Examples of StreetLocation

Examples of org.opentripplanner.routing.location.StreetLocation

        // test that the local stop finder finds stops
        GenericLocation loc = new GenericLocation(40.01, -74.005000001);
        assertTrue(finder.getNearbyTransitStops(loc.getCoordinate(), 100).size() > 0);

        // test that the closest vertex finder returns the closest vertex
        StreetLocation some = (StreetLocation) finder.getVertexForLocation(new GenericLocation(
                40.00, -74.00), null);

        // test that the closest vertex finder correctly splits streets
        StreetLocation start = (StreetLocation) finder.getVertexForLocation(new GenericLocation(
                40.004, -74.01), null);
        assertTrue("wheelchair accessibility is correctly set (splitting)",

        List<Edge> extras = start.getExtra();
        assertEquals(4, extras.size());

        RoutingRequest biking = new RoutingRequest(new TraverseModeSet(TraverseMode.BICYCLE));
        StreetLocation end = (StreetLocation) finder.getVertexForLocation(new GenericLocation(
                40.008, -74.0), biking);

        extras = end.getExtra();
        assertEquals(4, extras.size());

        // test that the closest vertex finder also adds an edge to transit
        // stops (if you are really close to the transit stop relative to the
        // street)
        StreetLocation location = (StreetLocation) finder.getVertexForLocation(new GenericLocation(
                40.00999, -74.004999), new RoutingRequest());
        boolean found = false;
        for (Edge extra : location.getExtra()) {
            if (extra instanceof FreeEdge && ((FreeEdge) extra).getToVertex().equals(station1)) {
                found = true;
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Examples of org.opentripplanner.routing.location.StreetLocation

    public void testTraversalOfSubdividedEdge() {
        Coordinate nearestPoint = new Coordinate(0.5, 2.0);
        List<StreetEdge> edges = new ArrayList<StreetEdge>();
        StreetLocation intermediate = StreetLocation.createStreetLocation(_graph, "middle of e2", "foo", edges, nearestPoint);
        RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
        options.setRoutingContext(_graph, v1, v2);
        // Creating a streetlocation splits a street and makes temporary edges that are only visible to one routing context.

        // All intersections take 10 minutes - we'll notice if one isn't counted.
        double turnDurationSecs = 10.0 * 60.0
        options.traversalCostModel = (new DummyCostModel(turnDurationSecs));
        options.turnReluctance = (1.0);
        State s0 = new State(options);
        State s1 = e1.traverse(s0);
        State s2 = e2.traverse(s1);
        State s3 = e3.traverse(s2);
        Edge partialE2First = intermediate.getIncoming().iterator().next();
        Edge partialE2Second = intermediate.getOutgoing().iterator().next();
        State partialS0 = new State(options);
        State partialS1 = e1.traverse(partialS0);
        State partialS2A = partialE2First.traverse(partialS1);
        State partialS2B = partialE2Second.traverse(partialS2A);
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