// Stop the timer that will kill the read.
// smp.setParseExceptionListener(sipMessageListener);
// smp.setReadBody(false);
SIPMessage sipMessage = null;
try {
if (stackLogger.isLoggingEnabled(StackLogger.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
stackLogger.logDebug("About to parse : " + inputBuffer.toString());
sipMessage = smp.parseSIPMessage(inputBuffer.toString().getBytes(), false, false, sipMessageListener);
if (sipMessage == null) {
} catch (ParseException ex) {
// Just ignore the parse exception.
stackLogger.logError("Detected a parse error", ex);
if (Debug.debug) {
Debug.println("Completed parsing message");
ContentLength cl = (ContentLength) sipMessage
int contentLength = 0;
if (cl != null) {
contentLength = cl.getContentLength();
} else {
contentLength = 0;
if (Debug.debug) {
Debug.println("contentLength " + contentLength);
if (contentLength == 0) {
} else if (maxMessageSize == 0
|| contentLength < this.sizeCounter) {
byte[] message_body = new byte[contentLength];
int nread = 0;
while (nread < contentLength) {
// Start my starvation timer.
// This ensures that the other end
// writes at least some data in
// or we will close the pipe from
// him. This prevents DOS attack
// that takes up all our connections.
try {
int readlength = inputStream.read(message_body,
nread, contentLength - nread);
if (readlength > 0) {
nread += readlength;
} else {
} catch (IOException ex) {
stackLogger.logError("Exception Reading Content",ex);
} finally {
// Stop my starvation timer.
// Content length too large - process the message and
// return error from there.
if (sipMessageListener != null) {
try {
if(postParseExecutor == null) {
* If gov.nist.javax.sip.TCP_POST_PARSING_THREAD_POOL_SIZE is disabled
* we continue with the old logic here.
if(sipStack.sipEventInterceptor != null) {
if(sipStack.sipEventInterceptor != null) {
} else {
* gov.nist.javax.sip.TCP_POST_PARSING_THREAD_POOL_SIZE is enabled so
* we use the threadpool to execute the task.
// we need to guarantee message ordering on the same socket on TCP
// so we lock and queue of messages per Call Id
final String callId = sipMessage.getCallId().getCallId();
// http://dmy999.com/article/34/correct-use-of-concurrenthashmap
CallIDOrderingStructure orderingStructure = messagesOrderingMap.get(callId);
if(orderingStructure == null) {
CallIDOrderingStructure newCallIDOrderingStructure = new CallIDOrderingStructure();
orderingStructure = messagesOrderingMap.putIfAbsent(callId, newCallIDOrderingStructure);
if(orderingStructure == null) {
orderingStructure = newCallIDOrderingStructure;
if (stackLogger.isLoggingEnabled(StackLogger.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
stackLogger.logDebug("new CallIDOrderingStructure added for message " + sipMessage);
final CallIDOrderingStructure callIDOrderingStructure = orderingStructure;
// we add the message to the pending queue of messages to be processed for that call id here
// to avoid blocking other messages with a different call id
// that could be processed in parallel
Thread messageDispatchTask = new Thread() {
public void run() {
// we acquire it in the thread to avoid blocking other messages with a different call id
// that could be processed in parallel
Semaphore semaphore = callIDOrderingStructure.getSemaphore();
final Queue<SIPMessage> messagesForCallID = callIDOrderingStructure.getMessagesForCallID();
if(sipStack.sipEventInterceptor != null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
stackLogger.logError("Semaphore acquisition for callId " + callId + " interrupted", e);
// once acquired we get the first message to process
SIPMessage message = messagesForCallID.poll();
if (stackLogger.isLoggingEnabled(StackLogger.TRACE_DEBUG)) {
stackLogger.logDebug("semaphore acquired for message " + message);
try {