
Examples of

     * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs while reading encoded data.

    public TransitedEncoding(DerValue encoding) throws Asn1Exception, IOException {
        if (encoding.getTag() != DerValue.tag_Sequence) {
            throw new Asn1Exception(Krb5.ASN1_BAD_ID);
        DerValue der;
        der = encoding.getData().getDerValue();
        if ((der.getTag() & 0x1F) == 0x00) {
            trType = der.getData().getBigInteger().intValue();
            throw new Asn1Exception(Krb5.ASN1_BAD_ID);
        der = encoding.getData().getDerValue();

        if ((der.getTag() & 0x1F) == 0x01) {
            contents = der.getData().getOctetString();
            throw new Asn1Exception(Krb5.ASN1_BAD_ID);
        if (der.getData().available() > 0)
            throw new Asn1Exception(Krb5.ASN1_BAD_ID);
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    public static TransitedEncoding parse(DerInputStream data, byte explicitTag, boolean optional) throws Asn1Exception, IOException {
        if ((optional) && (((byte)data.peekByte() & (byte)0x1F) != explicitTag))
            return null;
        DerValue der = data.getDerValue();
        if (explicitTag != (der.getTag() & (byte)0x1F))  {
            throw new Asn1Exception(Krb5.ASN1_BAD_ID);
        else {
            DerValue subDer = der.getData().getDerValue();
            return new TransitedEncoding(subDer);
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        if ((optional) &&
            (((byte)data.peekByte() & (byte)0x1F) != explicitTag))
            return null;
        DerValue der = data.getDerValue();
        if (explicitTag != (der.getTag() & (byte)0x1F))  {
            throw new Asn1Exception(Krb5.ASN1_BAD_ID);
        } else {
            DerValue subDer = der.getData().getDerValue();
            return new HostAddresses(subDer);
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        //           10 | |
        //                         12 |
        //                           14

        if (time.length() != 15)
            throw new Asn1Exception(Krb5.ASN1_BAD_TIMEFORMAT);
        if (time.charAt(14) != 'Z')
            throw new Asn1Exception(Krb5.ASN1_BAD_TIMEFORMAT);
        int year = Integer.parseInt(time.substring(0, 4));
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
        calendar.clear(); // so that millisecond is zero
                     Integer.parseInt(time.substring(4, 6)) - 1,
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    public static KerberosTime parse(DerInputStream data, byte explicitTag, boolean optional) throws Asn1Exception, IOException {
        if ((optional) && (((byte)data.peekByte() & (byte)0x1F)!= explicitTag))
            return null;
        DerValue der = data.getDerValue();
        if (explicitTag != (der.getTag() & (byte)0x1F))  {
            throw new Asn1Exception(Krb5.ASN1_BAD_ID);
        else {
            DerValue subDer = der.getData().getDerValue();
            return new KerberosTime(subDer);
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            clientPrincipal = (name.getKrb5PrincipalName()).getName();
            realm = (name.getKrb5PrincipalName()).getRealmAsString();
        } else {
            clientPrincipal = null;
            try {
                Config config = Config.getInstance();
                realm = config.getDefaultRealm();
            } catch (KrbException e) {
                GSSException ge =
                        new GSSException(GSSException.NO_CRED, -1,
                            "Attempt to obtain INITIATE credentials failed!" +
                            " (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
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    public static CksumType getInstance() throws KdcErrException {
        // this method provided for Kerberos applications.
        int cksumType = Checksum.CKSUMTYPE_RSA_MD5; // default
        try {
            Config c = Config.getInstance();
            if ((cksumType = (c.getType(c.getDefault("ap_req_checksum_type",
                                "libdefaults")))) == - 1) {
                if ((cksumType = c.getType(c.getDefault("checksum_type",
                                "libdefaults"))) == -1) {
                    cksumType = Checksum.CKSUMTYPE_RSA_MD5; // default
        } catch (KrbException e) {
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    private static String[] parseCapaths(String cRealm, String sRealm) throws KrbException {
        String[] retList = null;

        Config cfg = null;
        try {
            cfg = Config.getInstance();
        } catch (Exception exc) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                System.out.println ("Configuration information can not be " +
                                    "obtained " + exc.getMessage());
            return null;

        String intermediaries = cfg.getDefault(sRealm, cRealm);

        if (intermediaries == null) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                System.out.println(">>> Realm parseCapaths: no cfg entry");
            return null;

        String tempTarget = null, tempRealm = null;
        StringTokenizer strTok = null;
        Stack<String> iStack = new Stack<String> ();

         * I don't expect any more than a handful of intermediaries.
        Vector<String> tempList = new Vector<String> (8, 8);

         * The initiator at first location.

        int count = 0; // For debug only
        if (DEBUG) {
            tempTarget = sRealm;

        do {
            if (DEBUG) {
                System.out.println(">>> Realm parseCapaths: loop " +
                                   count + ": target=" + tempTarget);

            if (intermediaries != null &&
                if (DEBUG) {
                    System.out.println(">>> Realm parseCapaths: loop " +
                                       count + ": intermediaries=[" +
                                       intermediaries + "]");

                 * We have one or more space-separated intermediary realms.
                 * Stack them.
                strTok = new StringTokenizer(intermediaries, " ");
                while (strTok.hasMoreTokens())
                    tempRealm = strTok.nextToken();
                    if (!tempRealm.equals(PrincipalName.
                                          REALM_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR_STR) &&
                        !iStack.contains(tempRealm)) {
                        if (DEBUG) {
                            System.out.println(">>> Realm parseCapaths: loop " +
                                               count +
                                               ": pushed realm on to stack: " +
                    } else if (DEBUG) {
                        System.out.println(">>> Realm parseCapaths: loop " +

                                           count +
                                           ": ignoring realm: [" +
                                           tempRealm + "]");
            } else if (DEBUG) {
                System.out.println(">>> Realm parseCapaths: loop " +
                                   count +
                                   ": no intermediaries");

             * Get next intermediary realm from the stack

            try {
                tempTarget = iStack.pop();
            } catch (EmptyStackException exc) {
                tempTarget = null;

            if (tempTarget == null) {
                 * No more intermediaries. We're done.


            if (DEBUG) {
                System.out.println(">>> Realm parseCapaths: loop " + count +
                                   ": added intermediary to list: " +

            intermediaries = cfg.getDefault(tempTarget, cRealm);

        } while (true);

        retList = new String[tempList.size()];
        try {
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    public static int getDefaultSkew() {
        int tdiff = Krb5.DEFAULT_ALLOWABLE_CLOCKSKEW;
        try {
            Config c = Config.getInstance();
            if ((tdiff = c.getDefaultIntValue("clockskew",
                                              "libdefaults")) == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {   //value is not defined
                tdiff = Krb5.DEFAULT_ALLOWABLE_CLOCKSKEW;
        } catch (KrbException e) {
            if (DEBUG) {
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    String serviceName = "host/" + remoteHost.getHost();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
      LOG.debug("Fetching service ticket for host at: " + serviceName);
    Credentials serviceCred = null;
    try {
      PrincipalName principal = new PrincipalName(serviceName,
      serviceCred = Credentials.acquireServiceCreds(principal
          .toString(), Krb5Util.ticketToCreds(getTgtFromSubject()));
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