Package stanfordlogic.knowledge

Examples of stanfordlogic.knowledge.BasicKB

    protected void setupInitialState()
        // First, create the game state
        currentState_ = new BasicKB();
        // Now, find all answers to the question: "init ?x"
        Iterable<GroundFact> inits = getAllAnswersIterable(ProofContext.makeDummy(parser_), "init", "?x");
        for (GroundFact init : inits) {
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        Iterable<GroundFact> newFacts = reasoner_.getAllAnswersIterable(QUERY_NEXT, currentContext_);
        // TODO: we should be creating the same kind of KB as currentState_ here
        KnowledgeBase newKb = new BasicKB();
        for(GroundFact newFact : newFacts)
        currentState_ = newKb;
        if (stateLogger_.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            stateLogger_.fine(gameId_ + "   -      New: " + currentState_.stateToGdl());
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        parser_ = GameManager.getParser();
        symbolTable_ = parser_.getSymbolTable();
        currentProver = this;
        kb_ = new BasicKB();
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        // Get all next facts
        GroundFact does = GroundFact.fromExpression( parser_.parse("does xplayer noop") );
        GroundFact does2 = GroundFact.fromExpression( parser_.parse("does oplayer (mark 2 3)") );
        Fact question = VariableFact.fromExpression( parser_.parse("next ?x") );
        KnowledgeBase kb = new BasicKB();
        ProofContext context = new ProofContext(kb, parser_);
        List<GroundFact> results = r.getAllAnswers( question, context );
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    public void testTicTacToe() throws IOException
        GameInformation info = MetaGdl.examineGame("game-defs/tictactoe.kif", parser_);
        KnowledgeBase staticKb = new BasicKB();
        AbstractReasoner r = new BasicReasoner(staticKb, info.getIndexedRules(), parser_);
        Fact initQuestion = Fact.fromExpression(parser_.parse("init ?x"));
        // Compute the initial state
        List<GroundFact> inits = r.getAllAnswers(initQuestion);
        KnowledgeBase currentState = new BasicKB();
        RelationNameProcessor trueProcessor = new RelationNameProcessor(parser_.TOK_TRUE);
        for (GroundFact init: inits) {
        assertEquals(10, currentState.getNumFacts());
        GroundFact [] moves;
        // Do some updates
        moves = new GroundFact [] {
                                   (GroundFact) makeFact("does xplayer (mark 1 1)"),
                                   (GroundFact) makeFact("does oplayer noop"),
        currentState = updateKbWithMoves(r, currentState, moves);
        assertEquals(10, currentState.getNumFacts());
        moves = new GroundFact [] {
                                   (GroundFact) makeFact("does xplayer noop"),
                                   (GroundFact) makeFact("does oplayer (mark 1 3)"),
        currentState = updateKbWithMoves(r, currentState, moves);
        assertEquals(10, currentState.getNumFacts());
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        ProofContext context = new ProofContext(kb, parser_);
        List<GroundFact> nexts = r.getAllAnswers(nextQuestion, context);
        KnowledgeBase newKb = new BasicKB();
        RelationNameProcessor trueProcessor = new RelationNameProcessor(parser_.TOK_TRUE);
        for (GroundFact next : nexts) {
        return newKb;
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    public void testBigMinichess() throws IOException
        // Load the rules for mini-chess
        GameInformation info = MetaGdl.examineGame("game-defs/minichess.kif", parser_);
        KnowledgeBase staticKb = new BasicKB();
        staticKb.loadWithFacts( info.getAllGrounds() );
        List<Implication> rules = info.getRules();
        KnowledgeBase volatileKb = new BasicKB();
        AbstractReasoner reasoner = new BasicReasoner(staticKb, rules, parser_);
        Fact question = VariableFact.fromList( parser_.parse("init ?x") );
        ProofContext context = new ProofContext(volatileKb, parser_);
        List<GroundFact> init = reasoner.getAllAnswers( question, context );
        // Make sure that we have a cache for all the initial truths
        assertEquals( 18, init.size() );
        RelationNameProcessor processor = new RelationNameProcessor(parser_.TOK_TRUE);
        for ( GroundFact f : init )
            volatileKb.setTrue ( processor.processFact(f) );
                // Find out how many legal moves there are
        List<GroundFact> legal = reasoner.getAllAnswers( makeFact( "legal white ?x" ),
                context );

        // Make sure there's the right amount of legal moves
        assertEquals( 7, legal.size() );

        // Is the game terminal?
        assertNull( reasoner.getAnAnswer( makeFact( "terminal" ), context ) );

        // Make some move
        GroundFact does1 = (GroundFact) makeFact( "does white (move wk c 1 c 2)" );
        GroundFact does2 = (GroundFact) makeFact( "does black noop" );

        volatileKb.setTrue( does1 );
        volatileKb.setTrue( does2 );

        // Find the next state.
        List<GroundFact> nextTruths = reasoner.getAllAnswers( makeFact( "next ?x" ),
                context );
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    public void testChessLegalMoves()
        // Load the rules for chess
        GameInformation info = MetaGdl.examineGame("game-defs/chess.kif", parser_);
        KnowledgeBase staticKb = new BasicKB();
        staticKb.loadWithFacts( info.getAllGrounds() );
        List<Implication> rules = info.getRules();
        KnowledgeBase volatileKb = new BasicKB();
        AbstractReasoner reasoner = new BasicReasoner(staticKb, rules, parser_);
        Fact question = VariableFact.fromList( parser_.parse("init ?x") );
        ProofContext context = new ProofContext(volatileKb, parser_);
        List<GroundFact> init = reasoner.getAllAnswers( question, context );
        assertEquals(66, init.size());
        RelationNameProcessor processor = new RelationNameProcessor(parser_.TOK_TRUE);
        for ( GroundFact f : init )
            volatileKb.setTrue ( processor.processFact(f) );
        // Find out how many legal moves there are
        List<GroundFact> legal = reasoner.getAllAnswers( makeFact( "legal white ?x" ),
                context );
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Related Classes of stanfordlogic.knowledge.BasicKB

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