Map<Label,CmpVertex> graphTargets = graph.transitionMatrix.get(statePair.firstElem),
maxTargets = statePair.secondElem == null? emptyTargets:from.transitionMatrix.get(statePair.secondElem);
CmpVertex currentRepresentative = pairsToGraphStates.get(statePair);assert currentRepresentative != null;
for(Entry<Label,CmpVertex> labelstate:graphTargets.entrySet())
Label label = labelstate.getKey();
CmpVertex graphState = labelstate.getValue();// the original one
CmpVertex maxState = maxTargets.get(label);
if (maxState == null)
{// this is the case where a transition in a tentative graph is not matched by any in a maximal automaton
if (!maxIsPartial)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("In state pair "+statePair+" transition labelled by "+label+" is not matched in a maximal automaton");
StatePair nextPair = new StatePair(graphState,maxState);
// Now that we're making a step to a state pair where (graphState,maxState) pair has not been seen before,
// it is quite possible that we have to clone the corresponding state in a tentative graph so as to ensure
// that each state from a tentative graph is paired with no more than a single state in a maximal automaton
// (this corresponds to a construction of a cross-product of states).
// A state of a tentative state can be unpaired if the maximal automaton is partial,
// i.e. it contains a number of counter-examples rather than all possible sequences. This is another
// thing to check for in this method - if taking of an LTL-derived graph this should be deemed an error.
boolean shouldDescend = true;
CmpVertex nextGraphVertex = pairsToGraphStates.get(nextPair);// get a state representing the next pair of states
if (nextGraphVertex == null)
{// not seen this pair already hence might have to clone.
if (!encounteredGraph.contains(graphState))
{// since we did not see this pair before, the first encountered
// vertex (graphState) is now a representative of the pair nextPair
nextGraphVertex = AbstractLearnerGraph.cloneCmpVertex(graphState, config);encounteredGraph.add(graphState);
result.transitionMatrix.put(nextGraphVertex, result.createNewRow());
shouldDescend = nextGraphVertex.isAccept();
{// graphState already paired with one of the states in maximal automaton hence clone the state
boolean accept = graphState.isAccept() && (maxState == null || maxState.isAccept());// do not descend if the next state is reject or the next state in a maximal automaton is reject
if (graphState.isAccept() != accept)
{// tentative automaton reaches an accept state but the maximal automaton gets into reject-state
if (!override)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("incompatible labelling: maximal automaton chops off some paths in a tentative automaton");
nextGraphVertex = AbstractLearnerGraph.generateNewCmpVertex(result.nextID(accept), config);
if (GlobalConfiguration.getConfiguration().isAssertEnabled() && result.findVertex(nextGraphVertex) != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("duplicate vertex with ID "+nextGraphVertex.getStringId()+" in graph "+result);
DeterministicDirectedSparseGraph.copyVertexData(graphState, nextGraphVertex);nextGraphVertex.setAccept(accept);
pairsToGraphStates.put(nextPair, nextGraphVertex);
if (!accept) shouldDescend = false;
else // already seen the next pair hence no need to descend
shouldDescend = false;
if (shouldDescend)
// need to explore all transitions from the new state pair.
for(Entry<Label,CmpVertex> labelstate:maxTargets.entrySet())
Label label = labelstate.getKey();
if (!graphTargets.containsKey(label) && !labelstate.getValue().isAccept())
{// a transition in a maximal automaton is not matched but leads to a reject-state hence direct to a reject-state adding it if necessary
CmpVertex newVert = pairsToGraphStates.get(new StatePair(null,labelstate.getValue()));
if (newVert == null)