NucleotideSequence tss5 = p.getTSSPair().getSequence(TSSPair.KEY_FIVE_PRIME);
NucleotideSequence tss3 = p.getTSSPair().getSequence(TSSPair.KEY_THREE_PRIME);
// The sequence of the probe arms (full arms)
String tssSeq = tss3.seqString() + tss5.seqString();
NucleotideSequence fullTSS = new SimpleNucleotideSequence("TSS",tssSeq,p.getType()); //$NON-NLS-1$
//Get the sequence to search for in other probes
String threeseq = p.subsequence(p.length() - min3Length + 1, p.length());
String fiveseq = p.subsequence(1, min5Length);
String query = NucleotideSequenceHandler.getRevComp(threeseq + fiveseq, p.getType(),s.getType());
//Length of 5' TSS
int TSSlen5 = tss5.length();
//Length of 3' TSS
int TSSlen3 = tss3.length();
//Get the string to search in, extend it if it is to be interpreted as circular,
//and change any Us to Ts to allow correct interpretation
String sequence = s.seqString().replace('U', 'T');
if (circular) {
sequence += sequence.substring(0, min3Length + min5Length - 1);
//To store the results in
Stack<Integer> results = new Stack<Integer>();
//Search for occurrences of the query in the sequence
int index = -1;
while ((index = sequence.indexOf(query, index + 1)) > -1) {
//If stipulated, check Tm to be above limit
if (doTm) {
float maxTm = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
//Extract a template to check the whole TSS pair against
int start = Math.max(0,index+min5Length-TSSlen5);
int end = Math.min(index+min5Length+TSSlen3,sequence.length());
//Get the template to compare to
String template = sequence.substring(start,end);
//Get all possible sequences to match the probe to
String[] sequences = NucleotideSequenceHandler.getPossibleSequences(template,s.getType());
for (int sc = 0;sc<sequences.length;sc++) {
NucleotideSequence s2 = new SimpleNucleotideSequence("S2",sequences[sc],s.getType()); //$NON-NLS-1$
NAHybridStructure hs = ((FractionalMeltingPointCalculator) fmpc).calculateHybridStructure(fullTSS,s2);
if (hs != null) {
float Tm;
try {