Examples of StringValueExp

Examples of javax.management.StringValueExp

            MBeanServer server = getContext().getManagementStrategy().getManagementAgent().getMBeanServer();
            if (server != null) {
                // get all the processor mbeans and sort them accordingly to their index
                String prefix = getContext().getManagementStrategy().getManagementAgent().getIncludeHostName() ? "*/" : "";
                ObjectName query = ObjectName.getInstance("org.apache.camel:context=" + prefix + getContext().getManagementName() + ",type=processors,*");
                QueryExp queryExp = Query.match(new AttributeValueExp("RouteId"), new StringValueExp(getRouteId()));
                Set<ObjectName> names = server.queryNames(query, queryExp);
                for (ObjectName name : names) {
                    server.invoke(name, "reset", null, null);
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Examples of javax.management.StringValueExp

    public void testReset() throws Exception {
        // get the stats for the route
        MBeanServer mbeanServer = getMBeanServer();

        QueryExp queryExp = Query.match(new AttributeValueExp("RouteId"), new StringValueExp("first"));
        Set<ObjectName> set = mbeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:type=routes,*"), queryExp);
        assertEquals(1, set.size());
        ObjectName on = set.iterator().next();

        // send in 5 messages
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "A");
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "B");
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "C");
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "D");
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "E");

        // and 1 for the 2nd route
        template.sendBody("direct:baz", "F");

        // should be 5 on the route
        Long completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "ExchangesCompleted");
        assertEquals(5, completed.longValue());

        // and on the processors as well
        set = mbeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:type=processors,*"), queryExp);
        assertEquals(3, set.size());
        for (ObjectName name : set) {
            completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(name, "ExchangesCompleted");
            assertEquals(5, completed.longValue());

        // reset which should reset all processors also
        mbeanServer.invoke(on, "reset", new Object[]{true}, new String[]{"boolean"});

        // should be 0 on the route
        completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "ExchangesCompleted");
        assertEquals(0, completed.longValue());

        // and on the processors as well
        set = mbeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:type=processors,*"), queryExp);
        assertEquals(3, set.size());
        for (ObjectName name : set) {
            completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(name, "ExchangesCompleted");
            assertEquals(0, completed.longValue());

        // test that the 2nd route is untouched, as we only reset the first route
        queryExp = Query.match(new AttributeValueExp("RouteId"), new StringValueExp("second"));
        set = mbeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:type=routes,*"), queryExp);
        assertEquals(1, set.size());
        on = set.iterator().next();

        completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "ExchangesCompleted");
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Examples of javax.management.StringValueExp

    public void testReset() throws Exception {
        // get the stats for the route
        MBeanServer mbeanServer = getMBeanServer();

        QueryExp queryExp = Query.match(new AttributeValueExp("RouteId"), new StringValueExp("first"));
        Set<ObjectName> set = mbeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:type=routes,*"), queryExp);
        assertEquals(1, set.size());
        ObjectName on = set.iterator().next();

        // send in 5 messages
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "A");
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "B");
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "C");
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "D");
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "E");

        // and 1 for the 2nd route
        template.sendBody("direct:baz", "F");


        // should be 5 on the route
        Long completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "ExchangesCompleted");
        assertEquals(5, completed.longValue());

        // and on the processors as well
        set = mbeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:type=processors,*"), queryExp);
        assertEquals(3, set.size());
        for (ObjectName name : set) {
            completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(name, "ExchangesCompleted");
            assertEquals(5, completed.longValue());

        // reset which should reset all routes also
        ObjectName ctx = ObjectName.getInstance("org.apache.camel:context=localhost/camel-1,type=context,name=\"camel-1\"");
        mbeanServer.invoke(ctx, "reset", new Object[]{true}, new String[]{"boolean"});

        // should be 0 on the route
        completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "ExchangesCompleted");
        assertEquals(0, completed.longValue());

        // and on the processors as well
        set = mbeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:type=processors,*"), queryExp);
        assertEquals(3, set.size());
        for (ObjectName name : set) {
            completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(name, "ExchangesCompleted");
            assertEquals(0, completed.longValue());

        // test that the 2nd route is also reset
        queryExp = Query.match(new AttributeValueExp("RouteId"), new StringValueExp("second"));
        set = mbeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:type=routes,*"), queryExp);
        assertEquals(1, set.size());
        on = set.iterator().next();

        completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "ExchangesCompleted");
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Examples of javax.management.StringValueExp

        if (includeProcessors) {
            MBeanServer server = getContext().getManagementStrategy().getManagementAgent().getMBeanServer();
            if (server != null) {
                // get all the processor mbeans and sort them accordingly to their index
                ObjectName query = ObjectName.getInstance("org.apache.camel:context=*/" + getContext().getManagementName() + ",type=processors,*");
                QueryExp queryExp = Query.match(new AttributeValueExp("RouteId"), new StringValueExp(getRouteId()));
                Set<ObjectName> names = server.queryNames(query, queryExp);
                for (ObjectName name : names) {
                    server.invoke(name, "reset", null, null);
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Examples of javax.management.StringValueExp


        // get the stats for the route
        MBeanServer mbeanServer = getMBeanServer();

        QueryExp queryExp = Query.match(new AttributeValueExp("RouteId"), new StringValueExp("first"));
        Set<ObjectName> set = mbeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:type=routes,*"), queryExp);
        assertEquals(1, set.size());
        ObjectName on = set.iterator().next();

        // send in 5 messages
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "A");
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "B");
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "C");
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "D");
        template.sendBody("direct:start", "E");

        // and 1 for the 2nd route
        template.sendBody("direct:baz", "F");


        // should be 5 on the route
        Long completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "ExchangesCompleted");
        assertEquals(5, completed.longValue());

        // and on the processors as well
        set = mbeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:type=processors,*"), queryExp);
        assertEquals(3, set.size());
        for (ObjectName name : set) {
            completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(name, "ExchangesCompleted");
            assertEquals(5, completed.longValue());

        // reset which should reset all routes also
        ObjectName ctx = ObjectName.getInstance("org.apache.camel:context=localhost/camel-1,type=context,name=\"camel-1\"");
        mbeanServer.invoke(ctx, "reset", new Object[]{true}, new String[]{"boolean"});

        // should be 0 on the route
        completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "ExchangesCompleted");
        assertEquals(0, completed.longValue());

        // and on the processors as well
        set = mbeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:type=processors,*"), queryExp);
        assertEquals(3, set.size());
        for (ObjectName name : set) {
            completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(name, "ExchangesCompleted");
            assertEquals(0, completed.longValue());

        // test that the 2nd route is also reset
        queryExp = Query.match(new AttributeValueExp("RouteId"), new StringValueExp("second"));
        set = mbeanServer.queryNames(new ObjectName("*:type=routes,*"), queryExp);
        assertEquals(1, set.size());
        on = set.iterator().next();

        completed = (Long) mbeanServer.getAttribute(on, "ExchangesCompleted");
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Examples of javax.management.StringValueExp

        if (includeProcessors) {
            MBeanServer server = getContext().getManagementStrategy().getManagementAgent().getMBeanServer();
            if (server != null) {
                // get all the processor mbeans and sort them accordingly to their index
                ObjectName query = ObjectName.getInstance("org.apache.camel:context=*/" + getContext().getManagementName() + ",type=processors,*");
                QueryExp queryExp = Query.match(new AttributeValueExp("RouteId"), new StringValueExp(getRouteId()));
                Set<ObjectName> names = server.queryNames(query, queryExp);
                for (ObjectName name : names) {
                    server.invoke(name, "reset", null, null);
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