int size = 2*graph.pathroutines.countEdges();
RandomPathGenerator rpg = new RandomPathGenerator(graph, new Random(100),5,null);// the seed for Random should be the same for each file
int percentPerChunk = 10;
int nrPerChunk = size/(100/percentPerChunk);nrPerChunk+=nrPerChunk % 2;// make the number even
rpg.generatePosNeg(2*nrPerChunk , 100/percentPerChunk);// 2* reflects the fact that nrPerChunk denotes the number of elements in both chunks (positive and negative) combined. */
RPNILearner learner = new RPNIUniversalLearner(null,new LearnerEvaluationConfiguration(null,null,config,null,null))
public Pair<Integer,String> CheckWithEndUser(
@SuppressWarnings("unused") LearnerGraph model,
List<Label> question, @SuppressWarnings("unused") int valueForNoRestart,