Examples of StellarAstrometry

Examples of gaiasimu.universe.source.stellar.StellarAstrometry

    // Generate photometry
    Photometry photometry = new Photometry(magMv, distance, vMinusI, absV);
    // Generate astrometry
    StellarAstrometry stellarAstrometry = new StellarAstrometry(
        new AstrometricParam(ra, dec, parallax, muRa, muDec, vRad));
    // Generate physics.
    // Basic constructor for StarSystem
    StarPhysicalParameters starPhysicalParameters =
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Examples of gaiasimu.universe.source.stellar.StellarAstrometry

    // Generate photometry
    Photometry photometry = new Photometry(magMv, distance, vMinusI, absV);
    // Generate astrometry
    StellarAstrometry stellarAstrometry = new StellarAstrometry(
        new AstrometricParam(ra, dec, parallax, muRa, muDec, vRad));
    // Generate physics.
    // Basic constructor for StarSystem
    StarPhysicalParameters starPhysicalParameters =
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Examples of gaiasimu.universe.source.stellar.StellarAstrometry

    // Generate photometry
    Photometry photometry = new Photometry(magMv, distance, vMinusI, absV);
    // Generate astrometry
    StellarAstrometry stellarAstrometry = new StellarAstrometry( x, y, z, U, V, W );
    // Generate physics.
    // Use of this constructur is discouraged, but it should be enough to generate photometry
    StarPhysicalParameters starPhysicalParameters =
      new StarPhysicalParameters( teff, feH, logg, mass, spectralType, magBol, radius, pop);
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Examples of gaiasimu.universe.source.stellar.StellarAstrometry

    // Copied for adjustment from DmsSimuDU437.java
    int nbCompanions = 1; // only one planet for the moment
    StellarSource[] components = new StellarSource[nbCompanions + 1];
    StellarAstrometry astrom = (StellarAstrometry) star.getAstrometry();
    double massM1 = ((StellarPhysicalParameters) star.getPhysParam()).getMass();
    double massM2 = Math.pow(massM1/orbParam.semiMajorAxis, 3./2.)*
    orbParam.period/GaiaParam.Nature.JULIANYEAR_DAY - massM1;
    massM2 *= GaiaParam.Nature.SUN_MASS/ GaiaParam.Nature.JUPITER_MASS;

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