//--Filter by circle (<= distance from a point)
//Search with circle
//note: SpatialArgs can be parsed from a string
SpatialArgs args = new SpatialArgs(SpatialOperation.Intersects,
ctx.makeCircle(-80.0, 33.0, DistanceUtils.dist2Degrees(200, DistanceUtils.EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS_KM)));
Filter filter = strategy.makeFilter(args);
TopDocs docs = indexSearcher.search(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), filter, 10, idSort);
assertDocMatchedIds(indexSearcher, docs, 2);
//Now, lets get the distance for the 1st doc via computing from stored point value:
// (this computation is usually not redundant)
Document doc1 = indexSearcher.doc(docs.scoreDocs[0].doc);
String doc1Str = doc1.getField(strategy.getFieldName()).stringValue();
Point doc1Point = (Point) ctx.readShape(doc1Str);
double doc1DistDEG = ctx.getDistCalc().distance(args.getShape().getCenter(), doc1Point);
assertEquals(121.6d, DistanceUtils.degrees2Dist(doc1DistDEG, DistanceUtils.EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS_KM), 0.1);
//--Match all, order by distance ascending
Point pt = ctx.makePoint(60, -50);
ValueSource valueSource = strategy.makeDistanceValueSource(pt);//the distance (in degrees)
Sort distSort = new Sort(valueSource.getSortField(false)).rewrite(indexSearcher);//false=asc dist
TopDocs docs = indexSearcher.search(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), 10, distSort);
assertDocMatchedIds(indexSearcher, docs, 4, 20, 2);
//To get the distance, we could compute from stored values like earlier.
// However in this example we sorted on it, and the distance will get
// computed redundantly. If the distance is only needed for the top-X
// search results then that's not a big deal. Alternatively, try wrapping
// the ValueSource with CachingDoubleValueSource then retrieve the value
// from the ValueSource now. See LUCENE-4541 for an example.
//demo arg parsing
SpatialArgs args = new SpatialArgs(SpatialOperation.Intersects,
ctx.makeCircle(-80.0, 33.0, 1));
SpatialArgs args2 = new SpatialArgsParser().parse("Intersects(Circle(33,-80 d=1))", ctx);