Examples of SingularMatrixException

Examples of pythagoras.util.SingularMatrixException

        double sd10 = m01*m22 - m21*m02;
        double sd20 = m01*m12 - m11*m02;
        double det = m00*sd00 + m20*sd20 - m10*sd10;
        if (Math.abs(det) == 0f) {
            // determinant is zero; matrix is not invertible
            throw new SingularMatrixException(this.toString());
        double rdet = 1f / det;
        return result.set(
            +sd00 * rdet,
            -(m10*m22 - m20*m12) * rdet,
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Examples of pythagoras.util.SingularMatrixException

            double sd10 = o01*o22 - o21*o02;
            double sd20 = o01*o12 - o11*o02;
            double det = o00*sd00 + o20*sd20 - o10*sd10;
            if (Math.abs(det) == 0f) {
                // determinant is zero; matrix is not invertible
                throw new SingularMatrixException(this.toString());
            double hrdet = 0.5f / det;
            n00 = +sd00 * hrdet + o00*0.5f;
            n10 = -sd10 * hrdet + o10*0.5f;
            n20 = +sd20 * hrdet + o20*0.5f;
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Examples of pythagoras.util.SingularMatrixException

        float sd20 = m01*(m12*m33 - m13*m32) + m11*(m03*m32 - m02*m33) + m31*(m02*m13 - m03*m12);
        float sd30 = m01*(m12*m23 - m13*m22) + m11*(m03*m22 - m02*m23) + m21*(m02*m13 - m03*m12);
        float det = m00*sd00 + m20*sd20 - m10*sd10 - m30*sd30;
        if (Math.abs(det) == 0f) {
            // determinant is zero; matrix is not invertible
            throw new SingularMatrixException(this.toString());
        float rdet = 1f / det;
        return result.set(
            +sd00 * rdet,
            -(m10*(m22*m33 - m23*m32) + m20*(m13*m32 - m12*m33) + m30*(m12*m23 - m13*m22)) * rdet,
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Examples of pythagoras.util.SingularMatrixException

        float sd10 = m01*m22 - m21*m02;
        float sd20 = m01*m12 - m11*m02;
        float det = m00*sd00 + m20*sd20 - m10*sd10;
        if (Math.abs(det) == 0f) {
            // determinant is zero; matrix is not invertible
            throw new SingularMatrixException(this.toString());
        float rdet = 1f / det;
        return result.set(
            +sd00 * rdet,
            -(m10*m22 - m20*m12) * rdet,
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Examples of pythagoras.util.SingularMatrixException

            float sd10 = o01*o22 - o21*o02;
            float sd20 = o01*o12 - o11*o02;
            float det = o00*sd00 + o20*sd20 - o10*sd10;
            if (Math.abs(det) == 0f) {
                // determinant is zero; matrix is not invertible
                throw new SingularMatrixException(this.toString());
            float hrdet = 0.5f / det;
            n00 = +sd00 * hrdet + o00*0.5f;
            n10 = -sd10 * hrdet + o10*0.5f;
            n20 = +sd20 * hrdet + o20*0.5f;
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Examples of pythagoras.util.SingularMatrixException

        float sd10 = m01*m22 - m21*m02;
        float sd20 = m01*m12 - m11*m02;
        float det = m00*sd00 + m20*sd20 - m10*sd10;
        if (Math.abs(det) == 0f) {
            // determinant is zero; matrix is not invertible
            throw new SingularMatrixException(this.toString());
        float rdet = 1f / det;
        return result.set(+sd00 * rdet,
                          -(m10*m22 - m20*m12) * rdet,
                          +(m10*m21 - m20*m11) * rdet,
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Examples of pythagoras.util.SingularMatrixException

        float m20 = this.m20, m21 = this.m21;
        // compute the determinant, storing the subdeterminants for later use
        float det = m00*m11 - m10*m01;
        if (Math.abs(det) == 0f) {
            // determinant is zero; matrix is not invertible
            throw new SingularMatrixException(this.toString());
        float rdet = 1f / det;
        return result.set(+m11 * rdet,
                          -m10 * rdet,
                          +(m10*m21 - m20*m11) * rdet,
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Examples of pythagoras.util.SingularMatrixException

            // compute average of the matrix with its inverse transpose
            float det = o00*o11 - o10*o01;
            if (Math.abs(det) == 0f) {
                // determinant is zero; matrix is not invertible
                throw new SingularMatrixException(this.toString());
            float hrdet = 0.5f / det;
            n00 = +o11 * hrdet + o00*0.5f;
            n10 = -o01 * hrdet + o10*0.5f;

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Examples of pythagoras.util.SingularMatrixException

        double sd10 = m01*m22 - m21*m02;
        double sd20 = m01*m12 - m11*m02;
        double det = m00*sd00 + m20*sd20 - m10*sd10;
        if (Math.abs(det) == 0f) {
            // determinant is zero; matrix is not invertible
            throw new SingularMatrixException(this.toString());
        double rdet = 1f / det;
        return result.set(+sd00 * rdet,
                          -(m10*m22 - m20*m12) * rdet,
                          +(m10*m21 - m20*m11) * rdet,
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Examples of pythagoras.util.SingularMatrixException

        double m20 = this.m20, m21 = this.m21;
        // compute the determinant, storing the subdeterminants for later use
        double det = m00*m11 - m10*m01;
        if (Math.abs(det) == 0f) {
            // determinant is zero; matrix is not invertible
            throw new SingularMatrixException(this.toString());
        double rdet = 1f / det;
        return result.set(+m11 * rdet,
                          -m10 * rdet,
                          +(m10*m21 - m20*m11) * rdet,
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