Examples of SSOAgentRequest

Examples of org.josso.agent.SSOAgentRequest

    log.debug("Trying to validate the following Ticket: " + ticket);
      String requester = httpRequest.getContextPath().substring(1);

    //Use the JOSSO Client Library to validate the token and extract the subject that was authenticated
    SSOAgentRequest agentRequest = this.doMakeSSOAgentRequest(requester, SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_RELAY,
    null, ticket, httpRequest, httpResponse);
    SingleSignOnEntry entry = this.httpAgent.processRequest(agentRequest);
    if(entry != null)
      String sessionId = agentRequest.getSessionId();
      String assertionId = agentRequest.getAssertionId();
      String principal = entry.principal.getName();
      log.debug("SessionId: " + sessionId);
      log.debug("AssertionId: " + assertionId);
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Examples of org.josso.agent.SSOAgentRequest

    log.debug("Trying to validate the following Ticket: " + ticket);
      String requester = JOSSOUtils.getPartnerAppId(httpAgent, httpRequest);

    //Use the JOSSO Client Library to validate the token and extract the subject that was authenticated
    SSOAgentRequest agentRequest = this.doMakeSSOAgentRequest(requester, SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_RELAY,
    null, ticket, httpRequest, httpResponse);
    SingleSignOnEntry entry = this.httpAgent.processRequest(agentRequest);
    if(entry != null)
      String sessionId = agentRequest.getSessionId();
      String assertionId = agentRequest.getAssertionId();
      String principal = entry.principal.getName();

      log.debug("SessionId: " + sessionId);
      log.debug("AssertionId: " + assertionId);
      log.debug("Principal: " + principal);
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Examples of org.josso.agent.SSOAgentRequest

    String ticket = httpRequest.getParameter("josso_assertion_id");
    log.debug("Trying to validate the following Ticket: "+ticket);
    //Use the JOSSO Client Library to validate the token and extract the subject that was authenticated
    SSOAgentRequest agentRequest = this.doMakeSSOAgentRequest(SSOAgentRequest.ACTION_RELAY,
    null, ticket, httpRequest, httpResponse);
    SingleSignOnEntry entry = this.httpAgent.processRequest(agentRequest);
    if(entry != null)
      String sessionId = agentRequest.getSessionId();
      String assertionId = agentRequest.getAssertionId();
      String principal = entry.principal.getName();
      log.debug("SessionId: "+sessionId);
      log.debug("AssertionId: "+assertionId);
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