Examples of SOAPBodyElement

Examples of org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement

    public void testNodeWithAttribute() throws Exception
        org.w3c.dom.Element element = XMLUtils.newDocument().createElement("tmp");
        element.setAttribute("attrib", "foo");
        SOAPBodyElement body = new SOAPBodyElement(element);
        assertEquals("<tmp attrib=\"foo\"/>",body.toString());
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Examples of org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement

            return null;

        resEnv = resMsg.getSOAPEnvelope();
        SOAPBodyElement bodyEl = resEnv.getFirstBody();
        if (bodyEl instanceof RPCElement) {
            try {
                resArgs = ((RPCElement) bodyEl).getParams();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error(Messages.getMessage("exception00"), e);
                throw AxisFault.makeFault(e);

            if (resArgs != null && resArgs.size() > 0) {

                // If there is no return, then we start at index 0 to create the outParams Map.
                // If there IS a return, then we start with 1.
                int outParamStart = 0;

                // If we have resArgs and the returnType is specified, then the first
                // resArgs is the return.  If we have resArgs and neither returnType
                // nor paramXMLTypes are specified, then we assume that the caller is
                // following the non-JAX-RPC AXIS shortcut of not having to specify
                // the return, in which case we again assume the first resArgs is
                // the return.
                // NOTE 1:  the non-JAX-RPC AXIS shortcut allows a potential error
                // to escape notice.  If the caller IS NOT following the non-JAX-RPC
                // shortcut but instead intentionally leaves returnType and params
                // null (ie., a method that takes no parameters and returns nothing)
                // then, if we DO receive something it should be an error, but this
                // code passes it through.  The ideal solution here is to require
                // this caller to set the returnType to void, but there's no void
                // type in XML.
                // NOTE 2:  we should probably verify that the resArgs element
                // types match the expected returnType and paramXMLTypes, but I'm not
                // sure how to do that since the resArgs value is a Java Object
                // and the returnType and paramXMLTypes are QNames.

                // GD 03/15/02 : We're now checking for invalid metadata
                // config at the top of this method, so don't need to do it
                // here.  Check for void return, though.

                boolean findReturnParam = false;
                QName returnParamQName = null;
                if (operation != null) operation.getReturnQName();

                if (!XMLType.AXIS_VOID.equals(getReturnType())) {
                    if (returnParamQName == null) {
                        // Assume the first param is the return
                        RPCParam param = (RPCParam)resArgs.get(0);
                        result = param.getValue();
                        outParamStart = 1;
                    } else {
                        // If the QName of the return value was given to us, look
                        // through the result arguments to find the right name
                        findReturnParam = true;

                // The following loop looks at the resargs and
                // converts the value to the appropriate return/out parameter
                // value.  If the return value is found, is value is
                // placed in result.  The remaining resargs are
                // placed in the outParams list (note that if a resArg
                // is found that does not match a operation parameter qname,
                // it is still placed in the outParms list).
                for (int i = outParamStart; i < resArgs.size(); i++) {
                    RPCParam param = (RPCParam) resArgs.get(i);

                    Class javaType = getJavaTypeForQName(param.getQName());
                    Object value = param.getValue();

                    // Convert type if needed
                    if (javaType != null && value != null &&
                           !javaType.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
                        value = JavaUtils.convert(value, javaType);

                    // Check if this parameter is our return
                    // otherwise just add it to our outputs
                    if (findReturnParam &&
                          returnParamQName.equals(param.getQName())) {
                        // found it!
                        result = value;
                        findReturnParam = false;
                    } else {
                        outParams.put(param.getQName(), value);

                // added by scheu:
                // If the return param is still not found, that means
                // the returned value did not have the expected qname.
                // The soap specification indicates that this should be
                // accepted (and we also fail interop tests if we are strict here).
                // Look through the outParms and find one that
                // does not match one of the operation parameters.
                if (findReturnParam) {
                    Iterator it = outParams.keySet().iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext() && findReturnParam) {
                        QName qname = (QName) it.next();
                        ParameterDesc paramDesc =
                        if (paramDesc == null) {
                            // Doesn't match a paramter, so use this for the return
                            findReturnParam = false;
                            result = outParams.remove(qname);

                // If we were looking for a particular QName for the return and
                // still didn't find it, throw an exception
                if (findReturnParam) {
                    String returnParamName = returnParamQName.toString();
                    throw new AxisFault(Messages.getMessage("noReturnParam",
        } else {
            // This is a SOAPBodyElement, try to treat it like a return value
            try {
                result = bodyEl.getValueAsType(getReturnType());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // just return the SOAPElement
                result = bodyEl;
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Examples of org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement

                reqMsg = msgContext.getRequestMessage();

                if (reqMsg != null) {
                    reqEnv = reqMsg.getSOAPEnvelope();

                    SOAPBodyElement body = reqEnv.getFirstBody();

                    // Does this make any sense to anyone?  If not, we should remove it.
                    // --Glen 03/16/02
                    //if ( body.getPrefix() == null )       body.setPrefix( "m" );
                    if ( body.getNamespaceURI() == null ) {
                        throw new AxisFault("Call.invoke",
                                            Messages.getMessage("cantInvoke00", body.getName()),
                                            null, null);
                    } else {

            SOAPService svc = msgContext.getService();
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Examples of org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement


        SOAPEnvelope resEnv = resMsg.getSOAPEnvelope();

        SOAPBodyElement respBody = resEnv.getFirstBody();
        if (respBody instanceof SOAPFault) {
            if(returnJavaType == null || returnJavaType != javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage.class)
                throw ((SOAPFault)respBody).getFault();
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Examples of org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement

        Method   method = null ;
        Document doc = null ;
        if (bodyOnlyService) {
            // dig out just the body, and pass it with the MessageContext
            SOAPBodyElement reqBody = reqEnv.getFirstBody();
            doc = reqBody.getAsDOM().getOwnerDocument();

            /* If no methodName was specified during deployment then get it */
            /* from the root of the Body element                            */
            /* Hmmm, should we do this????                                  */
            if ( methodName == null || methodName.equals("") ) {
                Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
                if ( root != null ) methodName = root.getLocalName();

            // Try the the simplest case first - just Document as the param
            argClasses = new Class[1];
            argObjects = new Object[1];
            argClasses[0] = msgContext.getClassLoader().loadClass("org.w3c.dom.Document");
            argObjects[0] = doc ;

            try {
              method = jc.getJavaClass().getMethod( methodName, argClasses );
            catch( NoSuchMethodException exp ) {
              // Ok, no match - so now add MessageContext as the first param
              // and try it again
              argClasses = new Class[2];
              argObjects = new Object[2];
              argClasses[0] = msgContext.getClassLoader().loadClass("org.apache.axis.MessageContext");
              argClasses[1] = msgContext.getClassLoader().loadClass("org.w3c.dom.Document");
              argObjects[0] = msgContext ;
              argObjects[1] = doc ;
              method = jc.getJavaClass().getMethod( methodName, argClasses );

        } else {
            // pass *just* the MessageContext (maybe don't even parse!!!)
            argClasses = new Class[1];
            argObjects = new Object[1];
            argClasses[0] = msgContext.getClassLoader().loadClass("org.apache.axis.MessageContext");
            argObjects[0] = msgContext ;
            method = jc.getJavaClass().getMethod( methodName, argClasses );
        // !!! WANT TO MAKE THIS SAX-CAPABLE AS WELL.  Some people will
        //     want DOM, but our examples should mostly lean towards the
        //     SAX side of things....
        Document retDoc = (Document) method.invoke( obj, argObjects );
        if ( retDoc != null ) {
            SOAPBodyElement el = new SOAPBodyElement(retDoc.getDocumentElement());
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Examples of org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement

               .setServiceDescription(new ServiceDescription("Admin", false));
            SOAPEnvelope envelope =
                                   (SOAPEnvelope) outMsg.getAsSOAPEnvelope();
            SOAPBodyElement body = envelope.getFirstBody();
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
            client.addOption(AxisEngine.PROP_XML_DECL, new Boolean(false));
            SerializationContext ctx = new SerializationContext(writer,
        return sb.toString();
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Examples of org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement

            return null;

        resEnv = (SOAPEnvelope)resMsg.getSOAPEnvelope();
        SOAPBodyElement bodyEl = resEnv.getFirstBody();
        if (bodyEl instanceof RPCElement) {
            try {
                resArgs = ((RPCElement) bodyEl).getParams();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error(Messages.getMessage("exception00"), e);
                throw AxisFault.makeFault(e);

            if (resArgs != null && resArgs.size() > 0) {

                // If there is no return, then we start at index 0 to create the outParams Map.
                // If there IS a return, then we start with 1.
                int outParamStart = 0;

                // If we have resArgs and the returnType is specified, then the first
                // resArgs is the return.  If we have resArgs and neither returnType
                // nor paramXMLTypes are specified, then we assume that the caller is
                // following the non-JAX-RPC AXIS shortcut of not having to specify
                // the return, in which case we again assume the first resArgs is
                // the return.
                // NOTE 1:  the non-JAX-RPC AXIS shortcut allows a potential error
                // to escape notice.  If the caller IS NOT following the non-JAX-RPC
                // shortcut but instead intentionally leaves returnType and params
                // null (ie., a method that takes no parameters and returns nothing)
                // then, if we DO receive something it should be an error, but this
                // code passes it through.  The ideal solution here is to require
                // this caller to set the returnType to void, but there's no void
                // type in XML.
                // NOTE 2:  we should probably verify that the resArgs element
                // types match the expected returnType and paramXMLTypes, but I'm not
                // sure how to do that since the resArgs value is a Java Object
                // and the returnType and paramXMLTypes are QNames.

                // GD 03/15/02 : We're now checking for invalid metadata
                // config at the top of this method, so don't need to do it
                // here.  Check for void return, though.
                boolean findReturnParam = false;
                if (!XMLType.AXIS_VOID.equals(returnType)) {
                    if (operation.getReturnQName() == null) {
                        // Assume the first param is the return
                        RPCParam param = (RPCParam)resArgs.get(0);
                        result = param.getValue();
                        outParamStart = 1;
                    } else {
                        // If the QName of the return value was given to us, look
                        // through the result arguments to find the right name
                        findReturnParam = true;

                for (int i = outParamStart; i < resArgs.size(); i++) {
                    RPCParam param = (RPCParam) resArgs.get(i);

                    Class javaType = getJavaTypeForQName(param.getQName());
                    Object value = param.getValue();

                    // Convert type if needed
                    if (javaType != null && value != null &&
                           !javaType.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
                        value = JavaUtils.convert(value, javaType);

                    // Check if this parameter is our return
                    // otherwise just add it to our outputs
                    if (findReturnParam &&
                          operation.getReturnQName().equals(param.getQName())) {
                        // found it!
                        result = value;
                        findReturnParam = false;
                    } else {
                        outParams.put(param.getQName(), value);
        } else {
            // This is a SOAPBodyElement, try to treat it like a return value
            try {
                result = bodyEl.getValueAsType(returnType);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // just return the SOAPElement
                result = bodyEl;
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Examples of org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement

            } else {
                // No direct config, so try the namespace of the first body.
                reqMsg = msgContext.getRequestMessage();
                reqEnv = reqMsg.getSOAPEnvelope();

                SOAPBodyElement body = reqEnv.getFirstBody();

                // Does this make any sense to anyone?  If not, we should remove it.
                // --Glen 03/16/02
                //if ( body.getPrefix() == null )       body.setPrefix( "m" );
                if ( body.getNamespaceURI() == null ) {
                    throw new AxisFault("Call.invoke",
                                        Messages.getMessage("cantInvoke00", body.getName()),
                                        null, null);
                } else {

            SOAPService svc = msgContext.getService();
            if (svc != null) {
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Examples of org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement


        SOAPEnvelope resEnv = (SOAPEnvelope)resMsg.getSOAPEnvelope();

        SOAPBodyElement respBody = resEnv.getFirstBody();
        if (respBody instanceof SOAPFault) {
            throw ((SOAPFault)respBody).getFault();
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Examples of org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement

            // we're probably a non-wrapped doc/lit service.  In this case,
            // we deserialize the element, and create an RPCElement "wrapper"
            // around it which points to the correct method.
            // FIXME : There should be a cleaner way to do this...
            if (!(bodies.get(bNum) instanceof RPCElement)) {
                SOAPBodyElement bodyEl = (SOAPBodyElement)bodies.get(bNum);
                // igors: better check if bodyEl.getID() != null
                // to make sure this loop does not step on SOAP-ENC objects
                // that follow the parameters! FIXME?
                if (bodyEl.isRoot() && operation != null && bodyEl.getID() == null) {
                    ParameterDesc param = operation.getParameter(bNum);
                    // at least do not step on non-existent parameters!
                    if(param != null) {
                        Object val = bodyEl.getValueAsType(param.getTypeQName());
                        body = new RPCElement("",
                                              new Object [] { val });
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