An immutable Cache statistics implementation}
This is like a value object, with the added ability to clear cache statistics on the cache. That ability does not survive any Serialization of this class. On deserialization the cache can be considered disconnected.
The accuracy of these statistics are determined by the value of {#getStatisticsAccuracy()} at the time the statistic was computed. This can be changed by setting {@link Cache#setStatisticsAccuracy}.
Because this class maintains a reference to an Ehcache, any references held to this class will precent the Ehcache from getting garbage collected.
The {@link #STATISTICS_ACCURACY_BEST_EFFORT}, {@link #STATISTICS_ACCURACY_GUARANTEED} and {@link #STATISTICS_ACCURACY_NONE}constants have the same values as in JSR107.
@author Greg Luck
@version $Id: 744 2008-08-16 20:10:49Z gregluck $