// The content is minimized, but can still be (GZip) compressed.
StreamableResource output = new StreamableResourceImpl("minimized " + input.getDescription(),
input.getContentType(), CompressionStatus.COMPRESSABLE,
input.getLastModified(), new BytestreamCache(bos), checksumGenerator);
if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
long elapsedNanos = System.nanoTime() - startNanos;
int inputSize = input.getSize();
int outputSize = output.getSize();
double elapsedMillis = ((double) elapsedNanos) * NANOS_TO_MILLIS;
// e.g., reducing 100 bytes to 25 would be a (100-25)/100 reduction, or 75%
double reduction = 100d * ((double) (inputSize - outputSize)) / ((double) inputSize);