
Examples of

                // Construct the subtrees without the current name
                subtrees = new GeneralSubtrees();
                for (int j=i+2; j<names.length; j++) {
                    if (i != j && i+1 != j) {
                                new GeneralSubtree(
                                    new GeneralName(types[j], names[j])));
                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(null, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                        new GeneralSubtree(
                            new GeneralName(types[i+1], names[i+1])));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertFalse("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as a permitted name so method match() "
                            + "should return false", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertFalse("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as an excluded name but it does not "
                            + "contain this name as a permitted so match()"
                            + "should return false", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(null, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as an excluded name so method match() "
                            + "should return true", selector.match(cert));

                        new GeneralSubtree(
                            new GeneralName(types[i], names[i])));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
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                // Construct the subtrees without the current name
                subtrees = new GeneralSubtrees();
                for (int j=i+2; j<names.length; j++) {
                    if (i != j && i+1 != j) {
                                new GeneralSubtree(
                                    new GeneralName(types[j], names[j])));
                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(null, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                        new GeneralSubtree(
                            new GeneralName(types[i+1], names[i+1])));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertFalse("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as a permitted name so method match() "
                            + "should return false", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertFalse("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as an excluded name but it does not "
                            + "contain this name as a permitted so match()"
                            + "should return false", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(null, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as an excluded name so method match() "
                            + "should return true", selector.match(cert));

                        new GeneralSubtree(
                            new GeneralName(types[i], names[i])));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
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        try {
            Name nameSubject = new Name(subject);
            for (int i=0; i<name_constraints.length; i++) {
                // make the subtrees (part of name constraints)
                // this subtrees will be used as permited and as excluded
                GeneralSubtree subtree =
                    new GeneralSubtree(name_constraints[i]);
                GeneralSubtrees subtrees = new GeneralSubtrees();
                NameConstraints constraints;
                // start the checking for each alt. name corresponding
                // to current name_constraints[i]
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        try {
            Name nameSubject = new Name(subject);
            for (int i=0; i<name_constraints.length; i++) {
                // make the subtrees (part of name constraints)
                // this subtrees will be used as permited and as excluded
                GeneralSubtree subtree =
                    new GeneralSubtree(name_constraints[i]);
                GeneralSubtrees subtrees = new GeneralSubtrees();
                NameConstraints constraints;
                // start the checking for each alt. name corresponding
                // to current name_constraints[i]
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                // make the subtrees (part of name constraints)
                // this subtrees will be used as permited and as excluded
                // name which is presented in certificate:
                GeneralSubtrees pos_subtrees = new GeneralSubtrees();
                        new GeneralSubtree(
                            new GeneralName(4, variants[i][2])));
                // name which is absent in certificate:
                GeneralSubtrees neg_subtrees = new GeneralSubtrees();
                        new GeneralSubtree(
                            new GeneralName(4, variants[i][3])));

                NameConstraints constraints;
                // Work with name which is presented in certificate
                // first check if certificate with permited name matches:
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                // Construct the subtrees without the current name
                subtrees = new GeneralSubtrees();
                for (int j=0; j<names.length; j++) {
                    if (i != j && i+1 != j) {
                        subtrees.addSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(names[j]));
                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(null, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                subtrees.addSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(names[i+1]));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertFalse("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as a permitted name so method match() "
                            + "should return false", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertFalse("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as an excluded name but it does not "
                            + "contain this name as a permitted so match()"
                            + "should return false", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(null, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as an excluded name so method match() "
                            + "should return true", selector.match(cert));

                subtrees.addSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(names[i]));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate contains the name "
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                // Construct the subtrees without the current name
                subtrees = new GeneralSubtrees();
                for (int j=i+2; j<names.length; j++) {
                    if (i != j && i+1 != j) {
                                new GeneralSubtree(
                                    new GeneralName(types[j], names[j])));
                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(null, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                        new GeneralSubtree(
                            new GeneralName(types[i+1], names[i+1])));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertFalse("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as a permitted name so method match() "
                            + "should return false", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertFalse("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as an excluded name but it does not "
                            + "contain this name as a permitted so match()"
                            + "should return false", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(null, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as an excluded name so method match() "
                            + "should return true", selector.match(cert));

                        new GeneralSubtree(
                            new GeneralName(types[i], names[i])));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
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                // Construct the subtrees without the current name
                subtrees = new GeneralSubtrees();
                for (int j=i+2; j<names.length; j++) {
                    if (i != j && i+1 != j) {
                                new GeneralSubtree(
                                    new GeneralName(types[j], names[j])));
                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(null, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the names "
                            + "of such type so method match() should "
                            + "return true.", selector.match(cert));

                        new GeneralSubtree(
                            new GeneralName(types[i+1], names[i+1])));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertFalse("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as a permitted name so method match() "
                            + "should return false", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertFalse("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as an excluded name but it does not "
                            + "contain this name as a permitted so match()"
                            + "should return false", selector.match(cert));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(null, subtrees);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
                            + "certificate does not contain the name "
                            + "as an excluded name so method match() "
                            + "should return true", selector.match(cert));

                        new GeneralSubtree(
                            new GeneralName(types[i], names[i])));

                constraints = new NameConstraints(subtrees, null);
                cert = new TestCert(constraints);
                assertTrue("The Name Constraints Extension of the "
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        String[] testInterSection) throws Exception
        for (int i = 0; i < testNameIsConstraint.length; i++)
            PKIXNameConstraintValidator constraintValidator = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            constraintValidator.intersectPermittedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(
                new GeneralName(nameType, testNameIsConstraint[i])));
            constraintValidator.checkPermitted(new GeneralName(nameType, testName));
        for (int i = 0; i < testNameIsNotConstraint.length; i++)
            PKIXNameConstraintValidator constraintValidator = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            constraintValidator.intersectPermittedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(
                new GeneralName(nameType, testNameIsNotConstraint[i])));
                constraintValidator.checkPermitted(new GeneralName(nameType, testName));
                fail("not permitted name allowed: " + nameType);
            catch (PKIXNameConstraintValidatorException e)
                // expected
        for (int i = 0; i < testNameIsConstraint.length; i++)
            PKIXNameConstraintValidator constraintValidator = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            constraintValidator.addExcludedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(new GeneralName(
                nameType, testNameIsConstraint[i])));
                constraintValidator.checkExcluded(new GeneralName(nameType, testName));
                fail("excluded name missed: " + nameType);
            catch (PKIXNameConstraintValidatorException e)
                // expected
        for (int i = 0; i < testNameIsNotConstraint.length; i++)
            PKIXNameConstraintValidator constraintValidator = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            constraintValidator.addExcludedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(new GeneralName(
                nameType, testNameIsNotConstraint[i])));
            constraintValidator.checkExcluded(new GeneralName(nameType, testName));
        for (int i = 0; i < testNames1.length; i++)
            PKIXNameConstraintValidator constraintValidator = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            constraintValidator.addExcludedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(new GeneralName(
                nameType, testNames1[i])));
            constraintValidator.addExcludedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(new GeneralName(
                nameType, testNames2[i])));
            PKIXNameConstraintValidator constraints2 = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            for (int j = 0; j < testUnion[i].length; j++)
                constraints2.addExcludedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(
                    new GeneralName(nameType, testUnion[i][j])));
            if (!constraints2.equals(constraintValidator))
                fail("union wrong: " + nameType);
            constraintValidator = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            constraintValidator.intersectPermittedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(
                new GeneralName(nameType, testNames1[i])));
            constraintValidator.intersectPermittedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(
                new GeneralName(nameType, testNames2[i])));
            constraints2 = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            if (testInterSection[i] != null)
                constraints2.intersectPermittedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(
                    new GeneralName(nameType, testInterSection[i])));
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        byte[][] testInterSection) throws Exception
        for (int i = 0; i < testNameIsConstraint.length; i++)
            PKIXNameConstraintValidator constraintValidator = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            constraintValidator.intersectPermittedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(
                new GeneralName(nameType, new DEROctetString(
            constraintValidator.checkPermitted(new GeneralName(nameType,
                new DEROctetString(testName)));
        for (int i = 0; i < testNameIsNotConstraint.length; i++)
            PKIXNameConstraintValidator constraintValidator = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            constraintValidator.intersectPermittedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(
                new GeneralName(nameType, new DEROctetString(
                constraintValidator.checkPermitted(new GeneralName(nameType,
                    new DEROctetString(testName)));
                fail("not permitted name allowed: " + nameType);
            catch (PKIXNameConstraintValidatorException e)
                // expected
        for (int i = 0; i < testNameIsConstraint.length; i++)
            PKIXNameConstraintValidator constraintValidator = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            constraintValidator.addExcludedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(new GeneralName(
                nameType, new DEROctetString(testNameIsConstraint[i]))));
                constraintValidator.checkExcluded(new GeneralName(nameType,
                    new DEROctetString(testName)));
                fail("excluded name missed: " + nameType);
            catch (PKIXNameConstraintValidatorException e)
                // expected
        for (int i = 0; i < testNameIsNotConstraint.length; i++)
            PKIXNameConstraintValidator constraintValidator = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            constraintValidator.addExcludedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(new GeneralName(
                nameType, new DEROctetString(testNameIsNotConstraint[i]))));
            constraintValidator.checkExcluded(new GeneralName(nameType,
                new DEROctetString(testName)));
        for (int i = 0; i < testNames1.length; i++)
            PKIXNameConstraintValidator constraintValidator = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            constraintValidator.addExcludedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(new GeneralName(
                nameType, new DEROctetString(testNames1[i]))));
            constraintValidator.addExcludedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(new GeneralName(
                nameType, new DEROctetString(testNames2[i]))));
            PKIXNameConstraintValidator constraints2 = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            for (int j = 0; j < testUnion[i].length; j++)
                constraints2.addExcludedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(
                    new GeneralName(nameType, new DEROctetString(
            if (!constraints2.equals(constraintValidator))
                fail("union wrong: " + nameType);
            constraintValidator = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            constraintValidator.intersectPermittedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(
                new GeneralName(nameType, new DEROctetString(testNames1[i]))));
            constraintValidator.intersectPermittedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(
                new GeneralName(nameType, new DEROctetString(testNames2[i]))));
            constraints2 = new PKIXNameConstraintValidator();
            if (testInterSection[i] != null)
                constraints2.intersectPermittedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree(
                new GeneralName(nameType, new DEROctetString(
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