public CreateAnswer execute(CreateCommand cmd) {
if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Executing resource CreateCommand: " + _gson.toJson(cmd));
StorageFilerTO pool = cmd.getPool();
DiskProfile dskch = cmd.getDiskCharacteristics();
try {
VmwareContext context = getServiceContext();
VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost = getHyperHost(context);
DatacenterMO dcMo = new DatacenterMO(context, hyperHost.getHyperHostDatacenter());
ManagedObjectReference morDatastore = HypervisorHostHelper.findDatastoreWithBackwardsCompatibility(hyperHost, pool.getUuid());
if (morDatastore == null)
throw new Exception("Unable to find datastore in vSphere");
DatastoreMO dsMo = new DatastoreMO(context, morDatastore);
if (dskch.getType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) {
// attach volume id to make the name unique
String vmdkName = dskch.getName() + "-" + dskch.getVolumeId();
if (cmd.getTemplateUrl() == null) {
// create a root volume for blank VM
String dummyVmName = getWorkerName(context, cmd, 0);
VirtualMachineMO vmMo = null;
try {
vmMo = prepareVolumeHostDummyVm(hyperHost, dsMo, dummyVmName);
if (vmMo == null) {
throw new Exception("Unable to create a dummy VM for volume creation");
String volumeDatastorePath = String.format("[%s] %s.vmdk", dsMo.getName(), vmdkName);"Delete file if exists in datastore to clear the way for creating the volume. file: " + volumeDatastorePath);
VmwareStorageLayoutHelper.deleteVolumeVmdkFiles(dsMo, vmdkName, dcMo);
vmMo.createDisk(volumeDatastorePath, getMBsFromBytes(dskch.getSize()), morDatastore, -1);
vmMo.detachDisk(volumeDatastorePath, false);
VolumeTO vol = new VolumeTO(cmd.getVolumeId(), dskch.getType(), pool.getType(), pool.getUuid(), dskch.getName(), pool.getPath(), vmdkName, dskch.getSize(), null);
return new CreateAnswer(cmd, vol);
} finally {
vmMo.detachAllDisks();"Destroy dummy VM after volume creation");
} else {
VirtualMachineMO vmTemplate = VmwareHelper.pickOneVmOnRunningHost(dcMo.findVmByNameAndLabel(cmd.getTemplateUrl()), true);
if (vmTemplate == null) {
s_logger.warn("Template host in vSphere is not in connected state, request template reload");
return new CreateAnswer(cmd, "Template host in vSphere is not in connected state, request template reload", true);
ManagedObjectReference morPool = hyperHost.getHyperHostOwnerResourcePool();
ManagedObjectReference morCluster = hyperHost.getHyperHostCluster();
if (!_fullCloneFlag) {
createVMLinkedClone(vmTemplate, dcMo, dsMo, vmdkName, morDatastore, morPool);
} else {
createVMFullClone(vmTemplate, dcMo, dsMo, vmdkName, morDatastore, morPool);
VirtualMachineMO vmMo = new ClusterMO(context, morCluster).findVmOnHyperHost(vmdkName);
assert (vmMo != null);"detach disks from volume-wrapper VM " + vmdkName);
vmMo.detachAllDisks();"destroy volume-wrapper VM " + vmdkName);
String srcFile = String.format("[%s] %s/", dsMo.getName(), vmdkName);
dsMo.deleteFile(srcFile, dcMo.getMor(), true);
VolumeTO vol = new VolumeTO(cmd.getVolumeId(), dskch.getType(), pool.getType(), pool.getUuid(), dskch.getName(), pool.getPath(), vmdkName, dskch.getSize(), null);
return new CreateAnswer(cmd, vol);
} else {
// create data volume
VirtualMachineMO vmMo = null;
String volumeUuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "");
String volumeDatastorePath = String.format("[%s] %s.vmdk", dsMo.getName(), volumeUuid);
String dummyVmName = getWorkerName(context, cmd, 0);
try {
vmMo = prepareVolumeHostDummyVm(hyperHost, dsMo, dummyVmName);
if (vmMo == null) {
throw new Exception("Unable to create a dummy VM for volume creation");
//"Delete file if exists in datastore to clear the way for creating the volume. file: " + volumeDatastorePath);
VmwareStorageLayoutHelper.deleteVolumeVmdkFiles(dsMo, volumeUuid.toString(), dcMo);
vmMo.createDisk(volumeDatastorePath, getMBsFromBytes(dskch.getSize()), morDatastore, vmMo.getScsiDeviceControllerKey());
vmMo.detachDisk(volumeDatastorePath, false);
VolumeTO vol = new VolumeTO(cmd.getVolumeId(), dskch.getType(), pool.getType(), pool.getUuid(), dskch.getName(), pool.getPath(), volumeUuid, dskch.getSize(), null);
return new CreateAnswer(cmd, vol);
} finally {"Destroy dummy VM after volume creation");