* to add the entry to the DIT. Thereafter we search out entries
* to modify the subentry operational attributes of.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
String subtree = entry.get( SchemaConstants.SUBTREE_SPECIFICATION_AT ).getString();
SubtreeSpecification ss;
ss = ssParser.parse( subtree );
catch ( Exception e )
String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_307, name.getName() );
LOG.warn( msg );
throw new LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( msg, ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX );
subentryCache.setSubentry( name.getNormName(), ss, getSubentryTypes( entry ) );
next.add( addContext );
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Find the baseDn for the subentry and use that to search the tree
* while testing each entry returned for inclusion within the
* subtree of the subentry's subtreeSpecification. All included
* entries will have their operational attributes merged with the
* operational attributes calculated above.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
DN baseDn = ( DN ) apName.clone();
baseDn.addAll( ss.getBase() );
ExprNode filter = new PresenceNode( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT_OID ); // (objectClass=*)
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE );
controls.setReturningAttributes( new String[]
SearchOperationContext searchOperationContext = new SearchOperationContext( addContext.getSession(), baseDn,
filter, controls );
searchOperationContext.setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES );
EntryFilteringCursor subentries = nexus.search( searchOperationContext );
while ( subentries.next() )
ServerEntry candidate = subentries.get();
DN dn = candidate.getDn();
dn.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
if ( evaluator.evaluate( ss, apName, dn, candidate ) )
nexus.modify( new ModifyOperationContext( addContext.getSession(), dn,
getOperationalModsForAdd( candidate, operational ) ) );
// TODO why are we doing this here if we got the entry from the
// opContext in the first place - got to look into this
addContext.setEntry( entry );
Iterator<String> list = subentryCache.nameIterator();
while ( list.hasNext() )
String subentryDnStr = list.next();
DN subentryDn = new DN( subentryDnStr );
DN apDn = ( DN ) subentryDn.clone();
apDn.remove( apDn.size() - 1 );
Subentry subentry = subentryCache.getSubentry( subentryDnStr );
SubtreeSpecification ss = subentry.getSubtreeSpecification();
if ( evaluator.evaluate( ss, apDn, name, entry ) )
EntryAttribute operational;