Factory bean to create a {@link SMPPSession}. Usually, you need little more than the {@link #host}, the {@link #port}, perhaps a {@link #password}, and a {@link #systemId}.
The {@link SMPPSession } represents a connection to a SMSC, through which SMS messages are sent and received.
Here is a breakdown of the supported parameters on this factory bean:
- host - the SMSC host to which the session is bound (think of this as the host of your email server)
- port - the SMSC port to which the session is bound (think of this as a port on your email server)
- bindType - values of type {@link org.jsmpp.bean.BindType}. The bind type specifies whether this {@link SMPPSession} can send ({@link org.jsmpp.bean.BindType#BIND_TX}), receive ( {@link org.jsmpp.bean.BindType#BIND_RX}), or both send and receive ( {@link org.jsmpp.bean.BindType#BIND_TRX}).
- systemId - the system ID for the server being bound to
- password - the password for the server being bound to
- systemType - the SMSC system type
- addrTon - a value from the {@link org.jsmpp.bean.TypeOfNumber} enumeration. Default is{@link org.jsmpp.bean.TypeOfNumber#UNKNOWN}
- addrNpi - a value from the {@link org.jsmpp.bean.NumberingPlanIndicator} enumeration.Default is {@link org.jsmpp.bean.NumberingPlanIndicator#UNKNOWN}
- addressRange - can be null. Specifies the address range.
- timeout - a good default value is 60000 (1 minute)
- transactionTimeout - timeout for doing work with session. e.g. sending message (default 2 seconds)
- reconnect - boolean whether we allow the session to reconnect. (default true)
- reconnectInterval - interval between reconnection in milliseconds. (default 5 seconds)
@author Josh Long
@see org.jsmpp.session.SMPPSession#SMPPSession()
@see org.jsmpp.session.SMPPSession#connectAndBind(String,int,org.jsmpp.session.BindParameter)
@see org.jsmpp.session.SMPPSession#connectAndBind(String,int,org.jsmpp.bean.BindType,String,String,String,org.jsmpp.bean.TypeOfNumber,org.jsmpp.bean.NumberingPlanIndicator,String,long)
@since 1.0