* process order
public boolean spooler_process() {
Order order = null;
orderPayload = null;
String program = "";
String logFile = "";
String priorityClass = "normal";
try {
String command = "";
try {
if (orderJob) {
command = JobSchedulerManagedObject.getOrderCommand(this.getConnection(), this);
order = spooler_task.order();
if (command == null || command.trim().length() == 0) {
command = JobSchedulerManagedObject.getJobCommand(this.getConnection(), this);
// overidden for custom implementation
command = modifyCommand(command);
if (command == null || command.trim().length() == 0)
throw new Exception("command is empty");
catch (Exception e) {
throw (new Exception("no executable command found for order:" + e));
getLogger().debug3("command before replacements:\n" + command);
// if ( orderData == null || orderData.var("command") == null || orderData.var("command").toString().length() == 0)
// throw (new Exception("no executable command found in order payload"));
boolean ignoreError = false;
boolean ignoreSignal = false;
boolean ignoreStderr = false;
boolean ignoreTimeout = false;
boolean timedOut = false;
boolean ownProcessGroup = false;
if (orderPayload != null) {
replaceAliases(orderPayload, inputParameterAliases);
if (orderPayload.var("ignore_error") != null
&& (orderPayload.var("ignore_error").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("true") || orderPayload.var("ignore_error").equalsIgnoreCase("1") || orderPayload.var(
.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))) {
ignoreError = true;
if (orderPayload.var("ignore_signal") != null
&& (orderPayload.var("ignore_signal").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("true") || orderPayload.var("ignore_signal").equalsIgnoreCase("1") || orderPayload.var(
.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))) {
ignoreSignal = true;
if (orderPayload.var("ignore_stderr") != null
&& (orderPayload.var("ignore_stderr").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("true") || orderPayload.var("ignore_stderr").equalsIgnoreCase("1") || orderPayload.var(
.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))) {
ignoreStderr = true;
if (orderPayload.var("ignore_timeout") != null
&& (orderPayload.var("ignore_timeout").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("true") || orderPayload.var("ignore_timeout").equalsIgnoreCase("1") || orderPayload.var(
.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))) {
ignoreTimeout = true;
if (orderPayload.var("own_process_group") != null
&& (orderPayload.var("own_process_group").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("true")
|| orderPayload.var("own_process_group").equalsIgnoreCase("1") || orderPayload.var("own_process_group").equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))) {
ownProcessGroup = true;
if (orderPayload.var("log_file") != null && orderPayload.var("log_file").toString().length() > 0) {
logFile = orderPayload.var("log_file").toString();
if (orderPayload.var("priority_class") != null && orderPayload.var("priority_class").toString().length() > 0) {
priorityClass = orderPayload.var("priority_class").toString();
// for compatibility with ProcessSubprocessJob
if (orderPayload.var("scheduler_order_command_parameters") != null
&& orderPayload.var("scheduler_order_command_parameters").toString().length() > 0) {
command += " " + orderPayload.var("scheduler_order_command_parameters").toString();
// the path of the interpreter is given with this parameter
if (spooler_task.params().var("interpreter") != null && spooler_task.params().var("interpreter").length() > 0) {
program = spooler_task.params().var("interpreter");
spooler_log.debug3("Using interpreter: " + program);
spooler_log.debug3("current setting ignore_error: " + ignoreError);
spooler_log.debug3("current setting ignore_signal: " + ignoreSignal);
spooler_log.debug3("current setting own_process_group: " + ownProcessGroup);
spooler_log.debug9("logFile.lentgh:" + logFile.length());
if (logFile.length() > 0) {
spooler_log.debug3("current setting log_file: " + logFile);
// parse environment variables
/*if(orderData!=null && orderData.var("environment")!=null && orderData.var("environment").toString().length() > 0){
String environment=orderData.var("environment").toString();
Pattern envPattern = Pattern.compile("\\{[^\\}]*\\}");
Matcher envMatcher = envPattern.matcher(environment);
spooler_log.debug3("environment variables:");
String nameValueBr=envMatcher.group();
String nameValue=nameValueBr.substring(1,nameValueBr.length()-1);
spooler_log.debug3(" "+nameValue);
String[] nameValueArr=nameValue.split("=");
if (nameValueArr.length!=2){
spooler_log.warn("Incorrect Syntax for Name=Value Pair.");
subProc.set_environment(nameValueArr[0], nameValueArr[1]);
// replace job-specific placeholders
command = command.replaceAll("(\\$|�)\\{scheduler_order_job_name\\}", this.getJobName());
command = command.replaceAll("(\\$|�)\\{scheduler_order_job_id\\}", Integer.toString(this.getJobId()));
command = command.replaceAll("(\\$|�)\\{scheduler_id\\}", spooler.id());
if (orderJob)
if (order != null) {
command = command.replaceAll("(\\$|�)\\{scheduler_order_id\\}", order.id());
// replace parameters
if (orderPayload != null) {
command = JobSchedulerManagedObject.replaceVariablesInCommand(command, orderPayload, getLogger());
// replace newlines
command = command.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n");
getLogger().debug3("Command after replacements:\n" + command);
String[] commands = command.split("\n");
getLogger().debug6("Found " + commands.length + " commands.");
// neu: mit subprocess
for (int i = 0; i < commands.length && !timedOut; i++) {
Subprocess subProc = spooler_task.create_subprocess();
try {
setEnvironment(orderPayload, subProc);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Error occured setting environment variables: " + e);
// execute interpreter
if (program != null && program.length() > 0) {
subProc.start(program + " " + commands[i]);
spooler_log.info("executing \"" + program + " " + commands[i] + "\"");
else {
spooler_log.info("executing \"" + commands[i] + "\"");
if (orderPayload != null && orderPayload.var("timeout") != null && orderPayload.var("timeout").toString().length() > 0
&& !orderPayload.var("timeout").toString().equals("0")) {
spooler_log.info("executable file is launched with process id " + subProc.pid() + " for timeout in "
+ orderPayload.var("timeout").toString() + "s");
boolean terminated = subProc.wait_for_termination(Double.parseDouble(orderPayload.var("timeout").toString()));
if (!terminated) {
spooler_log.info("timeout reached, process will be terminated.");
timedOut = true;
else {
spooler_log.info("executable file is launched with process id " + subProc.pid());
if (!timedOut)
spooler_log.info("file executed");
spooler_log.debug9("Exit code: " + subProc.exit_code());
boolean stdErrEmpty = true;
String stdErrString = "";
String stdOutString = "";
spooler_log.info("std_out for " + commands[i] + ":");
while (stdoutStream != null && stdoutStream.ready()) {
String stdOutLine = stdoutStream.readLine();
stdOutString += stdOutLine + "\n";
spooler_log.info("std_err for " + commands[i] + ":");
while (stderrStream != null && stderrStream.ready()) {
String stdErrLine = stderrStream.readLine();
if (stdErrLine.trim().length() > 0)
stdErrEmpty = false;
stdErrString += stdErrLine + "\n";
if (orderJob && order != null) {
Variable_set realOrderPayload = order.params();
SetVar(realOrderPayload, conStd_err_output, stdErrString);
SetVar(realOrderPayload, conStd_out_output, stdOutString);
SetVar(realOrderPayload, conExit_code, "" + subProc.exit_code());
SetVar(realOrderPayload, "timed_out", "" + timedOut);
// for compatibility with SubProcessJob
SetVar(realOrderPayload, "scheduler_order_terminated", (!timedOut ? "true" : "false"));
replaceAliases(realOrderPayload, outputParameterAliases);
} // additionally set task parameters for use with copy-from:
Variable_set taskParams = spooler_task.params();
SetVar(taskParams, conStd_err_output, stdErrString);
SetVar(taskParams, conStd_out_output, stdOutString);
SetVar(taskParams, conExit_code, "" + subProc.exit_code());
SetVar(taskParams, "timed_out", "" + timedOut);
replaceAliases(taskParams, outputParameterAliases);
if (timedOut && !ignoreTimeout) {
throw new Exception("Process had to be killed because of timeout");
if ((subProc.exit_code() != 0)) {
if (ignoreError)
spooler_log.info("Command terminated with exit code: " + subProc.exit_code());
throw new Exception("Command terminated with exit code: " + subProc.exit_code());
if ((subProc.termination_signal() != 0)) {
if (ignoreSignal)
spooler_log.info("Command terminated with signal: " + subProc.termination_signal());
throw new Exception("Command terminated with signal: " + subProc.termination_signal());
if (!ignoreStderr && !stdErrEmpty) {
throw new Exception("Command terminated with text in stderr:\n" + stdErrString);
return orderJob;
catch (Exception e) {
if (orderJob)
spooler_log.warn("error occurred processing managed order ["
+ ((order != null) ? "Job Chain: " + order.job_chain().name() + ", ID:" + order.id() : "(none)") + "] : " + e);
spooler_log.warn("error occurred processing executable file: " + e);
return false;