final IUserPreferencesManager preferencesManager = userInstance.getPreferencesManager();
final IUserLayoutManager userLayoutManager = preferencesManager.getUserLayoutManager();
final UserPreferences userPreferences = preferencesManager.getUserPreferences();
final StructureStylesheetUserPreferences structureStylesheetUserPreferences = userPreferences.getStructureStylesheetUserPreferences();
final ThemeStylesheetUserPreferences themeStylesheetUserPreferences = userPreferences.getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences();
String root = request.getParameter("uP_root");
if (root != null) {
// If a channel specifies "me" as its root, set the root
// to the channel's subscribe Id
if (root.equals("me")) {
// get uPFile spec and search for "channel" clause
//TODO get UPFileSpec for original request and store it as a request attribute
final UPFileSpec upfs = new UPFileSpec(request);
root = upfs.getTargetNodeId();
if (IUserLayout.ROOT_NODE_NAME.equals(root)) {
final String oldChannelId = structureStylesheetUserPreferences.getParameterValue("userLayoutRoot");
if (oldChannelId != null && !IUserLayout.ROOT_NODE_NAME.equals(oldChannelId)) {
//Tell the previously maximized channel it is going back to normal
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Sending window state event '" + PortalEvent.NORMAL + "' to '" + root + "'.");
channelManager.passPortalEvent(request, response, oldChannelId, PortalEvent.NORMAL);
else {
//Make sure that the focused channel isn't rendered minimized
themeStylesheetUserPreferences.setChannelAttributeValue(root, "minimized", "false");
//Tell the channel it is being maximized
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Sending window state event '" + PortalEvent.MAXIMIZE + "' to '" + root + "'.");
channelManager.passPortalEvent(request, response, root, PortalEvent.MAXIMIZE);
structureStylesheetUserPreferences.putParameterValue("userLayoutRoot", root);
// fname and root are mutually exclusive and
// should not be used in the same request,
// as an fname is treated as the root target.
final String fname = request.getParameter(Constants.FNAME_PARAM);
if (fname != null) {
// get a subscribe id for the fname
String subId = null;
try {
subId = userLayoutManager.getSubscribeId(fname);
catch (PortalException pe) {
logger.warn("Unable to get subscribe ID for fname='" + fname + "'", pe);
if (subId != null) {
if (userLayoutManager instanceof TransientUserLayoutManagerWrapper) {
// get wrapper implementation for focusing
final TransientUserLayoutManagerWrapper transientUserLayoutManagerWrapper = (TransientUserLayoutManagerWrapper) userLayoutManager;
// .. and now set it as the focused id
structureStylesheetUserPreferences.putParameterValue("userLayoutRoot", subId);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("setting structure preference 'userLayoutRoot'='" + subId + "'");
// other params
final String[] structParamNames = request.getParameterValues("uP_sparam");
if (structParamNames != null) {
for (final String structParamName : structParamNames) {
final String structParamValue = request.getParameter(structParamName);
structureStylesheetUserPreferences.putParameterValue(structParamName, structParamValue);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("set structure parameter '" + structParamName + "'='" + structParamValue + "'.");
final String[] themeParamNames = request.getParameterValues("uP_tparam");
if (themeParamNames != null) {
for (final String themeParamName : themeParamNames) {
final String themeParamValue = request.getParameter(themeParamName);
themeStylesheetUserPreferences.putParameterValue(themeParamName, themeParamValue);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("set theme parameter '" + themeParamName + "'='" + themeParamValue + "'.");
// attribute processing
// structure transformation
final String[] structFolderAttrNames = request.getParameterValues("uP_sfattr");
if (structFolderAttrNames != null) {
for (final String structFolderAttrName : structFolderAttrNames) {
final String[] folderIds = request.getParameterValues(structFolderAttrName + "_folderId");
if (folderIds != null) {
for (final String folderId : folderIds) {
final String structFolderAttrValue = request.getParameter(structFolderAttrName + "_" + folderId + "_value");
structureStylesheetUserPreferences.setFolderAttributeValue(folderId, structFolderAttrName, structFolderAttrValue);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("set structure folder attribute '" + structFolderAttrName + "'='" + structFolderAttrValue + "' on folder '" + folderId + "'.");
final String[] structChannelAttrNames = request.getParameterValues("uP_scattr");
if (structChannelAttrNames != null) {
for (final String structChannelAttrName : structChannelAttrNames) {
final String[] channelIds = request.getParameterValues(structChannelAttrName + "_channelId");
if (channelIds != null) {
for (final String channelId : channelIds) {
final String structChannelAttrValue = request.getParameter(structChannelAttrName + "_" + channelId + "_value");
structureStylesheetUserPreferences.setChannelAttributeValue(channelId, structChannelAttrName, structChannelAttrValue);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("set structure channel attribute '" + structChannelAttrName + "'='" + structChannelAttrValue + "' on folder '" + channelId + "'.");