totalBytes = getTotalBytes(new BufferedInputStream(is));
is = new ByteArrayInputStream(totalBytes);
byte[] encoding = readSequence(is);
if (encoding != null) {
X509CRLImpl crl = (X509CRLImpl)getFromCache(crlCache, encoding);
if (crl != null) {
return crl;
crl = new X509CRLImpl(encoding);
addToCache(crlCache, crl.getEncodedInternal(), crl);
return crl;
} else {
X509CRLImpl crl;
// determine if binary or Base64 encoding. If Base64 encoding,
// the CRL must be bounded at the beginning by
// "-----BEGIN".
if (isBase64(is)) {
// Base64
byte[] data = base64_to_binary(is);
crl = new X509CRLImpl(data);
} else {
// binary
crl = new X509CRLImpl(new DerValue(is));
return intern(crl);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new CRLException(ioe.getMessage());