Examples of StringDataValue

Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.StringDataValue

    boolean pushStack = false;
    try {


            StringDataValue dvd = (StringDataValue)getColumn(columnIndex);

      if (wasNull = dvd.isNull()) { return null; }

      pushStack = true;

            java.io.Reader ret; // The reader we will return to the user
            if (dvd.hasStream()) {
                CharacterStreamDescriptor csd = dvd.getStreamWithDescriptor();
                // See if we have to enforce a max field size.
                if (lmfs > 0) {
                    csd = new CharacterStreamDescriptor.Builder().copyState(csd).
                ret = new UTF8Reader(csd, this, syncLock);
            } else {
        String val = dvd.getString();
        if (lmfs > 0) {
          if (val.length() > lmfs)
            val = val.substring(0, lmfs);
                ret = new java.io.StringReader(val);
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.StringDataValue

            final StringDataValue dvd = (StringDataValue)
                    getDVDforColumnToBeUpdated(columnIndex, updateMethodName);
            // In the case of updatable result sets, we cannot guarantee that a
            // context is pushed when the header needs to be generated. To fix
            // this, tell the DVD/generator which header format to use.
                    checkVersion(DataDictionary.DD_VERSION_DERBY_10_5, null)));
            ReaderToUTF8Stream utfIn;
            int usableLength = DataValueDescriptor.UNKNOWN_LOGICAL_LENGTH;
            if (!lengthLess) {
                // check for -ve length here
                if (length < 0)
                    throw newSQLException(SQLState.NEGATIVE_STREAM_LENGTH);

                // max number of characters that can be set to be inserted
                // in Derby is 2Gb-1 (ie Integer.MAX_VALUE).
                // (e.g into a CLOB column).
                if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE ) {
                    throw newSQLException(

                // length is +ve. at this point, all checks for negative
                // length has already been done
                usableLength = (int) length;
                int truncationLength = 0;

                // Currently long varchar does not allow for truncation of
                // trailing blanks.  For char and varchar types, current
                // mechanism of materializing when using streams seems fine
                // given their max limits. This change is fix for DERBY-352:
                // Insert of clobs using streams should not materialize the
                // entire stream into memory
                // In case of clobs, the truncation of trailing blanks is
                // factored in when reading from the stream without
                // materializing the entire stream, and so the special casing
                // for clob below.
                if (getColumnType(columnIndex) == Types.CLOB) {
                    // Need column width to figure out if truncation is
                    // needed
                    int colWidth = getMaxColumnWidth(columnIndex);

                    // It is possible that the length of the stream passed in
                    // is greater than the column width, in which case the data
                    // from the stream needs to be truncated.
                    // usableLength is the length of the data from stream
                    // that can be used which is min(colWidth,length) provided
                    // length - colWidth has trailing blanks only
                    if (usableLength > colWidth) {
                        truncationLength = usableLength - colWidth;
                        usableLength = colWidth;

                utfIn = new ReaderToUTF8Stream(reader, usableLength,
                        truncationLength, getColumnSQLType(columnIndex),
            } else {
                int colWidth = getMaxColumnWidth(columnIndex);
                utfIn = new ReaderToUTF8Stream(reader, colWidth,

            dvd.setValue(utfIn, usableLength);
        } catch (StandardException t) {
            throw noStateChangeException(t);
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.StringDataValue

        throw dataTypeConversion("java.sql.Clob", columnIndex);

      boolean pushStack = false;
      try {

        StringDataValue dvd = (StringDataValue)getColumn(columnIndex);

        if (wasNull = dvd.isNull())
          return null;

                // Set up a context stack if we have CLOB whose value is a long
                // column in the database.
                if (dvd.hasStream()) {
                    pushStack = true;

                return new EmbedClob(getEmbedConnection(), dvd);
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.StringDataValue

               throw newSQLException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE,

        try {
            ReaderToUTF8Stream utfIn;
            final StringDataValue dvd = (StringDataValue)
                    getParms().getParameter(parameterIndex -1);
            // Need column width to figure out if truncation is needed
            DataTypeDescriptor dtd[] = preparedStatement
            int colWidth = dtd[parameterIndex - 1].getMaximumWidth();
            // Default to max column width. This will be used to limit the
            // amount of data read when operating on "lengthless" streams.
            int usableLength = colWidth;

            if (!lengthLess) {
                // We cast the length from long to int. This wouldn't be
                // appropriate if the limit of 2G-1 is decided to be increased
                // at a later stage.
                int intLength = (int)length;
                int truncationLength = 0;

                usableLength = intLength;

                // Currently long varchar does not allow for truncation of
                // trailing blanks.
                // For char and varchar types, current mechanism of
                // materializing when using streams seems fine given their max
                // limits.
                // This change is fix for DERBY-352: Insert of clobs using
                // streams should not materialize the entire stream into memory
                // In case of clobs, the truncation of trailing blanks is
                // factored in when reading from the stream without
                // materializing the entire stream, and so the special casing
                // for clob below.
                if (jdbcTypeId == Types.CLOB)

                    // It is possible that the length of the stream passed in
                    // is greater than the column width, in which case the data
                    // from the stream needs to be truncated.
                    // usableLength is the length of the data from stream that
                    // can be inserted which is min(colWidth,length) provided
                    // length - colWidth has trailing blanks only
                    // we have used intLength into which the length variable had
                    // been cast to an int and stored
                    if (intLength > colWidth) {
                        usableLength = colWidth;
                        truncationLength = intLength - usableLength;
                // Create a stream with truncation.
                utfIn = new ReaderToUTF8Stream(reader, usableLength,
                        truncationLength, getParameterSQLType(parameterIndex),
            } else {
                // Create a stream without exactness checks,
                // but with a maximum limit.
                utfIn = new ReaderToUTF8Stream(reader, colWidth,

            // JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based.
            // Note that for lengthless stream, usableLength will be
            // the maximum length for the column.
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.StringDataValue

               throw newSQLException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE,

        try {
            ReaderToUTF8Stream utfIn;
            final StringDataValue dvd = (StringDataValue)
                    getParms().getParameter(parameterIndex -1);
            // Need column width to figure out if truncation is needed
            DataTypeDescriptor dtd[] = preparedStatement
            int colWidth = dtd[parameterIndex - 1].getMaximumWidth();
            // Holds either UNKNOWN_LOGICAL_LENGTH or the exact logical length.
            int usableLength = DataValueDescriptor.UNKNOWN_LOGICAL_LENGTH;

            if (!lengthLess) {
                // We cast the length from long to int. This wouldn't be
                // appropriate if the limit of 2G-1 is decided to be increased
                // at a later stage.
                usableLength = (int)length;
                int truncationLength = 0;

                // Currently long varchar does not allow for truncation of
                // trailing blanks.
                // For char and varchar types, current mechanism of
                // materializing when using streams seems fine given their max
                // limits.
                // This change is fix for DERBY-352: Insert of clobs using
                // streams should not materialize the entire stream into memory
                // In case of clobs, the truncation of trailing blanks is
                // factored in when reading from the stream without
                // materializing the entire stream, and so the special casing
                // for clob below.
                if (jdbcTypeId == Types.CLOB)

                    // It is possible that the length of the stream passed in
                    // is greater than the column width, in which case the data
                    // from the stream needs to be truncated.
                    // usableLength is the length of the data from stream that
                    // can be inserted which is min(colWidth,length) provided
                    // length - colWidth has trailing blanks only
                    if (usableLength > colWidth) {
                        truncationLength = usableLength - colWidth;
                        usableLength = colWidth;
                // Create a stream with truncation.
                utfIn = new ReaderToUTF8Stream(reader, usableLength,
                        truncationLength, getParameterSQLType(parameterIndex),
            } else {
                // Create a stream without exactness checks,
                // but with a maximum limit.
                utfIn = new ReaderToUTF8Stream(reader, colWidth,

            // JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based.
            // Note that for lengthless stream, usableLength will be
            // the maximum length for the column.
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.StringDataValue

        int maxLen)
    throws StandardException
    int startInt;
    int lengthInt;
    StringDataValue stringResult;

    if (result == null)
      result = getNewVarchar();

    stringResult = (StringDataValue) result;

    /* The result is null if the receiver (this) is null or if the length is negative.
     * We will return null, which is the only sensible thing to do.
     * (If the user did not specify a length then length is not a user null.)
    if (this.isNull() || start.isNull() || (length != null && length.isNull()))
      return stringResult;

    startInt = start.getInt();

    // If length is not specified, make it till end of the string
    if (length != null)
      lengthInt = length.getInt();
    else lengthInt = maxLen - startInt + 1;

    /* DB2 Compatibility: Added these checks to match DB2. We currently enforce these
     * limits in both modes. We could do these checks in DB2 mode only, if needed, so
     * leaving earlier code for out of range in for now, though will not be exercised
    if ((startInt <= 0 || lengthInt < 0 || startInt > maxLen ||
        lengthInt > maxLen - startInt + 1))
      throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LANG_SUBSTR_START_OR_LEN_OUT_OF_RANGE);
    // Return null if length is non-positive
    if (lengthInt < 0)
      return stringResult;

    /* If startInt < 0 then we count from the right of the string */
    if (startInt < 0)
      // Return '' if window is to left of string.
      if (startInt + getLength() < 0 &&
        (startInt + getLength() + lengthInt <= 0))
        return stringResult;

      // Convert startInt to positive to get substring from right
      startInt += getLength();

      while (startInt < 0)
    else if (startInt > 0)
      /* java substring() is 0 based */

    /* Oracle docs don't say what happens if the window is to the
     * left of the string.  Return "" if the window
     * is to the left or right.
    if (lengthInt == 0 ||
      lengthInt <= 0 - startInt ||
      startInt > getLength())
      return stringResult;

    if (lengthInt >= getLength() - startInt)
      stringResult.setValue(getString().substring(startInt, startInt + lengthInt));

    return stringResult;
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.StringDataValue

    boolean pushStack = false;
    try {


            StringDataValue dvd = (StringDataValue)getColumn(columnIndex);

      if (wasNull = dvd.isNull()) { return null; }

      pushStack = true;

            CharacterStreamDescriptor csd = dvd.getStreamWithDescriptor();

            if (csd == null) {

        String val = dvd.getString();
        if (lmfs > 0) {
          if (val.length() > lmfs)
            val = val.substring(0, lmfs);
        java.io.Reader ret = new java.io.StringReader(val);
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.StringDataValue

            final StringDataValue dvd = (StringDataValue)
                    getDVDforColumnToBeUpdated(columnIndex, updateMethodName);
            // In the case of updatable result sets, we cannot guarantee that a
            // context is pushed when the header needs to be generated. To fix
            // this, tell the DVD/generator whether we are running in soft
            // upgrade mode or not.
                    checkVersion(DataDictionary.DD_VERSION_CURRENT, null)));
            ReaderToUTF8Stream utfIn;
            int usableLength = -1;
            if (!lengthLess) {
                // check for -ve length here
                if (length < 0)
                    throw newSQLException(SQLState.NEGATIVE_STREAM_LENGTH);

                // max number of characters that can be set to be inserted
                // in Derby is 2Gb-1 (ie Integer.MAX_VALUE).
                // (e.g into a CLOB column).
                if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE ) {
                    throw newSQLException(

                // length is +ve. at this point, all checks for negative
                // length has already been done
                usableLength = (int) length;
                int truncationLength = 0;

                // Currently long varchar does not allow for truncation of
                // trailing blanks.  For char and varchar types, current
                // mechanism of materializing when using streams seems fine
                // given their max limits. This change is fix for DERBY-352:
                // Insert of clobs using streams should not materialize the
                // entire stream into memory
                // In case of clobs, the truncation of trailing blanks is
                // factored in when reading from the stream without
                // materializing the entire stream, and so the special casing
                // for clob below.
                if (getColumnType(columnIndex) == Types.CLOB) {
                    // Need column width to figure out if truncation is
                    // needed
                    int colWidth = getMaxColumnWidth(columnIndex);

                    // It is possible that the length of the stream passed in
                    // is greater than the column width, in which case the data
                    // from the stream needs to be truncated.
                    // usableLength is the length of the data from stream
                    // that can be used which is min(colWidth,length) provided
                    // length - colWidth has trailing blanks only
                    if (usableLength > colWidth) {
                        truncationLength = usableLength - colWidth;
                        usableLength = colWidth;

                utfIn = new ReaderToUTF8Stream(reader, usableLength,
                        truncationLength, getColumnSQLType(columnIndex),
            } else {
                int colWidth = getMaxColumnWidth(columnIndex);
                utfIn = new ReaderToUTF8Stream(reader, colWidth,

            // NOTE: The length argument to setValue is not used. If that
            //       changes, the value might also have to change.
            dvd.setValue(utfIn, usableLength);
        } catch (StandardException t) {
            throw noStateChangeException(t);
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.StringDataValue

        throw dataTypeConversion("java.sql.Clob", columnIndex);

      boolean pushStack = false;
      try {

        StringDataValue dvd = (StringDataValue)getColumn(columnIndex);

        if (wasNull = dvd.isNull())
          return null;

        // should set up a context stack if we have a long column,
        // since a Clob may keep a pointer to a long column in the
        // database
        if (dvd.getStream() != null)
          pushStack = true;

        if (pushStack)
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Examples of org.apache.derby.iapi.types.StringDataValue

                int maxLen)
        throws StandardException
        int startInt;
        int lengthInt;
        StringDataValue stringResult;

        if (result == null)
            result = getNewVarchar();

        stringResult = (StringDataValue) result;

        /* The result is null if the receiver (this) is null or if the length
         * is negative.
         * We will return null, which is the only sensible thing to do.
         * (If user did not specify a length then length is not a user null.)
        if (this.isNull() || start.isNull() ||
                (length != null && length.isNull()))
            return stringResult;

        startInt = start.getInt();

        // If length is not specified, make it till end of the string
        if (length != null)
            lengthInt = length.getInt();
        else lengthInt = maxLen - startInt + 1;

        /* DB2 Compatibility: Added these checks to match DB2. We currently
         * enforce these limits in both modes. We could do these checks in DB2
         * mode only, if needed, so leaving earlier code for out of range in
         * for now, though will not be exercised
        if ((startInt <= 0 || lengthInt < 0 || startInt > maxLen ||
                lengthInt > maxLen - startInt + 1))
            throw StandardException.newException(
        // Return null if length is non-positive
        if (lengthInt < 0)
            return stringResult;

        /* If startInt < 0 then we count from the right of the string */
        if (startInt < 0)
            // Return '' if window is to left of string.
            if (startInt + getLength() < 0 &&
                (startInt + getLength() + lengthInt <= 0))
                return stringResult;

            // Convert startInt to positive to get substring from right
            startInt += getLength();

            while (startInt < 0)
        else if (startInt > 0)
            /* java substring() is 0 based */

        /* Oracle docs don't say what happens if the window is to the
         * left of the string.  Return "" if the window
         * is to the left or right.
        if (lengthInt == 0 ||
            lengthInt <= 0 - startInt ||
            startInt > getLength())
            return stringResult;

        if (lengthInt >= getLength() - startInt)
                getString().substring(startInt, startInt + lengthInt));

        return stringResult;
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