Child LayoutData: Children of this component may provide layout information using the
layout data object.
Since SplitPanes only support a single splitter, multiple SplitPanes may be nested to support more complex layouts. In that case, one split pane will "own" the other. The implication of this is noticed when a split pane directly contains a child split pane of the same orientation. The parent pane's separator will be able to travel past that of it's child, but the child's separator will be unable to pass the parent's.
Since SplitPanes only support a single splitter, multiple SplitPanes may be nested to support more complex layouts. In that case, one split pane will "own" the other. The implication of this is noticed when a split pane directly contains a child split pane of the same orientation. The parent pane's separator will be able to travel past that of it's child, but the child's separator will be unable to pass the parent's. @author tvolkert