if (expr instanceof SpecialInvokeExpr) {
SpecialInvokeExpr r = (SpecialInvokeExpr) expr;
//String methodName = r.getMethod().getName();
Type type = r.getBase().getType();
// System.out.println("baseType = " + type);
// System.out.println("methodName = " + methodName);
if (type instanceof NullType) {
// Note: The control path that causes this to be
// null should never occur in practice.
SootClass baseClass = ((RefType) type).getSootClass();
// FIXME: match better.
// If we are invoking a method on a token, then...
if (SootUtilities.derivesFrom(baseClass,
PtolemyUtilities.tokenClass)) {
if (r.getMethod().equals(
PtolemyUtilities.arrayTokenConstructor)) {
// The arrayToken constructor depends on the type
// of its constructor argument.
// System.out.println("found array invoke: " + r);
// System.out.println("Argument type is : " + in.get(r.getArg(0)));
ptolemy.data.type.Type argType = (ptolemy.data.type.Type) in
if (argType == null) {
argType = BaseType.UNKNOWN;
out.put(r.getBase(), new ArrayType(argType));
} else if (r.getMethod().equals(
PtolemyUtilities.arrayTokenWithTypeConstructor)) {
// The arrayToken constructor depends on the type
// of its constructor argument.
// System.out.println("found array invoke: " + r);
// System.out.println("Argument type is : " + in.get(r.getArg(0)));
ptolemy.data.type.Type argType = (ptolemy.data.type.Type) in
if (argType == null) {
argType = BaseType.UNKNOWN;
out.put(r.getBase(), new ArrayType(argType));
} else if (stmt instanceof AssignStmt) {
Value leftOp = ((AssignStmt) stmt).getLeftOp();
if (!_isTokenType(leftOp.getType())) {
// System.out.println("type " + leftOp.getType()
// + " is not a token");
// System.out.println("from " + in);
Value rightOp = ((AssignStmt) stmt).getRightOp();
if (rightOp instanceof StaticInvokeExpr) {
StaticInvokeExpr r = (StaticInvokeExpr) rightOp;
if (r.getMethod().equals(PtolemyUtilities.arraycopyMethod)) {
out.put(r.getArg(0), in.get(r.getArg(2)));
} else if (rightOp instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr
|| rightOp instanceof InterfaceInvokeExpr) {
InstanceInvokeExpr r = (InstanceInvokeExpr) rightOp;
String methodName = r.getMethod().getName();
Type type = r.getBase().getType();
// System.out.println("baseType = " + type);
// System.out.println("methodName = " + methodName);
if (type instanceof NullType) {
// Note: The control path that causes this to be
// null should never occur in practice.
SootClass baseClass = ((RefType) type).getSootClass();
// FIXME: match better.
// If we are invoking a method on a token, then...
if (SootUtilities.derivesFrom(baseClass,
PtolemyUtilities.tokenClass)) {
if (methodName.equals("one") || methodName.equals("zero")
|| methodName.equals("not")
|| methodName.equals("bitwiseNot")
|| methodName.equals("leftShift")
|| methodName.equals("rightShift")
|| methodName.equals("logicalRightShift")
|| methodName.equals("pow")) {
// The returned type must be equal to the type
// we are calling the method on.
_updateTypeInAssignment(leftOp, in.get(r.getBase()),
} else if (methodName.equals("add")
|| methodName.equals("addReverse")
|| methodName.equals("subtract")
|| methodName.equals("subtractReverse")
|| methodName.equals("multiply")
|| methodName.equals("multiplyReverse")
|| methodName.equals("divide")
|| methodName.equals("divideReverse")
|| methodName.equals("modulo")
|| methodName.equals("moduloReverse")
|| methodName.equals("bitwiseAnd")
|| methodName.equals("bitwiseOr")
|| methodName.equals("bitwiseXor")) {
// System.out.println("methodName = " + methodName);
// System.out.println("r.getBase() = " + r.getBase());
// System.out.println("r.getArg(0) = " + r.getArg(0));
// System.out.println("type(r.getBase()) = " + in.get(r.getBase()));
// System.out.println("type(r.getArg(0)) = " + in.get(r.getArg(0)));
ptolemy.data.type.Type baseType = (ptolemy.data.type.Type) in
ptolemy.data.type.Type argType = (ptolemy.data.type.Type) in
if ((baseType == null) || (argType == null)) {
out.put(leftOp, null);
} else {
_updateTypeInAssignment(leftOp, TypeLattice
argType), out);
} else if (methodName.equals("convert")) {
// The return rightOp type is equal to the base type.
// The first argument type is less than or equal to the base type.
_updateTypeInAssignment(leftOp, in.get(r.getBase()),
} else if (methodName.equals("getElement")
|| methodName.equals("arrayValue")) {
ptolemy.data.type.Type arrayType = (ptolemy.data.type.Type) in
if ((arrayType != null)
&& arrayType instanceof ArrayType) {
((ArrayType) arrayType).getElementType(),
} else if (methodName.equals("getElementAsToken")) {
ptolemy.data.type.Type matrixType = (ptolemy.data.type.Type) in
if ((matrixType != null)
&& matrixType instanceof MatrixType) {
((MatrixType) matrixType).getElementType(),
} else if (methodName.equals("absolute")) {
// Return the same as the input type, unless complex,
// in which case, return double.
ptolemy.data.type.Type inType = (ptolemy.data.type.Type) in
if (inType.equals(BaseType.COMPLEX)) {
_updateTypeInAssignment(leftOp, BaseType.DOUBLE,
} else {
_updateTypeInAssignment(leftOp, inType, out);
} else if (SootUtilities.derivesFrom(baseClass,
PtolemyUtilities.componentPortClass)) {
// If we are invoking a method on a port.
TypedIOPort port = (TypedIOPort) _namedObjAnalysis
.getObject((Local) r.getBase());
//System.out.println("port for " + r.getBase() + " = " + port);
if (methodName.equals("broadcast")) {
// The type of the argument must be less than the
// type of the port.
} else if (methodName.equals("get")) {
// The port here may be null if the model does not
// actually contain the port... This happens, for
// instance, in MathFunction
if (port != null) {
_updateTypeInAssignment(leftOp, port.getType(), out);
} else if (methodName.equals("send")) {
if (r.getArgCount() == 3) {
// The type of the argument must be less than the
// type of the port.
} else if (r.getArgCount() == 2) {
// The type of the argument must be less than the
// type of the port.
// r.getArg(1));
} else if (SootUtilities.derivesFrom(baseClass,
PtolemyUtilities.attributeClass)) {
// If we are invoking a method on a parameter.
Attribute attribute = (Attribute) _namedObjAnalysis
.getObject((Local) r.getBase());
if (attribute == null) {
// A method invocation with a null base is bogus,
// so don't create a type constraint.
if (attribute instanceof Variable) {
Variable parameter = (Variable) attribute;
if (methodName.equals("setToken")) {
// The type of the argument must be less than the
// type of the parameter.
// r.getArg(0));
} else if (methodName.equals("getToken")) {
// Return the type of the parameter.
parameter.getType(), out);
} else if (rightOp instanceof ArrayRef) {
// System.out.println("arrayRef stmt = " + stmt);
// System.out.println("right type = " + in.get(((ArrayRef)rightOp).getBase()));
_updateTypeInAssignment(leftOp, in.get(((ArrayRef) rightOp)
.getBase()), out);
} else if (rightOp instanceof CastExpr) {
CastExpr castExpr = (CastExpr) rightOp;
Type type = castExpr.getType();
// FIXME: what if downcast???
/*RefType tokenType =*/PtolemyUtilities.getBaseTokenType(type);
// System.out.println("castType = " + tokenType);
// System.out.println("castOp = " + castExpr.getOp());
// System.out.println("currentType = " + in.get(castExpr.getOp()));
//if (tokenType != null) {
_updateTypeInAssignment(leftOp, in.get(castExpr.getOp()), out);
// } else {
// Otherwise there is nothing to be done.
} else if (rightOp instanceof Local) {
Local local = (Local) rightOp;
_updateTypeInAssignment(leftOp, in.get(local), out);
} else if (rightOp instanceof NewExpr) {
NewExpr newExpr = (NewExpr) rightOp;
RefType type = newExpr.getBaseType();
SootClass castClass = type.getSootClass();
// If we are creating a Token type...
if (SootUtilities.derivesFrom(castClass,
PtolemyUtilities.tokenClass)) {
// Then the rightOp of the expression is the type of the
// constructor.
_updateTypeInAssignment(leftOp, PtolemyUtilities
.getTokenTypeForSootType(type), out);
} else {
// Otherwise there is nothing to be done.
} else if (rightOp instanceof NewArrayExpr) {
// Since arrays are aliasable, we must update their types.
NewArrayExpr newExpr = (NewArrayExpr) rightOp;
Type type = newExpr.getBaseType();
RefType tokenType = PtolemyUtilities.getBaseTokenType(type);
if (tokenType != null) {
_updateTypeInAssignment(leftOp, PtolemyUtilities
.getTokenTypeForSootType(tokenType), out);