Examples of SubscriptionManager

Examples of com.aelitis.azureus.core.subs.SubscriptionManager

        byte[] bytes = vf.exportToBytes();
        String url_str = "vuze://?body=" + new String( bytes, Constants.BYTE_ENCODING );
        SubscriptionManager sub_man = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton();
        Subscription subs =
            vf.getName() + ": " + engine.getName() + " (v" + engine.getVersion() + ")",
            new URL( url_str ),
            Integer.MAX_VALUE );
        subs.setSubscribed( true );
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Examples of com.aelitis.azureus.core.subs.SubscriptionManager

    try {
      if(download != null) {
        byte[] hash = download.getTorrent().getHash();
        SubscriptionManager subs_man = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton();
        if ( useCachedSubs ){
          Subscription[] subs = subs_man.getKnownSubscriptions( hash );
          lookup = subs_man.lookupAssociations(hash, this);
      } else {

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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.SubscriptionManager


        serverSettings = new ServerSettings();

        // Managers
        subscriptionManager = new SubscriptionManager(this);
        remoteSubscriptionManager = new RemoteSubscriptionManager(this);
        throttleManager = new ThrottleManager();
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.SubscriptionManager

     *        the message to them; <code>false</code> to skip selector evaluation.
    public void pushMessageToClients(Message message, boolean evalSelector)
        MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination)getDestination(message);
        SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager = destination.getSubscriptionManager();
        Set subscriberIds = subscriptionManager.getSubscriberIds(message, evalSelector);

        if (Log.isDebug())
            Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Sending message: " + message + StringUtils.NEWLINE + "    to subscribed clientIds: " + subscriberIds);

        if ((subscriberIds != null) && !subscriberIds.isEmpty())
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.SubscriptionManager

     * Typically
    public Set getSubscriberIds(Message message, boolean evalSelector)
        MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination) getDestination(message);
        SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager = destination.getSubscriptionManager();
        return subscriptionManager.getSubscriberIds(message, evalSelector);
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.SubscriptionManager

     * to match against any selector patterns that were used for subscribers.
    public Set getSubscriberIds(String destinationId, String subtopicPattern, Map messageHeaders)
        MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination) getDestination(destinationId);
        SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager = destination.getSubscriptionManager();
        return subscriptionManager.getSubscriberIds(subtopicPattern, messageHeaders);
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.SubscriptionManager

                    if (Log.isDebug())
                        Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug(me.getMessage(), me);
                    SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager = destination.getSubscriptionManager();

                    for (Iterator clientIter = subscriberIds.iterator(); clientIter.hasNext();)
                        Object clientId = clientIter.next();
                        MessageClient client = (MessageClient)subscriptionManager.getSubscriber(clientId);

                        // Skip if the client is null or invalidated.
                        if (client == null || !client.isValid())
                            if (Log.isDebug())
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Examples of flex.messaging.services.messaging.SubscriptionManager

    protected Message manageSubscriptions(CommandMessage command)
        Message replyMessage = null;

        MessageDestination destination = (MessageDestination)getDestination(command);
        SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager = destination.getSubscriptionManager();

        Object clientId = command.getClientId();
        String endpointId = (String)command.getHeader(Message.ENDPOINT_HEADER);

        String subtopicString = (String) command.getHeader(AsyncMessage.SUBTOPIC_HEADER_NAME);

        ServiceAdapter adapter = destination.getAdapter();

        if (command.getOperation() == CommandMessage.SUBSCRIBE_OPERATION)
            String selectorExpr = (String) command.getHeader(CommandMessage.SELECTOR_HEADER);

            getMessageBroker().inspectChannel(command, destination);

            // Give MessagingAdapter a chance to block the subscribe.
            if ((adapter instanceof MessagingAdapter))

                 * This allows parallel add/remove subscribe calls (protected by the
                 * concurrent hash table) but prevents us from doing any table mods
                 * when the getSubscriptionState method is active

                if (adapter.handlesSubscriptions())
                    replyMessage = (Message) adapter.manage(command);
                    testSelector(selectorExpr, command);
                 * Even if the adapter is managing the subscription, we still need to
                 * register this with the subscription manager so that we can match the
                 * endpoint with the clientId.  I am not sure I like this though because
                 * now the subscription is registered both with the adapter and with our
                 * system so keeping them in sync is potentially problematic.   Also, it
                 * seems like the adapter should have the option to manage endpoints themselves?
                subscriptionManager.addSubscriber(clientId, selectorExpr, subtopicString, endpointId);

            if (replyMessage == null)
                replyMessage = new AcknowledgeMessage();
        else if (command.getOperation() == CommandMessage.UNSUBSCRIBE_OPERATION)
            // Give MessagingAdapter a chance to block the unsubscribe, as long as the subscription
            // has not been invalidated
            if ((adapter instanceof MessagingAdapter) && command.getHeader(CommandMessage.SUBSCRIPTION_INVALIDATED_HEADER) == null)

            String selectorExpr = (String) command.getHeader(CommandMessage.SELECTOR_HEADER);


                if (adapter.handlesSubscriptions())
                    replyMessage = (Message) adapter.manage(command);
                subscriptionManager.removeSubscriber(clientId, selectorExpr, subtopicString, endpointId);

            if (replyMessage == null)
                replyMessage = new AcknowledgeMessage();
        else if (command.getOperation() == CommandMessage.MULTI_SUBSCRIBE_OPERATION)
            getMessageBroker().inspectChannel(command, destination);

            // Give MessagingAdapter a chance to block the multi subscribe.
            if ((adapter instanceof MessagingAdapter))

                 * This allows parallel add/remove subscribe calls (protected by the
                 * concurrent hash table) but prevents us from doing any table mods
                 * when the getSubscriptionState method is active

                if (adapter.handlesSubscriptions())
                    replyMessage = (Message) adapter.manage(command);

                // Deals with legacy collection setting
                Object[] adds = getObjectArrayFromHeader(command.getHeader(CommandMessage.ADD_SUBSCRIPTIONS));
                Object[] rems = getObjectArrayFromHeader(command.getHeader(CommandMessage.REMOVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS));

                if (adds != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < adds.length; i++)
                        String ss = (String) adds[i];
                        int ix = ss.indexOf(CommandMessage.SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR);
                        if (ix != -1)
                            String subtopic = (ix == 0 ? null : ss.substring(0, ix));
                            String selector = ss.substring(ix+CommandMessage.SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR.length());
                            if (selector.length() == 0)
                                selector = null;

                            subscriptionManager.addSubscriber(clientId, selector, subtopic, endpointId);
                        // invalid message

                if (rems != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < rems.length; i++)
                        String ss = (String) rems[i];
                        int ix = ss.indexOf(CommandMessage.SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR);
                        if (ix != -1)
                            String subtopic = (ix == 0 ? null : ss.substring(0, ix));
                            String selector = ss.substring(ix+CommandMessage.SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR.length());
                            if (selector.length() == 0)
                                selector = null;

                            subscriptionManager.removeSubscriber(clientId, selector, subtopic, endpointId);

            if (replyMessage == null)
                replyMessage = new AcknowledgeMessage();
        else if (command.getOperation() == CommandMessage.POLL_OPERATION)
            // This code path handles poll messages sent by Consumer.receive().
            // This API should not trigger server side waits, so we invoke poll
            // and if there are no queued messages for this Consumer instance we
            // return an empty acknowledgement immediately.
            MessageClient client = null;
                client = subscriptionManager.getMessageClient(clientId, endpointId);

                if (client != null)
                    if (adapter.handlesSubscriptions())
                        List missedMessages = (List)adapter.manage(command);
                        if (missedMessages != null && !missedMessages.isEmpty())
                            MessageBroker broker = getMessageBroker();
                            for (Iterator iter = missedMessages.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
                                broker.routeMessageToMessageClient((Message)iter.next(), client);
                    FlushResult flushResult = client.getFlexClient().poll(client);
                    List messagesToReturn = (flushResult != null) ? flushResult.getMessages() : null;
                    if (messagesToReturn != null && !messagesToReturn.isEmpty())
                        replyMessage = new CommandMessage(CommandMessage.CLIENT_SYNC_OPERATION);
                        replyMessage = new AcknowledgeMessage();
                    // Adaptive poll wait is never used in responses to Consumer.receive() calls.
                    ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
                    se.setMessage(NOT_SUBSCRIBED, new Object[] {destination.getId()});
                    throw se;
            ServiceException se = new ServiceException();
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Examples of gov.nasa.arc.mct.platform.spi.SubscriptionManager

            } else {
                logger.error("FeedManager is null.");
            SubscriptionManager mgr = PlatformImpl.getInstance().getSubscriptionManager();
            if (mgr != null) {
            } else {
                logger.error("SubscriptionManager is null.");
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Examples of gov.nasa.arc.mct.platform.spi.SubscriptionManager

                requiredSubscriptions, activeSubscriptions, newSubscriptions, removedSubscriptions,set);

        if (exceededMaxSubscriptions(requiredSubscriptions, newSubscriptions)) return;
        SubscriptionManager manager = getSubscriptionManager();
        if (manager != null) {

          for (FeedProvider feed:removedSubscriptions) {
                LOGGER.debug("removing subscription for {0}", feed.getSubscriptionId());
          List<String> newlyAddedSubscriptionIds = new ArrayList<String> (newSubscriptions.size());
            for (FeedProvider feed:newSubscriptions) {
                LOGGER.debug("adding subscription for {0}", feed.getSubscriptionId());
                activeFeeds.put(feed, feed.getTimeService().getCurrentTime());
            assert newlyAddedSubscriptionIds.size() == newSubscriptions.size();
            if (!newlyAddedSubscriptionIds.isEmpty()) {
               manager.subscribe(newlyAddedSubscriptionIds.toArray(new String[newlyAddedSubscriptionIds.size()]));
            activeSubscriptions = requiredSubscriptions;
        } else {
            LOGGER.warn("subscription manager not available, subscriptions not updated");
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