//OCSPReq req = gen.generate();
// Send the request and receive a singleResponse
SingleResp[] singleResps = helper.sendOCSPPost(req.getEncoded(), "123456789", OCSPResponseStatus.SUCCESSFUL, 200);
assertEquals("Number of of SingResps should be 1.", 1, singleResps.length);
SingleResp singleResp = singleResps[0];
CertificateID certId = singleResp.getCertID();
assertEquals("Serno in response does not match serno in request.", certId.getSerialNumber(), ocspTestCert.getSerialNumber());
Object status = singleResp.getCertStatus();
assertEquals("Status is not null (good)", status, null);
// Try with an unsigned request, we should get a status code 5 back from the server (signature required)
req = gen.generate();
// Send the request and receive a singleResponse, this response should have error code SIGNATURE_REQUIRED