Examples of SingleFileLdifPartition

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.ldif.SingleFileLdifPartition

     * @throws Exception
    public void testLdifAddExistingEntry() throws Exception
        SingleFileLdifPartition partition = createPartition( null, true );

        AddOperationContext addCtx = new AddOperationContext( mockSession );
        addCtx.setEntry( contextEntry );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry1 = createEntry( "dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry1.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry1.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry1 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry2 = createEntry( "dc=test,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry2.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry2.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry2 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry3 = createEntry( "dc=test,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry3.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry3.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry3 );

            partition.add( addCtx );
        catch ( LdapException ne )
            assertTrue( true );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.ldif.SingleFileLdifPartition

     * @throws Exception
    public void testLdifDeleteExistingEntry() throws Exception
        SingleFileLdifPartition partition = createPartition( null, true );
        AddOperationContext addCtx = new AddOperationContext( mockSession );
        addCtx.setEntry( contextEntry );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        DeleteOperationContext delOpCtx = new DeleteOperationContext( mockSession );
        delOpCtx.setDn( contextEntry.getDn() );

        partition.delete( delOpCtx );
        RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile( new File( partition.getPartitionPath() ), "r" );

        assertEquals( 0L, file.length() );

        addCtx = new AddOperationContext( mockSession );
        addCtx.setEntry( contextEntry );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry1 = createEntry( "dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry1.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry1.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry1 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry2 = createEntry( "dc=test1,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry2.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry2.put( "dc", "test1" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry2 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry3 = createEntry( "dc=test2,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry3.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry3.put( "dc", "test2" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry3 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entryMvrdn = createEntry( "dc=mvrdn+objectClass=domain,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entryMvrdn.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entryMvrdn.put( "dc", "mvrdn" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entryMvrdn );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        DeleteOperationContext delCtx = new DeleteOperationContext( mockSession );
        delCtx.setDn( entryMvrdn.getDn() );

        partition.delete( delCtx );

        partition = reloadPartition();
        assertExists( partition, entry1 );
        assertExists( partition, entry2 );
        assertExists( partition, entry3 );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.ldif.SingleFileLdifPartition

     * @throws Exception
    public void testLdifSearchExistingEntry() throws Exception
        SingleFileLdifPartition partition = createPartition( null, true );

        AddOperationContext addCtx = new AddOperationContext( mockSession );
        addCtx.setEntry( contextEntry );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry1 = createEntry( "dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry1.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry1.put( "dc", "test" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry1 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry2 = createEntry( "dc=test1,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry2.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry2.put( "dc", "test1" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry2 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Entry entry3 = createEntry( "dc=test2,dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        entry3.put( "ObjectClass", "top", "domain" );
        entry3.put( "dc", "test2" );
        addCtx.setEntry( entry3 );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        SearchOperationContext searchCtx = new SearchOperationContext( mockSession );

        Dn dn = new Dn( "dc=test,ou=test,ou=system" );
        dn.apply( schemaManager );
        searchCtx.setDn( dn );
        ExprNode filter = FilterParser.parse( schemaManager, "(ObjectClass=domain)" );
        NameComponentNormalizer ncn = new ConcreteNameComponentNormalizer( schemaManager );
        FilterNormalizingVisitor visitor = new FilterNormalizingVisitor( ncn, schemaManager );
        filter.accept( visitor );
        searchCtx.setFilter( filter );
        searchCtx.setScope( SearchScope.SUBTREE );

        EntryFilteringCursor cursor = partition.search( searchCtx );

        assertNotNull( cursor );

        Set<String> expectedDns = new HashSet<String>();
        expectedDns.add( entry1.getDn().getNormName() );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.ldif.SingleFileLdifPartition

    public void testLdifMoveEntry() throws Exception
        SingleFileLdifPartition partition = injectEntries();

        Entry childEntry1 = partition.lookup( partition.getEntryId( new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=child1,ou=test,ou=system" ) ) );
        Entry childEntry2 = partition.lookup( partition.getEntryId( new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=child2,ou=test,ou=system" ) ) );

        MoveOperationContext moveOpCtx = new MoveOperationContext( mockSession, childEntry1.getDn(),
            childEntry2.getDn() );
        partition.move( moveOpCtx );

        partition = reloadPartition();
        assertExists( partition, childEntry2 );
        assertNotExists( partition, childEntry1 );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.ldif.SingleFileLdifPartition

    public void testLdifMoveSubChildEntry() throws Exception
        SingleFileLdifPartition partition = injectEntries();

        Entry childEntry1 = partition.lookup( partition.getEntryId( new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=grandChild11,dc=child1,ou=test,ou=system" ) ) );
        Entry childEntry2 = partition.lookup( partition.getEntryId( new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=child2,ou=test,ou=system" ) ) );

        MoveOperationContext moveOpCtx = new MoveOperationContext( mockSession, childEntry1.getDn(),
            childEntry2.getDn() );
        partition.move( moveOpCtx );

        partition = reloadPartition();
        assertExists( partition, childEntry2 );
        assertNotExists( partition, childEntry1 );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.ldif.SingleFileLdifPartition

    public void testLdifRenameAndDeleteOldRDN() throws Exception
        SingleFileLdifPartition partition = injectEntries();

        Dn childDn1 = new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=child1,ou=test,ou=system" );

        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( SchemaConstants.DC_AT + "=" + "renamedChild1" );
        RenameOperationContext renameOpCtx = new RenameOperationContext( mockSession, childDn1, newRdn, true );
        partition.rename( renameOpCtx );

        partition = reloadPartition();

        childDn1 = new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=renamedChild1,ou=test,ou=system" );

        Entry entry = partition.lookup( new LookupOperationContext( mockSession, childDn1 ) );

        assertNotNull( entry );
        assertFalse( entry.get( "dc" ).contains( "child1" ) );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.ldif.SingleFileLdifPartition

    public void testLdifRenameAndRetainOldRDN() throws Exception
        SingleFileLdifPartition partition = injectEntries();

        Dn childDn1 = new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=child1,ou=test,ou=system" );

        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( SchemaConstants.DC_AT + "=" + "renamedChild1" );
        RenameOperationContext renameOpCtx = new RenameOperationContext( mockSession, childDn1, newRdn, false );
        partition.rename( renameOpCtx );

        partition = reloadPartition();

        childDn1 = new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=renamedChild1,ou=test,ou=system" );

        Entry entry = partition.lookup( new LookupOperationContext( mockSession, childDn1 ) );

        assertNotNull( entry );
        assertTrue( entry.get( "dc" ).contains( "child1" ) );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.ldif.SingleFileLdifPartition

    public void testLdifMoveAndRenameWithDeletingOldRDN() throws Exception
        SingleFileLdifPartition partition = injectEntries();

        Dn childDn1 = new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=child1,ou=test,ou=system" );

        Dn childDn2 = new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=child2,ou=test,ou=system" );

        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( SchemaConstants.DC_AT + "=" + "movedChild1" );
        MoveAndRenameOperationContext moveAndRenameOpCtx = new MoveAndRenameOperationContext( mockSession, childDn1,
            childDn2, newRdn, true );
        partition.moveAndRename( moveAndRenameOpCtx );

        partition = reloadPartition();

        childDn1 = new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=movedChild1,dc=child2,ou=test,ou=system" );

        Entry entry = partition.lookup( new LookupOperationContext( mockSession, childDn1 ) );

        assertNotNull( entry );
        Attribute dc = entry.get( "dc" );
        assertFalse( dc.contains( "child1" ) );
        assertTrue( dc.contains( "movedChild1" ) );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.ldif.SingleFileLdifPartition

    public void testLdifMoveAndRenameRetainingOldRDN() throws Exception
        SingleFileLdifPartition partition = injectEntries();

        Dn childDn1 = new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=child1,ou=test,ou=system" );

        Dn childDn2 = new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=child2,ou=test,ou=system" );

        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( SchemaConstants.DC_AT + "=" + "movedChild1" );
        MoveAndRenameOperationContext moveAndRenameOpCtx = new MoveAndRenameOperationContext( mockSession, childDn1,
            childDn2, newRdn, false );
        partition.moveAndRename( moveAndRenameOpCtx );

        partition = reloadPartition();

        childDn1 = new Dn( schemaManager, "dc=movedChild1,dc=child2,ou=test,ou=system" );

        Entry entry = partition.lookup( new LookupOperationContext( mockSession, childDn1 ) );

        assertNotNull( entry );
        Attribute dc = entry.get( "dc" );
        assertTrue( dc.contains( "child1" ) );
        assertTrue( dc.contains( "movedChild1" ) );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.ldif.SingleFileLdifPartition

    public void testEnableRewritingFlag() throws Exception
        SingleFileLdifPartition partition = createPartition( null, true );
        // disable writing
        partition.setEnableRewriting( false );
        AddOperationContext addCtx = new AddOperationContext( mockSession );
        addCtx.setEntry( contextEntry );

        partition.add( addCtx );

        // search works fine
        Long id = partition.getEntryId( contextEntry.getDn() );
        assertNotNull( id );
        assertEquals( contextEntry, partition.lookup( id ) );

        RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile( new File( partition.getPartitionPath() ), "r" );

        // but the file will be empty
        assertFalse( getEntryLdifLen( contextEntry ) == file.length() );

        partition = reloadPartition();
        assertNotExists( partition, contextEntry );
        // try adding on the reloaded partition
        partition.add( addCtx );
        // eable writing, this will let the partition write data back to disk
        partition.setEnableRewriting( false );
        assertTrue( getEntryLdifLen( contextEntry ) == file.length() );
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