Examples of StreamingMarshaller

Examples of org.infinispan.marshall.StreamingMarshaller

      byte type = input.readByte();
      byte methodId = (byte) input.readShort();

      String cacheName = input.readUTF();
      ComponentRegistry registry = gcr.getNamedComponentRegistry(cacheName);
      StreamingMarshaller marshaller;
      if (registry == null) {
         // Even though the command is directed at a cache, it could happen
         // that the cache is not yet started, so fallback on global marshaller.
         marshaller = gcr.getComponent(
               StreamingMarshaller.class, KnownComponentNames.GLOBAL_MARSHALLER);
      } else {
         marshaller = registry.getComponent(
               StreamingMarshaller.class, KnownComponentNames.CACHE_MARSHALLER);

      byte[] paramsRaw = new byte[UnsignedNumeric.readUnsignedInt(input)];
      // This is not ideal cos it forces the code to read all parameters into
      // memory and then splitting them, potentially leading to excessive
      // buffering. An alternative solution is shown in SharedStreamMultiMarshallerTest
      // but it requires some special treatment - iow, hacking :)
      ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(paramsRaw, 0, paramsRaw.length);
      ObjectInput paramsInput = marshaller.startObjectInput(is, true);
      // Not ideal, but the alternative (without changing API), would have been
      // using thread locals which are expensive to retrieve.
      // Remember that the aim with externalizers is for them to be stateless.
      if (paramsInput instanceof ExtendedRiverUnmarshaller)
         ((ExtendedRiverUnmarshaller) paramsInput).setInfinispanMarshaller(marshaller);

      try {
         Object[] args = commandExt.readParameters(paramsInput);
         return commandExt.cmdFactory.fromStream(methodId, args, type, cacheName);
      } catch (IOException e) {
         throw e;
      } finally {
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