Examples of StringMediaResource

Examples of org.olat.core.gui.media.StringMediaResource

          Tracing.logDebug("scorm api request by user:"+ username +": " + apiCall + "('" + apiCallParamOne + "' , '" + apiCallParamTwo + "')", this.getClass());

        String returnValue = "";
        StringMediaResource smr = new StringMediaResource();
        if (apiCall != null && apiCall.equals("initcall")) {
          //used for Mozilla / firefox only to get more time for fireing the onunload stuff triggered by overwriting the content.
          return smr;

        if (apiCall != null) {
          if (apiCall.equals(LMS_INITIALIZE)) {
            returnValue = scormAdapter.LMSInitialize(apiCallParamOne);
          } else if (apiCall.equals(LMS_GETVALUE)) {
            returnValue = scormAdapter.LMSGetValue(apiCallParamOne);
          } else if (apiCall.equals(LMS_SETVALUE)) {
            returnValue = scormAdapter.LMSSetValue(apiCallParamOne, apiCallParamTwo);
          } else if (apiCall.equals(LMS_COMMIT)) {
            returnValue = scormAdapter.LMSCommit(apiCallParamOne);
          } else if (apiCall.equals(LMS_FINISH)) {
            returnValue = scormAdapter.LMSFinish(apiCallParamOne);
          } else if (apiCall.equals(LMS_GETLASTERROR)) {
            returnValue = scormAdapter.LMSGetLastError();
          } else if (apiCall.equals(LMS_GETDIAGNOSTIC)) {
            returnValue = scormAdapter.LMSGetDiagnostic(apiCallParamOne);
          } else if (apiCall.equals(LMS_GETERRORSTRING)) {
            returnValue = scormAdapter.LMSGetErrorString(apiCallParamOne);
          smr.setData("<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"></head><body><p>"
              + returnValue + "</p></body></html>");
          return smr;
        return smr;
    String scormCallbackUri = mapreg.register(mapper);
    myContent.contextPut("scormCallbackUri", scormCallbackUri+"/");
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Examples of org.olat.core.gui.media.StringMediaResource

      logWarn("GlossaryTerms delivery failed; glossaryFolder doesn't contain a valid Glossary: " + glossaryFolder, null);
      return new NotFoundMediaResource(relPath);

    // Create a media resource
    StringMediaResource resource = new StringMediaResource() {
      public void prepare(HttpServletResponse hres) {
      // don't use normal string media headers which prevent caching,
      // use standard browser caching based on last modified timestamp

    // Get data
    String glossaryArrayData = TextMarkerJsGenerator.loadGlossaryItemListAsJSArray(glossaryFolder);

    // UTF-8 encoding used in this js file since explicitly set in the ajax
    // call (usually js files are 8859-1)
    return resource;
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Examples of org.olat.core.gui.media.StringMediaResource

    // cut away ".html"
    String glossaryMainTerm = parts[2].substring(0, parts[2].length() - 5).replace("+", " ");

    // Create a media resource
    StringMediaResource resource = new StringMediaResource() {
      public void prepare(HttpServletResponse hres) {
      // don't use normal string media headers which prevent caching,
      // use standard browser caching based on last modified timestamp

    ArrayList<GlossaryItem> glossItems = gIM.getGlossaryItemListByVFSItem(glossaryFolder);
    String description = "<dd><dt>" + glossaryMainTerm + "</dt>";
    // FIXME: have a way not to loop over all items, but get by Term
    boolean foundADescription = false;
    for (Iterator<GlossaryItem> iterator = glossItems.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
      GlossaryItem glossaryItem = iterator.next();
      if (glossaryItem.getGlossTerm().toLowerCase().equals(glossaryMainTerm.toLowerCase())) {
        description += "<dl>" + glossaryItem.getGlossDef() + "</dl>";
        foundADescription = true;
    description += "</dd>";
    if (!foundADescription) return new NotFoundMediaResource(relPath);

    if (isLogDebugEnabled()) logDebug("loaded definition for " + glossaryMainTerm, null);
    return resource;
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