private final Constructor mungedConstructor;
public SunReflectionFactorySerializationInstantiator(Class type) {
Class nonSerializableAncestor = SerializationInstantiatorHelper.getNonSerializableSuperClass(type);
ReflectionFactory reflectionFactory = ReflectionFactory.getReflectionFactory();
Constructor nonSerializableAncestorConstructor;
try {
nonSerializableAncestorConstructor = nonSerializableAncestor.getConstructor((Class[]) null);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
* @todo (Henri) I think we should throw a NotSerializableException
* just to put the same message a ObjectInputStream.
* Otherwise, the user won't know if the null returned if a
* "Not serializable", a "No default constructor on ancestor"
* or a "Exception in constructor"
throw new ObjenesisException(new NotSerializableException(type + " has no suitable superclass constructor"));
mungedConstructor = reflectionFactory.newConstructorForSerialization(type, nonSerializableAncestorConstructor);