else if (classFile.isInterface())
print("interface ");
Signature_attribute sigAttr = getSignature(cf.attributes);
if (sigAttr == null) {
// use info from class file header
if (classFile.isClass() && classFile.super_class != 0 ) {
String sn = getJavaSuperclassName(cf);
if (!sn.equals("java.lang.Object")) {
print(" extends ");
for (int i = 0; i < classFile.interfaces.length; i++) {
print(i == 0 ? (classFile.isClass() ? " implements " : " extends ") : ",");
print(getJavaInterfaceName(classFile, i));
} else {
try {
Type t = sigAttr.getParsedSignature().getType(constant_pool);
JavaTypePrinter p = new JavaTypePrinter(classFile.isInterface());
// The signature parser cannot disambiguate between a
// FieldType and a ClassSignatureType that only contains a superclass type.
if (t instanceof Type.ClassSigType) {