Map result = null;
// Spec says empty local returns raw headers.
if ((locale == null) || (locale.length() == 0))
result = new StringMap(m_manifest, false);
// If we have no result, try to get it from the cached headers.
if (result == null)
synchronized (m_cachedHeaders)
// If the bundle is uninstalled, then the cached headers should
// only contain the localized headers for the default locale at
// the time of uninstall, so just return that.
if (getState() == Bundle.UNINSTALLED)
result = (Map) m_cachedHeaders.values().iterator().next();
// If the bundle has been updated, clear the cached headers.
else if (getLastModified() > m_cachedHeadersTimestamp)
// Otherwise, returned the cached headers if they exist.
// Check if headers for this locale have already been
// resolved
if (m_cachedHeaders.containsKey(locale))
result = (Map) m_cachedHeaders.get(locale);
// If the requested locale is not cached, then try to create it.
if (result == null)
// Get a modifiable copy of the raw headers.
Map headers = new StringMap(m_manifest, false);
// Assume for now that this will be the result.
result = headers;
// Check to see if we actually need to localize anything
boolean localize = false;
for (Iterator it = headers.values().iterator(); !localize
&& it.hasNext();)
if (((String)"%"))
localize = true;
if (!localize)
// If localization is not needed, just cache the headers and
// return
// them as-is. Not sure if this is useful
updateHeaderCache(locale, headers);
// Do localization here and return the localized headers
String basename = (String) headers
if (basename == null)
// Create ordered list of files to load properties from
List resourceList = createLocalizationResourceList(basename,
// Create a merged props file with all available props for this
// locale
boolean found = false;
Properties mergedProperties = new Properties();
for (Iterator it = resourceList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
URL temp = m_revision.getEntry( + ".properties");
if (temp != null)
found = true;
catch (IOException ex)
// File doesn't exist, just continue loop
// If the specified locale was not found, then the spec says we
// should
// return the default localization.
if (!found && !locale.equals(Locale.getDefault().toString()))
result = getCurrentLocalizedHeader(Locale.getDefault()
// Otherwise, perform the localization based on the discovered
// properties and cache the result.
// Resolve all localized header entries
for (Iterator it = headers.entrySet().iterator(); it
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
String value = (String) entry.getValue();
if (value.startsWith("%"))