Examples of StringInput

Examples of nexj.core.integration.io.StringInput

      String sRec2 = "__r2--f1__";
      String sRec3 = "(r3 f1)";
      String sMsgPrefix = "***|";

      TransferObject record;
      TransferObject root = m_parser.parse(new StringInput(
         sMsgPrefix +
         sRec1 + "     " // record 1, blank padded
         sRec2 +            // record 2, exact width
         sRec3 + "   "      // record 3, not a full width, must be blank padded
      ), Repository.getMetadata().getMessage(sMessageName));
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Examples of nexj.core.integration.io.StringInput

      String sRec3 = "(r3 f1)";
      String sRecPrefix = "<(<";
      String sRecSuffix = ">)>";

      TransferObject record;
      TransferObject root = m_parser.parse(new StringInput(
         sRecPrefix + sRec1 + "     " + sRecSuffix +  // record 1, blank padded
         sRecPrefix + sRec2 + sRecSuffix +            // record 2, exact width
         sRecPrefix + sRec3 + "   " + sRecSuffix      // record 3, not a full width, must be blank padded
      ), Repository.getMetadata().getMessage(sMessageName));
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Examples of nexj.core.integration.io.StringInput

      String sRec2 = "__r2--f1__";
      String sRec3 = "(r3 f1)";
      String sRecSuffix = "^^^^^";

      TransferObject record;
      TransferObject root = m_parser.parse(new StringInput(
         sRec1 + "     " + sRecSuffix +  // record 1, blank padded
         sRec2 + sRecSuffix +            // record 2, exact width
         sRec3 + "   " + sRecSuffix      // record 3, not a full width, must be blank padded
      ), Repository.getMetadata().getMessage(sMessageName));
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Examples of nexj.core.integration.io.StringInput

      String sRec1 = "r1 f1";
      String sRec2 = "__r2--f1__";
      String sRec3 = "(r3 f1)";
      TransferObject record;
      TransferObject root = m_parser.parse(new StringInput(
         "     " + sRec1 +    // record 1, blank padded
         sRec2 +             // record 2, exact width
         " " + sRec3               // record 3, not a full width, not blank padded
      ), Repository.getMetadata().getMessage(sMessageName));
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Examples of nexj.core.integration.io.StringInput

      String sMessageName = "Fixed_OneField";

      String sRec1 = "r1 f1";
      TransferObject record;
      TransferObject root = m_parser.parse(new StringInput(
         sRec1               // record 1, not a full width, not blank padded
      ), Repository.getMetadata().getMessage(sMessageName));

      assertEquals(sMessageName, root.getClassName());
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Examples of nexj.core.integration.io.StringInput

      String sRec1 = "r1 f1";     // field length is 8 (10 - prefix_length)
      String sRec2 = "_r2--f1_";
      String sRec3 = "(r3f1)";

      TransferObject record;
      TransferObject root = m_parser.parse(new StringInput(
         sPrefix + "   " + sRec1 +   // record 1, blank padded
         sPrefix + sRec2 +             // record 2, exact width
         sPrefix + sRec3               // record 3, not a full width, not blank padded
      ), Repository.getMetadata().getMessage(sMessageName));
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Examples of nexj.core.integration.io.StringInput

      String sRec2 = "_r2-------f1_";
      String sRec3 = "r1 f1";
      String sRec4 = "(r3f1)";

      TransferObject record;
      TransferObject root = m_parser.parse(new StringInput(
         sPrefix + "        " + sRec1 +  // record 1, blank padded on right
         sPrefix + sRec2 +               // record 2, exact width
         sPrefix + "        " + sRec3 +  // record 3, blank padded on right
         sPrefix + sRec4                 // record 4, not a full width, not blank padded
      ), Repository.getMetadata().getMessage(sMessageName));
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Examples of nexj.core.integration.io.StringInput

      String sRec2 = "r2---f1";
      String sRec3 = "(r3f1)";
      String sSuffix = ">>>";

      TransferObject record;
      TransferObject root = m_parser.parse(new StringInput(
         sRec1 + "  " + sSuffix  + // record 1, blank padded
         sRec2 + sSuffix +         // record 2, exact width
         sRec3 + sSuffix           // record 3, no padding, no suffix
      ), Repository.getMetadata().getMessage(sMessageName));
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Examples of nexj.core.integration.io.StringInput

      String sRec1 = "r1f1";     // field length is 5 (10 - prefix_length - suffix_length)
      String sRec2 = "_r2f1";
      String sRec3 = "r3f1";

      TransferObject record;
      TransferObject root = m_parser.parse(new StringInput(
         sPrefix + sRec1 + " " + sSuffix +   // record 1, blank padded
         sPrefix + sRec2 + sSuffix +         // record 2, exact width
         sPrefix + sRec3 + sSuffix           // record 3, no padding, no suffix
      ), Repository.getMetadata().getMessage(sMessageName));
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Examples of nexj.core.integration.io.StringInput

   public void testParseEveryPrimitiveType() throws Exception
      String sMessageName = "Fixed_EveryPrimitiveType";

      TransferObject record;
      TransferObject root = m_parser.parse(new StringInput(
         "__r1--f1__" +       // field 1, string
         "1234567890" +       // field 2, integer
         "2468246.48" +       // field 3, double
         "false" + "     " // field 4, boolean, blank padded
         "2010-03-19 15:26:37.000000000"  // field 5, timestamp
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