Examples of SimpleTestResult

Examples of org.bouncycastle.util.test.SimpleTestResult

        cipher.processBytes(input, 0, input.length, out, 0);

        if (!isEqualArray(out, output))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false,
                    getName() + ": failed - " + "expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out)));

        cipher.init(false, param);

        cipher.processBytes(output, 0, output.length, out, 0);

        if (!isEqualArray(input, out))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed reversal");

        return new SimpleTestResult(true, getName() + ": OKAY");
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.util.test.SimpleTestResult

                cipher.doFinal(out, len1);
            catch (CryptoException e)
                return new SimpleTestResult(false,
                       getName() + ": failed - exception " + e.toString());

        if (!isEqualArray(out, output))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false,
                    getName() + ": failed - " + "expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out)));

        cipher.init(false, param);

        for (int i = 0; i != iterations; i++)
            int len1 = cipher.processBytes(out, 0, out.length, out, 0);

                cipher.doFinal(out, len1);
            catch (CryptoException e)
                return new SimpleTestResult(false,
                       getName() + ": failed reversal - exception " + e.toString());

        if (!isEqualArray(input, out))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed reversal");

        return new SimpleTestResult(true, getName() + ": OKAY");
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.util.test.SimpleTestResult

        digest.doFinal(resBuf, 0);

        resStr = new String(Hex.encode(resBuf));
        if (!resVec1.equals(resStr))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false,
                "SHA-256 failing standard vector test 1"
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    expected: " + resVec1
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    got     : " + resStr);

        // test 2
        byte[]  bytes = Hex.decode(testVec2);

        digest.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length);

        digest.doFinal(resBuf, 0);

        resStr = new String(Hex.encode(resBuf));
        if (!resVec2.equals(resStr))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false,
                "SHA-256 failing standard vector test 2"
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    expected: " + resVec2
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    got     : " + resStr);

        // test 3
        bytes = Hex.decode(testVec3);

        digest.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length);

        digest.doFinal(resBuf, 0);

        resStr = new String(Hex.encode(resBuf));
        if (!resVec3.equals(resStr))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false,
                "SHA-256 failing standard vector test 3"
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    expected: " + resVec3
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    got     : " + resStr);

        // test 4
        bytes = Hex.decode(testVec4);

        digest.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length);

        digest.doFinal(resBuf, 0);

        resStr = new String(Hex.encode(resBuf));
        if (!resVec4.equals(resStr))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false,
                "SHA-256 failing standard vector test 4"
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    expected: " + resVec4
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    got     : " + resStr);

        // test 5
        bytes = Hex.decode(testVec4);

        digest.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length/2);

        // clone the Digest
        Digest d = new SHA256Digest((SHA256Digest)digest);

        digest.update(bytes, bytes.length/2, bytes.length - bytes.length/2);
        digest.doFinal(resBuf, 0);

        resStr = new String(Hex.encode(resBuf));
        if (!resVec4.equals(resStr))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false,
                "SHA256 failing standard vector test 5"
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    expected: " + resVec4
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    got     : " + resStr);

        d.update(bytes, bytes.length/2, bytes.length - bytes.length/2);
        d.doFinal(resBuf, 0);

        resStr = new String(Hex.encode(resBuf));
        if (!resVec4.equals(resStr))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false,
                "SHA256 failing standard vector test 5"
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    expected: " + resVec4
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    got     : " + resStr);

        // test 6
        bytes = Hex.decode(testVec5);
        for ( int i = 0; i < 100000; i++ )
            digest.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
        digest.doFinal(resBuf, 0);

        resStr = new String(Hex.encode(resBuf));
        if (!resVec5.equals(resStr))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false,
                "SHA-256 failing standard vector test 5"
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    expected: " + resVec5
                + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + "    got     : " + resStr);

        return new SimpleTestResult(true, getName() + ": Okay");
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.util.test.SimpleTestResult

            byte[]  cText = wrapper.wrap(in, 0, in.length);
            if (!Arrays.areEqual(cText, out))
                return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed wrap test " + id  + " expected " + new String(Hex.encode(out)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(cText)));
        catch (Exception e)
            return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed wrap test exception " + e.toString());

        wrapper.init(false, new KeyParameter(kek));

            byte[]  pText = wrapper.unwrap(out, 0, out.length);
            if (!Arrays.areEqual(pText, in))
                return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed unwrap test " + id  + " expected " + new String(Hex.encode(in)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(pText)));
        catch (Exception e)
            return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed unwrap test exception " + e.toString());

        return new SimpleTestResult(true, getName() + ": Okay");
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.util.test.SimpleTestResult

        if (!result.isSuccessful())
            return result;

        return new SimpleTestResult(true, getName() + ": Okay");
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.util.test.SimpleTestResult

        DSAParameters           params = pGen.generateParameters();
        DSAValidationParameters pValid = params.getValidationParameters();

        if (pValid.getCounter() != 105)
            return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": Counter wrong");

        if (!pValue.equals(params.getP()) || !qValue.equals(params.getQ()))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": p or q wrong");

        DSAKeyPairGenerator         dsaKeyGen = new DSAKeyPairGenerator();
        DSAKeyGenerationParameters  genParam = new DSAKeyGenerationParameters(keyRandom, params);


        AsymmetricCipherKeyPair  pair = dsaKeyGen.generateKeyPair();

        ParametersWithRandom param = new ParametersWithRandom(pair.getPrivate(), keyRandom);

        DSASigner dsa = new DSASigner();

        dsa.init(true, param);

        byte[] message = new BigInteger("968236873715988614170569073515315707566766479517").toByteArray();
        BigInteger[] sig = dsa.generateSignature(message);

        if (!r.equals(sig[0]))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName()
                + ": r component wrong." + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + " expecting: " + r + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + " got      : " + sig[0]);

        if (!s.equals(sig[1]))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName()
                + ": s component wrong." + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + " expecting: " + s + System.getProperty("line.separator")
                + " got      : " + sig[1]);

        dsa.init(false, pair.getPublic());

        if (dsa.verifySignature(message, sig[0], sig[1]))
            return new SimpleTestResult(true, getName() + ": Okay");
            return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": verification fails");
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.util.test.SimpleTestResult

            hmac.update(m, 0, m.length);
            hmac.doFinal(resBuf, 0);

            if (!arraysEqual(resBuf, Hex.decode(digests[i])))
                return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + "Vector " + i + " failed");

        // test reset
        int vector = 0; // vector used for test
        byte[] m = messages[vector].getBytes();
        if (messages[vector].startsWith("0x"))
            m = Hex.decode(messages[vector].substring(2));
        hmac.init(new KeyParameter(Hex.decode(keys[vector])));
        hmac.update(m, 0, m.length);
        hmac.doFinal(resBuf, 0);
        hmac.update(m, 0, m.length);
        hmac.doFinal(resBuf, 0);

        if (!arraysEqual(resBuf, Hex.decode(digests[vector])))
            return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() +
                    "Reset with vector " + vector + " failed");

        return new SimpleTestResult(true, getName() + ": Okay");
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.util.test.SimpleTestResult

        if (!result.isSuccessful())
            return result;

        return new SimpleTestResult(true, getName() + ": Okay");
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.util.test.SimpleTestResult

                engine.doFinal(out, len);
            catch (Exception e)
                return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": encryption exception - " + e.toString());
            for (int i = 0; i != output.length; i++)
                if (out[i] != output[i])
                    return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed encryption expected " + new String(Hex.encode(output)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out)));
            engine.init(false, params);
            len = engine.processBytes(output, 0, output.length, out, 0);
                engine.doFinal(out, len);
            catch (Exception e)
                return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": decryption exception - " + e.toString());
            for (int i = 0; i != input.length; i++)
                if (out[i] != input[i])
                    return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed encryption expected " + new String(Hex.encode(input)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(out)));
            return new SimpleTestResult(true, getName() + ": Okay");
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Examples of org.bouncycastle.util.test.SimpleTestResult

            hmac.update(m, 0, m.length);
            hmac.doFinal(resBuf, 0);

            if (!arraysEqual(resBuf, Hex.decode(digests[i])))
                return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": Vector " + i + " failed");

        return new SimpleTestResult(true, getName() + ": Okay");
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