* Read the authSafe.
byte[] authSafeData;
ContentInfo authSafe = new ContentInfo(s);
ObjectIdentifier contentType = authSafe.getContentType();
if (contentType.equals(ContentInfo.DATA_OID)) {
authSafeData = authSafe.getData();
} else /* signed data */ {
throw new IOException("public key protected PKCS12 not supported");
DerInputStream as = new DerInputStream(authSafeData);
DerValue[] safeContentsArray = as.getSequence(2);
int count = safeContentsArray.length;
// reset the count at the start
privateKeyCount = 0;
* Spin over the ContentInfos.
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
byte[] safeContentsData;
ContentInfo safeContents;
DerInputStream sci;
byte[] eAlgId = null;
sci = new DerInputStream(safeContentsArray[i].toByteArray());
safeContents = new ContentInfo(sci);
contentType = safeContents.getContentType();
safeContentsData = null;
if (contentType.equals(ContentInfo.DATA_OID)) {
safeContentsData = safeContents.getData();
} else if (contentType.equals(ContentInfo.ENCRYPTED_DATA_OID)) {
if (password == null) {
DerInputStream edi =
int edVersion = edi.getInteger();
DerValue[] seq = edi.getSequence(2);
ObjectIdentifier edContentType = seq[0].getOID();
eAlgId = seq[1].toByteArray();
if (!seq[2].isContextSpecific((byte)0)) {
throw new IOException("encrypted content not present!");
byte newTag = DerValue.tag_OctetString;
if (seq[2].isConstructed())
newTag |= 0x20;
safeContentsData = seq[2].getOctetString();
// parse Algorithm parameters
DerInputStream in = seq[1].toDerInputStream();
ObjectIdentifier algOid = in.getOID();
AlgorithmParameters algParams = parseAlgParameters(in);
try {
// Use JCE
SecretKey skey = getPBEKey(password);
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(algOid.toString());
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skey, algParams);
safeContentsData = cipher.doFinal(safeContentsData);
} catch (Exception e) {
IOException ioe = new IOException("failed to decrypt safe"