SVNConflictChoice.THEIRS_CONFLICT, null);
        } else if (myAccept == SVNConflictAcceptPolicy.MINE_FULL) {
            return new SVNConflictResult(SVNConflictChoice.MINE_FULL, null);
        } else if (myAccept == SVNConflictAcceptPolicy.THEIRS_FULL) {
            return new SVNConflictResult(SVNConflictChoice.THEIRS_FULL, null);
        } else if (myAccept == SVNConflictAcceptPolicy.EDIT) {
            if (files.getResultFile() != null) {
                if (myIsExternalFailed) {
                    return new SVNConflictResult(SVNConflictChoice.POSTPONE, null);
                try {
                    SVNCommandUtil.editFileExternally(mySVNEnvironment, mySVNEnvironment.getEditorCommand(),
                } catch (SVNException svne) {
                    if (svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.CL_NO_EXTERNAL_EDITOR) {
                        mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println(svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() != null ?
                                svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() : "No editor found, leaving all conflicts.");
                        myIsExternalFailed = true;
                    } else if (svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.EXTERNAL_PROGRAM) {
                        mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println(svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() != null ?
                                svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() : "Error running editor, leaving all conflicts.");
                        myIsExternalFailed = true;
                    } else {
                        throw svne;
                return new SVNConflictResult(SVNConflictChoice.MERGED, null);
        } else if (myAccept == SVNConflictAcceptPolicy.LAUNCH) {
            if (files.getBaseFile() != null && files.getLocalFile() != null && files.getRepositoryFile() != null &&
                    files.getResultFile() != null) {
                if (myIsExternalFailed) {
                    return new SVNConflictResult(SVNConflictChoice.POSTPONE, null);
                try {
                    SVNCommandUtil.mergeFileExternally(mySVNEnvironment, files.getBaseFile().getAbsolutePath(),
                } catch (SVNException svne) {
                    if (svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.CL_NO_EXTERNAL_MERGE_TOOL) {
                        mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println(svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() != null ?
                                svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() : "No merge tool found.");
                        myIsExternalFailed = true;
                    } else if (svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.EXTERNAL_PROGRAM) {
                        mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println(svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() != null ?
                                svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() : "Error running merge tool.");
                        myIsExternalFailed = true;
                    } else {
                        throw svne;
                return new SVNConflictResult(SVNConflictChoice.MERGED, null);
        SVNConflictChoice choice = SVNConflictChoice.POSTPONE;
        if ((conflictDescription.getNodeKind() == SVNNodeKind.FILE &&
                conflictDescription.getConflictAction() == SVNConflictAction.EDIT &&
                conflictDescription.getConflictReason() == SVNConflictReason.EDITED) ||
                conflictDescription.isPropertyConflict()) {
            boolean performedEdit = false;
            boolean diffAllowed = false;
            String path = mySVNEnvironment.getRelativePath(files.getWCFile());
            path = SVNCommandUtil.getLocalPath(path);

            if (conflictDescription.isPropertyConflict()) {
                String message = "Property conflict for ''{0}'' discovered on ''{1}''.";
                message = MessageFormat.format(message, new Object[] { conflictDescription.getPropertyName(),
                        path });
                if ((files.getLocalFile() == null && files.getRepositoryFile() != null) ||
                        (files.getLocalFile() != null && files.getRepositoryFile() == null)) {
                    if (files.getLocalFile() != null) {
                        String myVal = SVNFileUtil.readFile(files.getLocalFile());
                        message = MessageFormat.format("They want to delete the property, you want to change the value to ''{0}''.",
                                new Object[] { myVal });
                } else {
                    String reposVal = SVNFileUtil.readFile(files.getRepositoryFile());
                    message = MessageFormat.format("They want to change the property value to ''{0}'', you want to delete the property.",
                            new Object[] { reposVal });
            } else {
                String message = "Conflict discovered in ''{0}''.";
                message = MessageFormat.format(message, new Object[] { path });
            if ((files.getResultFile() != null && files.getBaseFile() != null) || (files.getBaseFile() != null &&
                    files.getLocalFile() != null && files.getRepositoryFile() != null)) {
                diffAllowed = true;
            while (true) {
                String message = "Select: (p)ostpone";
                if (diffAllowed) {
                    message += ", (D)iff in full, (e)dit";
                } else {
                    message += ", (M)ine in full, (T)heirs in full";
                if (performedEdit) {
                    message += ", (r)esolved";
                if (!diffAllowed && performedEdit) {
                    message += ",\n        ";
                } else {
                    message += ", ";
                message += "(h)elp for more options : ";
                String answer = SVNCommandUtil.prompt(message, mySVNEnvironment);
                char answerChar = '\0';
                if (answer != null) {
                    if (answer.length() == 1) {
                        answerChar = answer.charAt(0);
                    } else {
                if (answerChar == 'h' || answerChar == '?') {
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("  (p)ostpone    - mark the conflict to be resolved later");
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("  (D)iff-full   - show all changes made to merged file");
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("  (e)dit        - change merged file in an editor");
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("  (r)esolved    - accept merged version of file");
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("  (M)ine-full   - accept my version of entire file (ignore their changes)");
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("  (T)heirs-full - accept their version of entire file (lose my changes)");
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("  (l)aunch      - use third-party tool to resolve conflict");
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("  (h)elp        - show this list");
                } else  if (answerChar == 'p') {
                    choice = SVNConflictChoice.POSTPONE;
                } else if (answerChar == 'm') {
                    //choice = SVNConflictChoice.MINE;
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("Sorry, '(m)ine' is not yet implemented; see");
                } else if (answerChar == 't') {
                    //choice = SVNConflictChoice.THEIRS;
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("Sorry, '(t)heirs' is not yet implemented; see");
                } else if (answerChar == 'M') {
                    choice = SVNConflictChoice.MINE_FULL;
                } else if (answerChar == 'T') {
                    choice = SVNConflictChoice.THEIRS_FULL;
                } else if (answerChar == 'd') {
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("Sorry, '(d)iff' is not yet implemented; see");
                } else if (answerChar == 'D') {
                    if (!diffAllowed) {
                        mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("Invalid option; there's no merged version to diff.");
                    File path1 = null;
                    File path2 = null;
                    if (files.getResultFile() != null && files.getBaseFile() != null) {
                        path1 = files.getBaseFile();
                        path2 = files.getResultFile();
                    } else {
                        path1 = files.getRepositoryFile();
                        path2 = files.getLocalFile();
                    DefaultSVNCommandLineDiffGenerator diffGenerator = new DefaultSVNCommandLineDiffGenerator(path1, path2);
                    diffGenerator.setDiffOptions(new SVNDiffOptions(false, false, true));
                    diffGenerator.displayFileDiff("", path1, path2, null, null, null, null, System.out);
                    performedEdit = true;
                } else if (answerChar == 'e') {
                    if (files.getResultFile() != null) {
                        try {
                            String resultPath = files.getResultFile().getAbsolutePath();
                            SVNCommandUtil.editFileExternally(mySVNEnvironment, mySVNEnvironment.getEditorCommand(),
                            performedEdit = true;
                        } catch (SVNException svne) {
                            if (svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.CL_NO_EXTERNAL_EDITOR) {
                                mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println(svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() != null ?
                                        svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() : "No editor found.");
                            } else if (svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.EXTERNAL_PROGRAM) {
                                mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println(svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() != null ?
                                        svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() : "Error running editor.");
                            } else {
                                throw svne;
                    } else {
                        mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("Invalid option; there's no merged version to edit.");
                } else if (answerChar == 'l') {
                    if (files.getBaseFile() != null && files.getLocalFile() != null &&
                            files.getRepositoryFile() != null && files.getResultFile() != null) {
                        try {
                            SVNCommandUtil.mergeFileExternally(mySVNEnvironment, files.getBasePath(),
                                    files.getRepositoryPath(), files.getLocalPath(), files.getResultPath());
                            performedEdit = true;
                        } catch (SVNException svne) {
                            if (svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.CL_NO_EXTERNAL_MERGE_TOOL) {
                                mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println(svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() != null ?
                                        svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() : "No merge tool found.");
                                myIsExternalFailed = true;
                            } else if (svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.EXTERNAL_PROGRAM) {
                                mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println(svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() != null ?
                                        svne.getErrorMessage().getMessage() : "Error running merge tool.");
                                myIsExternalFailed = true;
                            } else {
                                throw svne;
                    } else {
                        mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("Invalid option.");
                } else if (answerChar == 'r') {
                    if (performedEdit) {
                        choice = SVNConflictChoice.MERGED;
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("Invalid option.");
        } else if (conflictDescription.getConflictAction() == SVNConflictAction.ADD &&
                conflictDescription.getConflictReason() == SVNConflictReason.OBSTRUCTED) {
            String message = "Conflict discovered when trying to add ''{0}''.";
            message = MessageFormat.format(message, new Object[] { files.getWCFile() });
            mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("An object of the same name already exists.");
            String prompt = "Select: (p)ostpone, (M)ine-full, (T)heirs-full, (h)elp :";
            while (true) {
                String answer = SVNCommandUtil.prompt(prompt, mySVNEnvironment);
                char answerChar = '\0';
                if (answer != null) {
                    if (answer.length() == 1) {
                        answer = answer.toLowerCase();
                        answerChar = answer.charAt(0);
                    } else {
                if (answerChar == 'h' || answerChar == '?') {
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("  (p)ostpone    - resolve the conflict later");
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("  (M)ine-full   - accept pre-existing item");
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("  (T)heirs-full - accept incoming item");
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("  (h)elp        - show this list");
                if (answerChar == 'p') {
                    choice = SVNConflictChoice.POSTPONE;
                if (answerChar == 'M') {
                    choice = SVNConflictChoice.MINE_FULL;
                if (answerChar == 'T') {
                    choice = SVNConflictChoice.THEIRS_FULL;
                if (answerChar == 'm') {
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("Sorry, '(m)ine' is not yet implemented; see");
                if (answerChar == 't') {
                    mySVNEnvironment.getErr().println("Sorry, '(t)heirs' is not yet implemented; see");
        } else {
            choice = SVNConflictChoice.POSTPONE;
        return new SVNConflictResult(choice, null);
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